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Can we get a Phone App for Crew Skills please?


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Exceptions to a blanket statement never! Yet all those professionals handled their duties just as well prior.


Just as those professions handled their duties prior to the invention of X-rays, cars, and other technological advances. Oh, things worked well before the Internet. But with it, things worked better.


Apparently the idea of increased productivity through technology escapes you.


Having a phone for Calendars and emails, vs carrying a bulky laptop and hoping to find a wireless, connection somewhere on the road, to review appointments and critical notes, is significantly more convenient. Or we can back even further, before laptops and we had to carry floppy disks from one computer to another before we can pull up the necessary data. Heck... lets go back and say the abacus was an unnecessary luxury.


I could have plenty more examples, as I am an apps developer for companies that specifically want apps to increase either their productivity, or cater to a need.


But... based on your previous comments, I'm afraid simple technology concepts escape you.

Edited by Lazorous
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I don't see how everyone says this wont work. What would be different from me being at my desktop than being on my phone?? I can sit at home and play for 8 hours and craft? but i can't sit at work and do it from my phone. people are dumb.


Because you are at work and you should be working?


And you call folks dumb? That't the problem with society today is folks like you with the entitlement complex.


Sitting at home =/= sitting at work, even if you own the company you are cheating yourself.


If you don't own the company you are a time thief and and a waste of human resources and payroll.

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Because you are at work and you should be working?


And you call folks dumb? That't the problem with society today is folks like you with the entitlement complex.


Sitting at home =/= sitting at work, even if you own the company you are cheating yourself.


If you don't own the company you are a time thief and and a waste of human resources and payroll.


So you're on swtor site... you working right now? Day off? Or no job? What's your story?

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Just as those professions handled their duties prior to the invention of X-rays, cars, and other technological advances. Oh, things worked well before the Internet. But with it, things worked better.


Apparently the idea of increased productivity through technology escapes you.


Having a phone for Calendars and emails, vs carrying a bulky laptop and hoping to find a wireless, connection somewhere on the road, to review appointments and critical notes, is significantly more convenient.


I could have plenty more examples, as I am an apps developer for companies that specifically want apps to increase either their productivity, or cater to a need.


But... based on your previous comments, I'm afraid simple technology concepts escape you.


I don't want to argue with you, I was obviously referring to the former group of "trendoids" and mass consumers that buy stuff to keep up with the Jones's.


As a sound engineer I have android apps that I use on a tablet and would and be available to me on the phone. Id rather not be associated with the blank faces and cultural vacuousness that comes with the greater majority of the users, not real power users.

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So you're on swtor site... you working right now? Day off? Or no job? What's your story?




I find it hard to believe someone can be THAT backwards with reality as to think that advancements in technology and social networking is a bad thing. Fail troll is fail.


It's really sad... she honestly believe this garbage spewing from thoughts. I suspect she has some very serious, deeply seeded issues to work out.

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So you're on swtor site... you working right now? Day off? Or no job? What's your story?


Sound engineer, I work at nights sometimes days. I am not a slave to a schedule. (Other than taxes and death.)

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I don't want to argue with you, I was obviously referring to the former group of "trendoids" and mass consumers that buy stuff to keep up with the Jones's.


As a sound engineer I have android apps that I use on a tablet and would and be available to me on the phone. Id rather not be associated with the blank faces and cultural vacuousness that comes with the greater majority of the users, not real power users.


I agree buying things just to keep up with the trend isn't the smartest thing to do.


But your previous one-liner was not obvious to that point, and suggests professionals didn't benefit from technology.

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I find it hard to believe someone can be THAT backwards with reality as to think that advancements in technology and social networking is a bad thing. Fail troll is fail.


It's really sad... she honestly believe this garbage spewing from thoughts. I suspect she has some very serious, deeply seeded issues to work out.


Can't expect part of the "mass consumer" to understand, good thing your statements are entirely subjective.


Nobody said it was a bad thing, its how society is using it. Don't project your personal issues on me because you disagree with the perception that you have settled on.

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So, ignoring the crazies with issues in the thread, let's not let them hi-jack it.


This is a great idea - one I've heard many times around friends/guildies before even reading these forums. Odds are, if we've thought of it this fast, they likely have too.


I'm pretty convinced that this will happen. It's not if, but when.

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Sound engineer, I work at nights sometimes days. I am not a slave to a schedule. (Other than taxes and death.)


Then that can apply to the self-employed/company owner as well. Just because they don't operate under normal work hours, doesn't mean they don't make it up later.

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I agree buying things just to keep up with the trend isn't the smartest thing to do.


But your previous one-liner was not obvious to that point, and suggests professionals didn't benefit from technology.


You're totally right, my statement was passive aggressive.



The thread incensed me, I had a vision of all the interns and 20 somethings glued to the screen during production.


Totally subjective, pros do have uses, but if I caught one of my crew crafting TOR **** on the clock there would be trouble.

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So, ignoring the crazies with issues in the thread, let's not let them hi-jack it.


This is a great idea - one I've heard many times around friends/guildies before even reading these forums. Odds are, if we've thought of it this fast, they likely have too.


I'm pretty convinced that this will happen. It's not if, but when.


I would think they may offer it at a premium. WoW's AH system was an extra $3 a month, I think. I can see BW making a little extra cash for those wanting the access.

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You're totally right, my statement was passive aggressive.



The thread incensed me, I had a vision of all the interns and 20 somethings glued to the screen during production.


Totally subjective, pros do have uses, but if I caught one of my crew crafting TOR **** on the clock there would be trouble.


Fair enough.

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So, ignoring the crazies with issues in the thread, let's not let them hi-jack it.


This is a great idea - one I've heard many times around friends/guildies before even reading these forums. Odds are, if we've thought of it this fast, they likely have too.


I'm pretty convinced that this will happen. It's not if, but when.


So making statements calling someone "crazy" in a passive aggressive manner is not ignoring at all.

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So, ignoring the crazies with issues in the thread, let's not let them hi-jack it.


This is a great idea - one I've heard many times around friends/guildies before even reading these forums. Odds are, if we've thought of it this fast, they likely have too.


I'm pretty convinced that this will happen. It's not if, but when.




In all honestly, an app like this would probably keep me playing the game (and subbing) longer.

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Because you are at work and you should be working?


And you call folks dumb? That't the problem with society today is folks like you with the entitlement complex.


Sitting at home =/= sitting at work, even if you own the company you are cheating yourself.


If you don't own the company you are a time thief and and a waste of human resources and payroll.


Using work as an example, what about waiting rooms, airplanes, car ride. don't be an ***. i do a good job and i do get breaks and luches...

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I would think they may offer it at a premium. WoW's AH system was an extra $3 a month, I think. I can see BW making a little extra cash for those wanting the access.


It's something I would pay for access to. Its fun to see what you get, and helps you out in game when you are actually playing, it also does not take away from anyone else's experience. I for one just plan to trade everything I find through crew skills to guildies. I've got no desire to use the Auction House system, unless I really have to late game.

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It's something I would pay for access to. Its fun to see what you get, and helps you out in game when you are actually playing, it also does not take away from anyone else's experience. I for one just plan to trade everything I find through crew skills to guildies. I've got no desire to use the Auction House system, unless I really have to late game.


Me too. I didn't care for the WoW version since it was only related to AH. But something like this, relating to crew skills (and assuming they will continually add more crafting items and new "surprises" to missions), would have my subscription. That's also assuming it's reasonably priced.

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Whether an app for crafting/farming is good or not is subjective and varies depending on what the concern is.


I was merely pointing out that the so-called "trade off" is not a very strong counter-point.


There is no companion trade off when doing pvp. The entire tradeoff of pvp is you're not doing quests, but that is the choice of the person. When a person makes the decision of doing pvp, it isn't made based on the companion, get it? When a person decides to PvP, and lets say there are those who wishes to do pvp for the majority of the time, has their companion free to do whatever.



Additionally, it is not a given that all PvP will be less xp gain than questing. It depends on where you are in your quests and what planet. If you add in walking time and cut scenes, xp vs time gains can be equal, or more or less.


My whole point was that the system currently supports idle play for crafting/farming. There is no trade off when people weren't planning to quest in the first place, for a duration of time.


You're trying to find very specific cases where there is a tradeoff. But those aren't the only cases to consider. I'm pointing out for those who wish to do nothing by farming on the side, while doing other things, the system is already in place. Therefore, an app that also allows you to do this really won't change much considering people are already doing it via their iPhones (like me).



In fact, if you don't add an app for it, you would be at a disadvantage when there are people like me already applying this method.


You're right. Being of the mind that I do not like this idea, I am looking at the cases that support my side. Much like you are. As to already being at a disadvantage, you are right again. I would/will be... to the very few using your method.


If I wanted this in a game, I would have stuck with one of the games that already offers it. It was part of the reason I decided to leave that game, and it is something I hope does not come to this game. Either it will or wont, and yes, at least to an extent, it will negatively affect my enjoyment of the game if it does. Just knowing it's there. I know that may seem petty, but there it is.


Once again, in my opinion, I don't want it here. Your's, you do. Only EA/BioWare really has any say, we can just make our cases.

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I was never on the bus to begin with, I still dont get why everyone needs a cellphone to stay in contact with people every moment of thier lives, Its worse then people with Twitter of facebook updating that they just brushed their teeth or saw jon watering their plants. Why give smart phone people an advantage over others?


Why give people with good computers an advantage over this with bad ones by having minimum system requirements?


I like how you are choosey which tech you do and do not support. "I don't want it, so no one else should have it". Great stance there.

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I was not necessarily referring to smart as in " I can study and pass a test."


More smart in regards to "I am able to function without a trendy overpriced paperweight that glorifies mass consumerism and has sucked away all the ability for critical thinking" phone.


Mooooooooooooo on


I can function without indoor plumbing too. Doesn't mean I want to. And it doesn't make me less smart for not wanting to.


And please explain how it is just a paperweight? Because I can and do a lot with my phone. Heck, I can even turn it into a portable hotstop for my other wireless devices. I've never seen a paperweight do that. And how have mobile phones affected critical thinking? Stringing together pseudo-smart sounding words doesn't make you right.

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Because you are at work and you should be working?


And you call folks dumb? That't the problem with society today is folks like you with the entitlement complex.


Sitting at home =/= sitting at work, even if you own the company you are cheating yourself.


If you don't own the company you are a time thief and and a waste of human resources and payroll.


Except if your company allows you to do such things. Mine does. We work by cases. When it is slow and we don't have cases, we can do what we like such as surf the internet or play games. We even have a game room with a ping pong table, foosball table, and an Xbox 360.


And do I feel more entitled to certain things than others? Sure. Why? Because I went to college, busted my butt, got good grades, graduated, got into my job and got my needed certifications. If someone wasn't willing to make the sacrifices I did to get to where I am at, then they don't deserve the same things I get.

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I can function without indoor plumbing too. Doesn't mean I want to. And it doesn't make me less smart for not wanting to.


And please explain how it is just a paperweight? Because I can and do a lot with my phone. Heck, I can even turn it into a portable hotstop for my other wireless devices. I've never seen a paperweight do that. And how have mobile phones affected critical thinking? Stringing together pseudo-smart sounding words doesn't make you right.


Wow comparing plumbing with silicon... I guess you have it all figured out being that you fully grasp the conversation as opposed to cherry picking snippets of what was said and taking it out of context.


Sorry you were intimidated by vocabulary, why else would one make a statement regarding another's "pseudo-smart sounding words".... care to define what that actually is?




I am not going to list the the various downsides of mobile technology, the dumbing down of society with "smart" technology, the information is widely available and not written by me nor is it original thought.



There are always exceptions as you pointed out, and if you read you would of saw that I conceded in this as well several posts back.

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