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All this Pot5 Vs Bastion stuff is Stupid


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Both servers have good rated scenes

Both servers have a lot of teams that queue(bastion has 17 that i know of)

Both servers have good players

Both servers are competitive

We shall never know what server has the better teams because there will never be x server queues becuase bioware already said they couldn't.....Also It's pretty much personal opinion but i honestly think Bastion has better teams and players (don't get me wrong PoT5 has good player an teams But IMO bastion is better) but i like i said it's an opinion.


Only way we will know who has better teams, is if they merge PoT5 and Bastion which wont happen unless game dies and by then all the good players will be gone..


Or if there are X server queues and this wont happen because bioware already stated their servers couldnt handle it lol


Wondering what server is better PoT5 Vs Bastion is like Wondering if a Unicorn is real, if there really is a leprechaun at the end of the rainbow, and if there is a chupacabra!!! we will never know!! GL all have a nice day :)

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I actually transferred one of my jugs to the bastion. From what I've found, the warzones were great, community seemed tight and overall good vibe. I've only switched over a few times, but one good point(perhaps coincidental), was there was less quitters within warzones. A bit too early to know, but so far bastion has proved to be a very good server from my perspective.


Prophecy of the five isn't prophecy of the five anymore. lol, I mean to say that only within a few days, the massive immigration to the server and the type of action those people bring is changing the climate. I say that with good tidings of course, but as the server continues to amalgamate, there are still inherent cliques.



But you're absolutely right. Trying to boast one over the other is trite.




May your ping be sweet, and your que times sweeter!

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A sensible post. We cant really know, can we, (except for that bit on PTS and even then that just lead to more arguing) but at least instead of cross servers transfers have consolidated the rated scenes into 2 servers. It did make for some entertainment though this server ego contest.



And then you still say Bastion is better :p

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A sensible post. We cant really know, can we, (except for that bit on PTS and even then that just lead to more arguing) but at least instead of cross servers transfers have consolidated the rated scenes into 2 servers. It did make for some entertainment though this server ego contest.



And then you still say Bastion is better :p



Saw what you did there. I usually grace a thread with my presence, and as always it becomes success.

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