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This should be an easy question...


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I have researched the best I could and have not found the answer to this....


First off, I play an Assault Spec PvP oriented Commando. I like Gunnery but since I have gotten the 4 piece PvP set bonus, I feel I am more productive in Assault. However, that is not my question.


When I get down to placing those off spec skills, essentially my last 3 points can go into either Special Munitions or Field Training. I have traditionally put my points in Field Training but thought about this today and wondered where I could find a definitive list of which skills were ranged and which were tech.


I expect the following are ranged: Hammer Shot, Full Auto, Charged Bolts, High Impact Bolt

I expect the following are tech: Incendiary Round, Sticky Grenade, Assault Plastique, all heals, Electro Net


I am not clear about the AoEs but I would think Hail of Bolts is ranged.


So, from my standpoint - I want as many crits as possible but want to understand the trade off of my DPS as derived from both categories. So, it comes down to is 3% on both better than 6% on ranged. I searched various spots to try to find a skill listing that chose range versus tech but could not find one.


So, I am here asking what I have missed. Now, I agree I could parse it and will if nobody has a list already.

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