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A complete and utter joke!


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Essentially what im bummed about is that people with a lot of money pretty much pay Bioware for credits instantly, and theres people in game who may not have a lot of money (in real life) And have to spend their time in game to earn those credits.


Like I said, rewarding players with game time for actually playing is a win win for everyone.


Do I need to point out the free CC's each month for subbing again? They are rewarding you for paying to play their game. I don't buy CC's but I'll have enough saved up from my sub to either sell packs on the GTN for credits or enough to purchase Treek outright if I want.


Oh and hey I earned a few CC's in game the other day by completing an achievement.

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It doesn't bother me if you use coins or credits to purchase the Ewok but I really think the legacy level requirement should stay in place. I am far from level 40 but the ones that are should have something to show for the level they have achieved.


As it stands there is nothing for them that have the legacy level that high besides maybe some title. They deserve something a little more.

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I could spend time and effort in-game to earn the credits to get the companion.

Or i could spend time and effort at my job and earn real cash to get the companion.

I dont see why you want to force me into doing only one of those things.


Basically your argument boils down to "its not fair because i cant afford it" which sounds kinda silly.

Ive been there, ive had no money. Hell, i even had to unsubscribe for a while because i had no money (and alot of other things that i think ive explained to you already in your little bowcaster thread).

I didnt whine about others being able to buy stuff i couldnt buy. Hell i didnt complain about not being able to play the game at all whilst others could (since it wasnt F2P back then).

I just accepted that i was in that situation at the time.

And i suggest that you do the same. If you cant afford Treek through the CM, then earn some credits in-game and get her that way.


There certainly is no P2W argument here, so its all down to "its unfair"...


Basically my argument is "this game is turning into a shop, and is becoming less and less of a video game where you actually are rewarded the more you PLAY IT"

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Basically my argument is "this game is turning into a shop, and is becoming less and less of a video game where you actually are rewarded the more you PLAY IT"


What games reward you for the time you play? You don't get a trophy in any game, single player or other. Why should you? They are there for the benefit of idling your free time away. I play to relieve stress, I play for entertainment instead of being glued to the tv. Why should the game reward me just because I spend time playing it? It's enough of a reward to have it there to play.

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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Basically my argument is "this game is turning into a shop, and is becoming less and less of a video game where you actually are rewarded the more you PLAY IT"


So in a constructive manner, why not offer a suggestion to BW to get your point across without the sarcasm, raging, finger-pointing, etc.?


I'm being sincere. I'm all for seeing constructive feedback, that helps the community as a whole.

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So in a constructive manner, why not offer a suggestion to BW to get your point across without the sarcasm, raging, finger-pointing, etc.?


I'm being sincere. I'm all for seeing constructive feedback, that helps the community as a whole.


There are many many posts in this thread which i have put my point across and explained about my ideas and opinions. :)

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Im sure everyone wants treek instantly, but not everyone can afford to get treek instantly. Essentially there is a divide between people who purchase instantly with CC and people who spend time earning credits.


And if Treek was a gameplay affecting item, I might agree with you. But she's not. Everything she does, HK-51, C2-N2, or your class companions can do.


Therefore, if I want to purchase Treek with CC, that won't affect you who wants to purchase Treek with credits.


The only thing on the CM that affects gameplay is the level 31 armour sets... and they are not Best in Slot, even at level 31. And MAYBE the crafting materials from the packs. If you want to rant about those being Pay to win, I might even support your side.... but you do not have a valid point about the rest of the CM items. They are as they should be. Buyable on the CM, sellable on the GTN for those that can't afford to buy them from the CM


And honestly, I might purchase Treek with CC because I don't care too much about feeling like I earned her. I just want a fun, cute, fluffy companion. And I like ewoks.

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There are many many posts in this thread which i have put my point across and explained about my ideas and opinions. :)


Look at the title of your thread alone and your OP....Most Devs I'd imagine wont bother to look past that initial post.

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What games reward you for the time you play? You don't get a trophy in any game, single player or other. Why should you? They are there for the benefit of idling your free time away. I play to relieve stress, I play for entertainment instead of being glued to the tv. Why should the game reward me just because I spend time playing it? It's enough of a reward to have it there to play.


i blamed the xbox and ps3 achievement rewards system tbh. it made videos game into something more than what it is.....a game.:confused:

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Basically my argument is "this game is turning into a shop, and is becoming less and less of a video game where you actually are rewarded the more you PLAY IT"


And as I said in another thread, I personally used to champion the same attitude a few years back. But times change, games change and player habits change.


You can no longer say I am more important than you because I have more free time.....in the same sense as I would never endorse an attitude of I am more important than you because I have more free cash.....


BW has catered to both schools of thought....if you want to preserve the old ways and grind out your rewards you can, if you dont have the time to invest and want to short cut some grinding by way of a cash payment, you can.


It doesnt matter which choice you make, it does not impact anyone else.


I will never understand the idea behind sayig give me the option I want, but dont give others the option they want...even though it affects me in no way....like I said, whilst I used to champion the elitist cause, it belongs in the stone age and BW are righlty catering to as many customers as possible, opening up the game to as many players as they can from all walks of life, allowing people to play and enjoy the game and be rewarded for playing the game, no matter what lifestyle or work schedule that may have back IRL....


As a gamer, that is a good thing IMO...



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Can some people not afford loads of CC? Sure. Does that stink for some folks and make them a bit miffed at how the game is set up...probably.


Do they care enough to stop playing, or cause the game to fail...not likely.


It would be great, frankly, if the game provided more for less. It is a medium of entertainment after all. By that same token, however, it would also be great if everything in the game had meaning and had to be earned.


When folks had to walk early on sprint was appreciated. The amount of time it took to travel from point A to point B was notable. You couldn't use QT every time you felt like it, and you certainly could not drop a grand to grab fleet passes like they were candy.


You had to wear armor that visually identified your class. Want mods? You had to get them on the planet that provided that mod level since they were planet locked.


You had to actually EARN the speeder you had. The armor you wore. The weapon you carried.


And how did that go for the game? Did the game do well under that rule set? I think we all know the answer to that.


We can lament the loss of challenge and earned perks in games due to the catering to casual majorities all day, but it is probably futile. Progress brings change and change is not always a welcome thing.


This game has changed. Providing convenience is now the focus....not providing meaning. That went out with the last dev staff.


Like it or not, good or bad, it is likely the future of this game and of the genre overall, and no amount of complaining or campaigning is going to change it.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Im sure everyone wants treek instantly, but not everyone can afford to get treek instantly. Essentially there is a divide between people who purchase instantly with CC and people who spend time earning credits.

So, your problem is that you cannot obtain Treek instantly because you cannot afford it or because you seem to live CC stipend to CC stipend and never save them up?


Your problem is that someone else who can afford it, or who has some level of self-control and has the CC's saved up, they shouldn't be allowed to obtain Treek right away... simply because you can't?


Your problem is even though you have a way to obtain the companion, in-game, w/out requiring CC's, you are upset because you can't be "server first" and you'll see others roaming around with Treek before you get yours?


You problem is that somehow their Treek bought via the CM will somehow diminish the value of you getting your Treek? As if the value of the companion of obtaining and using Treek is somehow diminished because someone else didn't go on the X-number of hours quest?


Your problem is that you seem to view Treek, a companion, a purely cosmetic/fluff item in the game that doesn't grant you any sort of gameplay advantage as P2W?


So... the problem seems to be with you. But clearly it's BW's fault. It's all their fault that you have a problem that many of us in here are telling you is your problem.


You're sort of like Ferris Beuller's sister and we're Charlie Sheen, telling you the problem is with you.


Edited by Lostpenguins
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Can some people not afford loads of CC? Sure. Does that stink for some folks and make them a bit miffed at how the game is set up...probably.


Do they care enough to stop playing, or cause the game to fail...not likely.


It would be great, frankly, if the game provided more for less. It is a medium of entertainment after all. By that same token, however, it would also be great if everything in the game had meaning and had to be earned.


When folks had to walk early on sprint was appreciated. The amount of time it took to travel from point A to point B was notable. You couldn't use QT every time you felt like it, and you certainly could not drop a grand to grab fleet passes like they were candy.


You had to wear armor that visually identified your class. Want mods? You had to get them on the planet that provided that mod level since they were planet locked.


You had to actually EARN the speeder you had. The armor you wore. The weapon you carried.


And how did that go for the game? Did the game do well under that rule set? I think we all know the answer to that.


We can lament the loss of challenge and earned perks in games due to the catering to casual majorities all day, but it is probably futile. Progress brings change and change is not always a welcome thing.


This game has changed. Providing convenience is now the focus....not providing meaning. That went out with the last dev staff.


Like it or not, good or bad, it is likely the future of this game and of the genre overall, and no amount of complaining or campaigning is going to change it.


A well written post. I agree.

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Next update, level your character instantly to 55! Get full Dreadseed legacy armor for one time payment of 600CC


Coming in update 2.6, youll be able to get a full set of Kell Dragon gear with only 1800CC!


We want to make subscribers feel they are getting their moneys worth!


In all seriousness, this is a complete joke. Just goes this game has gone Play 2 Cartel Market. The cartel market is just a fast track. Bioware only cares about CC, not the people who spend time actually playing the game. I want to be rewarded for playing the game, for earning credits in game, not for paying real money for credits (buying CM stuff, selling on GTN). Not everyone is rich you know, this scheme just divides the players. This game is turning into a damn toy shop.


Easy on the meds, bad things will happen.


BTW, your propensity for complaining about anything and everything in these forums is well known. So why would anyone take your latest whinefest seriously?

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Essentially what im bummed about is that people with a lot of money pretty much pay Bioware for credits instantly, and theres people in game who may not have a lot of money (in real life) And have to spend their time in game to earn those credits.


Like I said, rewarding players with game time for actually playing is a win win for everyone.


It sounds like your problem is ACTUALLY with the lack of subscriber love. If that is the root problem here, you should focus on that alone -- because I'm sure most of us actually agree.


I'd LOVE for there to be more stuff to do, I'd love for subscribers to see some love -- but I'm not AT ALL against having multiple ways of doing something, especially if it generates income for the game. The real problem is when that income doesn't go back into the game, or the game stagnates.


Your looking at one side of the argument because you're unhappy. In my previous post -- there is nothing different about scenario 1 or scenario 2. The CM is excellent -- people spend RL$ purchasing packs, and sell stuff to get credits. While that may not be something you like -- it makes those items available to you by doing things in-game. There is no reason for a divide between the two players. There isn't even an actual divide -- it is quite a symbiotic relationship.


And as far as people who can purchase it immediately with CC -- well, there are some people who never spent their CC stipend. There are some people rolling around with millions of credits, and tossing out 1mil is a joke to them. There are others who spend and spend and spend -- everyone is different. The price-point is reasonable, and that is all that should matter.

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Easy on the meds, bad things will happen.


BTW, your propensity for complaining about anything and everything in these forums is well known. So why would anyone take your latest whinefest seriously?


Huh...imagine that, nothing but a personal attack from uzi. Nothing on the topic, just a chance to attack a poster.

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I may sound hypocritical but I would support something like this.


At least you admit your hypocrisy. That's progress IMO.


But by accepting the PLEX model that EVE has used successfully for years now.. you undermine your own position such that nobody can/will take you seriously about your complaints. Because the things you have been complaining about (people converting real life money into in game currency) is exactly what PLEX does in EVE.


You come off as looking as though anything is OK as long as it's good for you and makes you happy.... and to hell with what others think or feel about a game that has more people playing then you.

Edited by Andryah
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Yes, I think it would generate good will toward Bioware to show subscribers some love. I don't see anything but good that could come from that and strongly recommend them to do so as soon as they are able.


I do, however, want to continue to see the market thrive and grow.

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At least you admit your hypocrisy. That's progress IMO.


But by accepting the PLEX model that EVE has used successfully for years now.. you undermine your own position such that nobody can/will take you seriously about your complaints. Because the things you have been complaining about (people converting real life money into in game currency) is exactly what PLEX does in EVE.


You come off as looking as though anything is OK as long as it's good for you and makes you happy.... and to hell with what others think or feel about a game that has more people playing then you.


Yes, but PLEX rewards players when they buy the PLEX with credits, because they have been playing the game, and so they get FREE game time without spending any real money.


Yeah, id love to subscribe to this game for free. I'm sure many other people would. I never said I want these benefits souly for myself, but if I did, please quote me on that.

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Yes, but PLEX rewards players when they buy the PLEX with credits, because they have been playing the game, and so they get FREE game time without spending any real money.


Yeah, id love to subscribe to this game for free. I'm sure many other people would. I never said I want these benefits souly for myself, but if I did, please quote me on that.


PLEX still gives players credits for real money, which is your argument against selling items from the CM on the GTN.

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PLEX still gives players credits for real money, which is your argument against selling items from the CM on the GTN.


Yes, thats my argument.


Like I've said before, the people who spend the time of their day to earn credits aren't being rewarded, they may not even be able to afford to buy extra cartel coins on top of their subscription and monthly allowance.


But the people who buy CM items and sell them for in game credits seem to have a lot of real life money, and that puts them above the people who earn their credits in game the hard way.


With the ability to purchase game time on the GTN for credits, the people who play this game a lot are rewarded because they have enough money to purchase free game time

Edited by Ayelinna
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People with not a lot of real money will put more time and effort into the game to earn in game credits to buy the companion (or however other way there is to obtain the companion).


Thats what I dont like about this!


These people could have just got the credits through the CM anyways by buying stuff and listing it on the GTN, so this point is invalid.

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