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operative's vanish


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hi @all...


I´ve searched already via search-function....

when I use my vanish (cloaking screen) my companion still stays in-fight. thats very annoying, especially when I send my mate fighting a boss-mob while I'm looting a treasure chest - and then click vanish. I can wait a few minutes, but I will stay in-fight. when I de-stealth, my mate (kaliyo) immediately focuses the mobs and starts fighting....

is this a known bug....(or a feature? :-D )

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if you vanish after the fight has started then your companion will remain in combat. you can either let your companion die before hitting your vanish, or you can vanish and get to a safe distance, then wait out your vanish cooldown timer, unstealth and then vanish again. then you'll be out of combat. i usually let my companion die, then vanish cuz it's faster than waiting out the cooldown
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Mobs already doing channeled abilities, you or companion have a DoT on you, or companion standing in aoe: vanish fails and you stay in combat.

Wait until DoT's expired and mobs are just doing regular shots, vanish works just fine.


It's not a brainless, free get out of jail card. You need to use it at the right moment.

Edited by Washell
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As others have said, you and your companion have to be completely free of channels, DoTs, and AoEs -- this includes ones you or your companion may have put on the mobs as well. Put your companion on passive first and run a bit if you have to before stealthing.


Now, I will say one recurring bug (which I feel is actually a bug) is mobs following your stealthed companion without actually knocking your companion out of stealth. I have seen this one come and go while using Vanish and other Hide In Plain Sight abilities. And, yes, it puts you back in combat no matter what, and taking yourself out of stealth will cause the companion to go attack the mob that was following along... which will aggro that whole group all over again. It will also cause other nearby mobs to aggro on occasion, which can be a real mess. When this happens I just run like heck and hope for the best. :p

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As others have said, you and your companion have to be completely free of channels, DoTs, and AoEs -- this includes ones you or your companion may have put on the mobs as well. Put your companion on passive first and run a bit if you have to before stealthing.


This. ^

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