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BH Merc PVE...Aim or Power?


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Aim > Power


Although; power is a secondary stat & aim is a primary, when it comes to gear itemisation the only time they compete for space is on an augment, but as you are dps and you take the 9% aim buff talent you should use aim augments (different schools of theorycraft thought here, and many many threads that argue either way but IMO aim is the right choice).


- Choose armorings & barrels with the higher aim attribute (Reflex)


- Choose mods with the highest combined total of aim & power


- Choose enhancements with accuracy until you have roughly: 100% ranged/110%tech accuracy, then choose power & surge


- Use aim augments (Reflex)


- Use power crystals (Hawkeye)


- Use implants & earpieces with some combination of aim, power, accuracy & surge.


- Avoid alacrity & crit on gear if possible (although - *some* crit is usually unavoidable when gearing & personally I like to have a little crit rating so I get 20-25% crit fully buffed, but if you have a choice of two equally rated pieces for a slot then; power>crit)



Edited by Snapsix
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