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Looking for a Morning Ops group.


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I started a new job recently, and I'm working second shift, so my old operations times no longer work for me.


I'm looking for a ops group that runs Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday mornings, and finishes by noon server (pst) since I start work at 1pm server. (I work a morning shift on Wednesdays)


I'm willing to start as early as 5am server.


Well geared Sniper/almost as well geared Assassin tank

(I also have a Sorc Healer and a Marauder, but they aren't as well geared, and I have minimal experience on them in ops.)


I have cleared all content on SM, and have researched HM mechanics.


Been raiding since Vanilla WoW. Competent, Reliable, and willing to listen to constructive feedback.

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