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Can we get a Phone App for Crew Skills please?


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There is such a way, its called Teamviewer, I run it on my Android, remote desktop to my client and locate the missions and send them off. I was doing it when I was at the inlaws for xmas lol.


Yep, easy as pie.


But wouldn't it be better to have an actual phone app that's designed for the small screen?


I certainly think so.


I'd like to see guild chat available on it as well.

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I can play the game on my HTZ Desire Z through Logmein without any problems, but I'd much prefer the ease-of-use of a dedicated application. I'd even pay $10-20 for it and/or a small monthly fee like in WoW.


For my own needs, auction house and guild chat would not matter a whole lot. The player economy does not offer anything for me yet and my guild mostly use Ventrlo anyhow.

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Bullfeathers. If I got banned for botting because I'm actually PLAYING the game, I'd sue the monkey snot out of EA so fast it would make your head spin.


Rofl? EA can ban anyone they want at any time for any reason.


Lol at you for thinking you can sue "the monkey snot" out of them.

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drop it bk down....plz get a life ppl....if you are away from the game ere YOU ARE AWAY FROM THE GAME....enjoy outside :)


Let's turn it around - this way, people would be more inclined to go outside rather than sit around at the computer only to sort a crew skill every half an hour ;)

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Anyone considered how that would affect economy ?


This is a bit of a problem.


It effectively makes it so people are advancing themselves in the game and gaining an edge even when they're not home.


If this is allowed, then you'd have to say it's agreeable with the TOS that you can leave your character logged in from your PC as well and just have a simple clicker script that will click accept on the items and take new missions over and over.


In short, you'd be adding another element for people to be competitive, and free time away from the game isn't quite that anymore for the majority who do want to remain competitive (in crew skills/crafting/trading anyway).



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If you can afford to play an MMO, you can afford a smart phone.


Also, technology discrimination? Maybe they shouldn't have released SWTOR, since people running an i386 can't play it.


HAHA! yup, you dont own a smart phone, the world will "discriminate" against you in thousands of ways. Sorry if you miss out, but that's your choice not to buy one, just as it is your choice to play this game. So why handicap people who want it by using that argument? It's illogical and unsustainable in the long run.

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This is a bit of a problem.


It effectively makes it so people are advancing themselves in the game and gaining an edge even when they're not home.


If this is allowed, then you'd have to say it's agreeable with the TOS that you can leave your character logged in from your PC as well and just have a simple clicker script that will click accept on the items and take new missions over and over.


In short, you'd be adding another element for people to be competitive, and free time away from the game isn't quite that anymore for the majority who do want to remain competitive (in crew skills/crafting/trading anyway).




Faulty logic is faulty. VERY faulty.


A clicker script would be automating the game play. Accessing crew skills through a smartphone would not.


Also, much of the economy is about supply and demand. Players gathering/making more items for sale on the GTN means higher supply. Higher supply means more competitive (i.e. lower) prices.

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This is a bit of a problem.

It effectively makes it so people are advancing themselves in the game and gaining an edge even when they're not home.


So, people who can play the game at work, or are unemployed, or retired, or for any other reason can spend 16-18 hours a day playing the game will break the economy because they are logged in all the time?


If this is allowed, then you'd have to say it's agreeable with the TOS that you can leave your character logged in from your PC as well and just have a simple clicker script that will click accept on the items and take new missions over and over.


Nobody are asking for scripts or automated services. You'd still have to click as many buttons. There is nothing keeping you from TeamViewer(sp?) or LogMeIn - available on most modern smart phone platforms - and do a remote control of your PC. Then you can still run crew skills for anywhere. The drawebacks to the current way of doing it, is that people leave their characters on automated scripts not so as not to log out. That way, they are hogging character space and system resources, even if they seem to have gotten the queues under control by now. A dedicated app would incur a fraction of the system load server side.

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I manage my crew missions through my ipad remoted into my computer as it is, I change things during breaks, lunch, etc.


On one hand, I'm not sure I want to level the playing field with less technologically apt people, on the other hand, maybe if tons of people were converting their credits into materials via crew missions, I'd have cheaper prices so I wouldn't have to spend as much buying stacks of mats to supplement my own salvaging.


Lets do it, I'd rather have the additional mats than the slight advantage of selling my leftover mats for more. :)

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Can't expect part of the "mass consumer" to understand, good thing your statements are entirely subjective.


Nobody said it was a bad thing, its how society is using it. Don't project your personal issues on me because you disagree with the perception that you have settled on.


I Think I'm legally required to point this out, you are mocking mass consumerism while posting on the forum of the fastest growing MMO in history, owned at least partially by Electronics *********** Arts. If you aren't part of mass consumerism none of us are.


Second your job would not exist without that same mass consumerism. No offence but your not exactly an essential service.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Would love to dork around with crew missions when I am not able to log in.


What this app should be able to do:

-Sync with your character by log-in through the phone app

-View the Crew skills panel, or a version of it for the character you are synced to.

-View missions for crew skills

-Send companions on missions for crew skills

-Limited Character Inventory panel (right click for opening items, and to reverse engineer)

-Ability to accept mission rewards


Anyone Savvy enough to create this? I'd pay for it.


Horrible idea; 100% against this. Log in and play your game like everyone else...


/flamesuit on

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100% against being able to play the game without playing the game. so thats a no for me.



I agree with you there, only I do not feel that sending your crew on missions is "playing" the game. That is the whole idea of companion missions, that you do not accompany them on the mission, they are "playing" the game for you. Doing a mission alongside your companion is playing the game.

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This is a brilliant idea, and it doesn't have to be limited to an app. They could easily create a web based portal for it as well. This would allow players to work on crew skills while traveling for business or during their lunch hours. I would love to see this implemented.
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Every once in a while this idea gets suggested and inevitably the main objection is that not everyone has a smartphone and that those without would have an advantage etc.



So my suggestion is that instead of an app why not just make it browser based. Have it as a section of the SWTOR.com website where you can access your characters and inventory (provided you logged out on your ship or at the fleet).


If people then want to access it on their phone, they can. If others want to crew skill using a workplace computer, they can. Seems like win-win to me.

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This being unfair because not everyone has a smartphone is a terrible argument. Not everyone has a laptop, not everyone has a good stable connection to the internet, not everyone is good at hand eye coordination, etc etc. If you feel that you are somehow being unfairly left out then it is within your power to fix it. When civilization introduced the light bulb and electricity what kind of people got upset that life was unfair because some people had light at night and could get more work done? Don't impede the progress of everyone else because you fail to secure technology that allows you to get more work/play done. Get over it or get with it.
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