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NO Weekly Comm's CAP for SUB'S!!!


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Yes that would truly be a GIFT to SUB's worth receiving. It's the gift that would keep on giving and encourage SUB's to remain SUB'd.


Make it SO number one! (EA/BW)


- I'm a SUB and I approve this message. /signed :D

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Won't happen.


If you remove the Comm cap -- you remove the artificial block in place to slow down content consumption. That WON'T make subs stay subbed. It will make it faster to get through all of the content, and then people get burnt out and leave.

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Nice idea... Double the CAP would be cool.


Those that play the game ALOT just have ALT's and run them thru the same HM content. Kind of silly really, but a workaround to the silly reset and limit on weekly comm's.

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I am fine with the weekly cap, I wouldn't mind them raising or removing the hard cap though...every week I keep getting spammed "you have exceeded your comm cap". And then I have to go to the vendor and find something to buy for a companion or something.
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Fixing PvP would be a nice gift.


- PvP queue us broken beyond belief. MAtches starting 7 v 8 and 6 v 8 are quite common with no back fills.


- Bolster is still far from fixed. guilies lost 300 exp. by changing form his PvE gear to a Partisan chest he just bought. He switched back and only got back ~50-100 exp.

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If they did double the cap then there would people on here blaming Bioware for causing them a lack of sleep, causing them to miss meals, and failing to do their homework or bathe. Then there would be the people who would more quickly say, "I leveled 20 alts in two weeks and this game sucks because there is a lack of new content." Not that we don't have that crowd already, but it would just intensify.


To those who think 100 comms is insufficient, please go outside and breathe some fresh air. It's really a whole 'nother world outside the basement. Experience it. Enjoy!

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The Cap is there for ONE simple reason. This has been used by other MMO's in the past.


The company wants it to take you time to get the gear. So the artificial cap is there to force you to play the game for longer (stay Sub).

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The cap does seem silly when I just run 3-4 55s to max comms and trade mods,etc with Legacy gear.


I do prefer the alts to unlimited comms on a single character as endlessly running the same class gets pretty boring. Then again I have run about 140 of the 55 fps so its boring anyway. Can't wait for the two new ones! I will enjoy the one day it feels new ;)


Really the solution would be an endgame that had something to besides earn comms.

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