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War Deserters


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It's time the developers implement a war zone deserter de-buff. The amount of people leaving war zone on PoT5 is crazy. People are leaving after the team loses a single door in a Voidstar or gets double capped in Civil War or goes down 0-1 in Huttball. These people need to be penalized.


If the de-buff can be used for flash points for people who leave a team behind voluntarily I'm pretty sure the same system could be implemented in war zones. I think a 10-15 queue for war zone de-buff would work well or just not letting that person queue until the match he/she was in ends would work well also. The latter may be harder to implement though.

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They said that they didn't want to do this because if someone genuinely had to go, they'd get penalized.


Problem is, if you have to go, you'd wait out the timer anyway while you're away from your computer.


There's no reason not to have this in.

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