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Any Competitive PvP'rs?


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Hey all this is Jitterz. I ran Starsiders <SS> on Kellar's Void from launch until a little after the huge let down when they canceled the promised launch date of rated War Zones. (Pretty much marked the death of most competitive pvp in the game, not just KV).<SS> was pretty much the powerhouse on KV pub for PVP. Big shout out to any KV holdouts! I got pulled back in by a few rl buddies and figured I'd mess around on the game a bit. This is not soo much a Starsiders recruiting thread as a testing of the waters.


Are there any serious/competitive PvP groups out there? I am beginning to hear that PvP is pretty much dead in the game... is it PoT5 or nada? Is PoT5 even worth it?



Any old school KV faces please post a shout-out!

Edited by Jablome
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Kellar's Void representing!!!


Pros and cons to moving to Pot5, if you read the server forums it's all there in B&W. I have a mid lowbie I'm leveling on JC, so can't really speak for the true state of 55 pvp or ranked pvp for that matter. But I do know that there are people who are actively trying to get rateds - even if just kickball style - going. If anything, JC has always had a pretty vocal pvp community and it seems a good few have remained to rebuild...I hope to see that happen.


Good Luck :)

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