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Suggestion: Companion Faction Toggle for Crafted Gear


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Let me first apologize if this has come up before. I honestly can't imagine it hasn't but couldn't think of which keywords to google.


I'm a huge fan of crafting and one thing I like to do is craft matching sets for all my companions (even the ones I don't use). One thing I have constantly been vexed by is the gear not matching the story of the companion when it actually turns into the right gear when mailed to the other faction. There are a number of companions who would be better suited story wise by being in the other faction's gear. This is most obvious with Aim and Cunning gear as the characters end up in uniforms even when that is wildly inappropriate. Here are the companions I see a problem with:


Andronikos (should be in smuggler gear)

Ashara (should be in JK gear)

Scourge (should be in SW gear)

Qyzen (should be in BH gear)

Pierce (should be in trooper gear)

Vette (should be in smuggler gear)

Jaesa Light (should be in consular gear)

Corso (should be in BH gear)

Akaavi (should be in BH gear)

Gault (should be in smuggler gear)

Mako (should be in smuggler gear)


I'd very much like to see a toggle switch for companions right underneath the "hide head slot" toggle that allows us to switch between the BH gear and the trooper gear for example. Perhaps "toggle faction appearance". Or alternatively, when we craft the gear we choose the look we want for the item.


I expect this to be rather difficult, but I think it would make a lot of sense to do it. It is just bizarre that the independent companions end up in uniforms.

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