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Republic Summit


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With recent server transfers it seems like everyone wants to know what the state of Jung Ma is. As the only RP-PVP server I think we have an obligation to promote what make us unique: community organized world PVP. The desire for these kinds of events is clearly present. This thread is a good recent example: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=654107


The imperial leadership has already conducted summit meetings with various guilds. The idea started here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=646692


Has the Republic had any success getting our own summit meetings going? I couldn't find a Republic Summit thread which is why I am posting this.


I am primarily interested in creating a list of Republic guilds who are interested in actively working with Imperial guilds to set up large and small scale RP-PVP events. We need to be having monthly meetings just as they are doing on the Imperial side in order to organize ourselves.


Which Republic guilds have an interest in participating in these meetings?

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I don't think any Republic summits have been held yet Corth.

Grats on Sgt. btw, it's well deserved.


Pretty sure you know I'm moving in not too long. After that I'm gonna make an effort to get some wpvp from Remnants.

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Fantastic. I also talked to Som recently and he says Nexu will be looking for some coordination in the future as well - that will also be dependent on the rest of the Sokan leadership. I'm looking for more guild leaders to sound off in this thread.
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I do not think there have been any.

I feel like there *might* have been one closer to launch?

I am surprised there hasn't been, especially since the Imperial side has one.


Either way, you know if there is one Remnants of Hope will show up :)

(Read, I will haul in my guildleaders personally :D)


What do you feel would be gained via a summit? The things I thought/reading the Imperial summit...



- Possible shared story/plot hooks

- Possible shared RP events



- Finding out which guilds are working on what content and hooking up guilds with vacant raiding spots

- Hooking up to do large world events like Dreadtooth and Nightmare Pilgrim



- The current status of Ranked teams

- Discussion of what nights are "pvp" nights (not a pvper, but I believe there are unofficial days of the week... perhaps a way to solidify this more formally

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:) Just form set one up, toss a date around see who bites. given that Jung Ma is a small community hit people up the leaders or officers personally in game, toss up a few advertisements in general chat on the fleet, starter areas. Get the word out. It seems the imps went through the motions to get this off the ground.


If you want it to happen just go for it.

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People who are recalling something similar just after launch are recalling correctly. We did this twice, actually (three times?). But attrition and time tend to break these things up. Regardless, there's, afaik, no widespread alliance among Pub guilds for rp-wpvp now, but if you're thinking of trying to put something together, please keep Seelund in mind. We're exceptionally small in numbers, but we've got a lot of experience in planning/facilitating events and taking charge of the pug-op that always happens at large-scale pvp events.
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Praxium is very interested in this event but would like to ensure we are talking about more than world PVP. We are looking to strengthen the Republic RP presence and integrate with other mature RP guilds within our faction and across.


I started a post (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=659927) which seems premature and have since cancelled it. However I would recommend the format and offer to work with whomever is stepping forward to organize.


Praxium is Primarily an RP guild, but most of us love to PVP as well.



Augrym Jeade`en

Jedi Master / Praxium General (GM)


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So let's get a list of people interested in Collaborating set up here.


Nexu Company

Alpha Company

Knights of Sokan


Remnants of Hope

Seelund Trading CO.

Esoteric Order (Filthy Imperials!)

The Guardians


Now... Most seem to be on board for RP-PVP. I've had a side discussion going on with Aydrien and one of the biggest issues we're going to hit is how will this large alliance/collaboration going to make sense? And to be frank, I will admit that I am not too sure what some of the guilds here represent. I know Nexu and Alpha are military based. Sokan, is focused on the Jedi order. Remnants is reconstruction on Taris (Correct me if I'm wrong). Seelund Trading CO. are contractors but as for the other guilds I am not too sure of.


With that established we need to setup a time and day for all guilds to meet, essentially Augrym's plan. His structure is solid but it needs to be a time that in the worst case scenario we can have a representative from each guild come in case the leaders or Ambassadors are unable to.

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A representative from Vornskr Securites will also attend the meeting if it is not to late to RSVP. We are a security contract company.




In all seriousness, you're more than welcome to join in on the discussions.

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For easier copy/pasting later, that brings the list to:


Nexu Company

Alpha Company

Knights of Sokan


Remnants of Hope

Seelund Trading Co

Esoteric Order

The Guardians

Warzone Junkies

Vornskr Securities


Many people can't make the date and time that Augrym put forward. So when _are_ folks available?


I can't do Tuesdays until later because of the Races on Tatooine. Otherwise evenings are best for me. Saturday afternoon and some Fridays are not an option for me. When can your representatives make it to a meeting?


I like Augrym's suggested agenda with the change that we need to discuss both RP and specifically RP-PVP, as well as _why_ we're all working together IC-wise. For Seelund it's easy -- we provide strategic information, coordination and resources to the highest bidder, and we frequently work with the Republic military. Easy enough to say that we've been contracted by one or more of the other guilds. Some of the rest of you are going to be more challenging to integrate in that fashion and I think we should include some brainstorming on that score in with "interguild RP."

Edited by Aydrien
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Thesos will come representing himself.


Though I'm not a member of any Republic guilds, I do want to see what can be done and such. I feel as if the Republic on Jung Ma has become relatively reclusive, with RP events contained mostly within guilds and almost never outside. Maybe I'm blind and it's happening all around, but when compared to the Imperial's presence, it simply makes the Republic look stagnant.

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Just to make it easier to coordinate, I've aggregated all the information from this thread and Augrym's other thread here: http://crysodenkirk.com/blog/pubsummit/ and I will update it as more information is added here or in discussions in game. If you have an addition to it, or something is incorrect, please let me know.


That should make it simpler to find a time and keep the discussion together. If we need to we can find a permanent home for this information later; I just wanted to get it started so it's there for us to use without having to page through what is likely to become several pages of thread in the meantime.

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Tave Tiesa Tikyba definitely has an interest this, anyone have any have a date or time that this could happen? Our representatives would definitely want to go Edited by Trunkssp
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