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Free Access to the +10 to ALL STATS datacron!


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We're approaching that time again! Order 65 will be offering FREE ACCESS to the +10 to all stats datacron on the Republic Fleet on July 14th, 2013 at 7 pm PST. You only need to be level 45+ and have the blue crystal from the Gav Daragon museum in order to get access to the datacron.


We will have sages and guides in place to help you get the datacron in a timely manner. Please watch General Chat on the Republic Fleet for more announcements on that night.


As always, Order 65(and our Imp side guild Order Sixty-Sixx) is always recruiting for our PvP and PvE progression teams. Check out our website for further details!

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You only need to be level 45+ and have the blue crystal from the Gav Daragon museum in order to get access to the datacron.


Finally, someone who knows the correct prerequisites for the +10 datacron. On a few occasions I've been kicked from group for having a toon between 45-50 that needed it.

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The usual tip we receive can be anywhere between 10k-300k credits. It just depends on your personal preferences and how much you think our service is worth... the 300k is usually from people who bring through multiple toons.


We do this as a service to the server and its population that we care for.. We hate seeing it be charged for, thus why we don't charge, but never say no to tips. :)

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Thank you to all who came to join us for our +10 to all stats Datacron event! We helped over 500 toons get the datacron! Wow! That's one of our best turn outs yet! Thank you all!


At one point.. we had 6 pairs of sages pulling and our line reached all the way back across the bridge and down the hall.


If you'd like to send tips or donations and didn't that night.. please mail them to myself (Jazzlyn) or our guild master, Bubblie/Gummball


Or.. just find any Order 65 member and they can take it as well.


Thanks again for the wonderful turn out! We're planning to offer this again in two weeks, so watch the forums and General Chat for more info!

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I got a run on this, thanks a bunch guys. One thing I might say would help your already pretty impressive level of organisation if you even do this again, is restrict the number of people you get across the bridge. Just make people wait further away to reduce confusion.


gg 0-65

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I got a run on this, thanks a bunch guys. One thing I might say would help your already pretty impressive level of organisation if you even do this again, is restrict the number of people you get across the bridge. Just make people wait further away to reduce confusion.


gg 0-65


Actually.. that was something we discussed.. but we felt it might ease frustration to keep the bridge open as much as we could.. that way those crossing could see the people in front of them and see the reason they were waiting (although we do feel we were moving people through quickly.) We were surprised and pleased by how readily everyone made a line that we could keep moving. I think there were only 3 or 4 instances of people who, once they had a symbol, didn't move and held up that pair of sages.

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