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Can we get a Phone App for Crew Skills please?


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100% against being able to play the game without playing the game. so thats a no for me.


And how exactly can you play the game without playing the game? Your statement makes no sense.


If you are playing the game, even one facet of it, you are playing the game.



Did you know that when I cook supper I'm actually crafting in game? True story!


So I'm taking up all the same server resources as if I were actually playing but, according to you, I'm not actually playing.

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Personally, I would love something like this and would use it but it just isn't fair for people that do not own smart phones.


Owning something outside the game should not give you an in-game advantage ... ever.


I'm working a full time job with a ton of overtime at the moment. It's just not fair that some people can play 4 hours a night. It's even less fair that some people are students and don't have classes some nights, so they can play for 20 hours straight.


I demand that Bioware address this inequity by limiting everyone's play time to 2 hours out of 24.


Besides, a Web app is requested along with the smartphone app just to address this.

Edited by ColonelKer-Nal
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Would love to dork around with crew missions when I am not able to log in.


What this app should be able to do:

-Sync with your character by log-in through the phone app

-View the Crew skills panel, or a version of it for the character you are synced to.

-View missions for crew skills

-Send companions on missions for crew skills

-Limited Character Inventory panel (right click for opening items, and to reverse engineer)

-Ability to accept mission rewards


Anyone Savvy enough to create this? I'd pay for it.


I'd pay for it too :)

Also, in the same app have access to the AH (similar to blizzards)

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There already is a phone app for your crew skills, been using it for weeks and it's amazing while I'm at work. It's like the crew skills were made for having an app like this. It's called Companion Remote Desktop. It's on the Android Market and they say they are bringing it to the Apple market soon. It's made by a company called Hypercane Studios, their customer support is great as well.
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Ok, so I looked up a few remote desktop programs, including the ones listed above, and clearly it's something people are able to do already (and already doing).



Which essentially makes the question now "Can we get a legitimate tool from EA/Bioware for the rest of us to use to accomplish the same thing?" Either way, I look forward to working on my crew skills more often.

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Well you can hold your breath in anticipation that Bioware is working "really" hard on an app for mobile phones.....I'm sure it's at the "top" of their list. Or you can get the Companion Remote Desktop app from Hypercane that lets the rest of us work on crew skills all day from work :) Btw it's definitely an app designed for this sole use, it's not just some lame remote desktop app that lets you use your computer, I don't know how ppl could stand doing that from their phones.
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Well you can hold your breath in anticipation that Bioware is working "really" hard on an app for mobile phones.....I'm sure it's at the "top" of their list. Or you can get the Companion Remote Desktop app from Hypercane that lets the rest of us work on crew skills all day from work :) Btw it's definitely an app designed for this sole use, it's not just some lame remote desktop app that lets you use your computer, I don't know how ppl could stand doing that from their phones.


Ten inch tablet FTW.


And if you're running a Tegra based tablet and an nVidia card in your PC the response from Splashtop is excellent.

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If you can afford to play an MMO, you can afford a smart phone.


Also, technology discrimination? Maybe they shouldn't have released SWTOR, since people running an i386 can't play it.


They are already showing signs of technology discrimination. They discriminate against people with great rigs. Instead of fixing graphics issues and educating its player base about how not all computers are built equally, they just remove the advanced graphic options. Anti-aliasing is something that should be included in every pc game upon release and the crap textures still really chap my hide.


Also, an mmo costs $60+$15/month. A smartphone costs upwards of a $100 starting investment depending on your company and the discount they give on a new contract, not to mention the activation fee. The monthly is going to be 70 dollars minimum maybe 50 if you plan on using nothing but wifi.


I have a smartphone and I can tell you $60+$15/month =\= $100+$70/month.

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Queuing missions like Trade skills would be alot better and less freaking micromanaging. instead of having a phone amp.


I can queue 45 min armor pieces, why can't i do that with 36 min missions?


would prevent me from swapping toons every half hour to setup crewskills.. oh joy.


Swtor = SWapping TOons Repeat.

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There already is a phone app for your crew skills, been using it for weeks and it's amazing while I'm at work. It's like the crew skills were made for having an app like this. It's called Companion Remote Desktop. It's on the Android Market and they say they are bringing it to the Apple market soon. It's made by a company called Hypercane Studios, their customer support is great as well.


Depending on where you live and your machine, the cost for the electricity can add up to an extra 10$ a month.

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This will never happen, as it will impact game balance.


As long as your logged into the game client though; then I don't care how you spend your time in the game...


Unless you are a BW dev you can't say that it will "never happen", sorry. particularly since the devs have already said they are working on it.

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some times people confuse "can't afford" with not seeing the point in wasting money on something they don't want.


This. I got a smartphone w/ data plan ~6 years ago or so. I virtually never used it for websurfing or whatnot. So I did the smart thing and cancelled the data plan. Still use the phone as a regular phone though. $50 for a dataplan is pissing away money. $15 for 100+ hours of entertainment is downright cheap.

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Realistically, if you can't afford a $50/mo phone/data plan then you shouldn't be playing an MMO. Your income is way too tight at that point to be spending your money frivolously on a monthly sub to a video game.


That is what always amazes me about MMO forums. There are people always complaining they are too poor to afford this or that. Yet they drop a monthly fee to play video games. Not the most financially sensible thing to do.



lol what? because spending 15 dollars for X hours a month is frivolous? please tell me what other form of entertainment you partake it that costs less?


personally, i pay about 25 cents an hour to play this game. i can't think of any else for that bang for your buck. hell, if this game keeps me inside one night a month i'm already saving cash.


obvs your not tight on cash, because buying a smartphone, getting locked into a contract and paying 40 to 60 bucks a month isn;t affordable for everyone. MMOs at 15 bucks a month are





EDIT: op idea founds great. how about Qing more than 1 mission skill per crew at a time too?

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I would really like the Devs to either:


a.) rework crew missions such that you can pick from the full list of missions available at your skill level (rather than getting random mission options) and then allow players to queue up at least 24 hours worth of missions.




b.) create a web app (with good coding to work/display well on smartphones) to allow players to assign crew missions, receive items from missions and RE items in inventory.


Also, whether they do anything along those lines with crew skill missions, I'd still like a web app to access GTN, post items to GTN, check in-game mail and receive items from GTN transactions.


That's what I'd like.

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