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Combat Logs are coming! Damage meters & analysis soon to follow!


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A parser is much needed in a MMORPG, as long as people play with each others they need marks to understand if they are worth for their mates or not. (And don't speak about the barrier of the gear, to be decently geared is quick and easy on swtor more than any other mmorpg...)


And people complaining about parsers: maybe you have been offensed by other people using theses tool, there is no fatality, it's up to you to improve, that global cooldown is made to compensate even the most nasty brainlag... And for them who don't like to optimise themselves and play exotic specs: it's up to you to make special designed raids for that in normal mode or reroll as you please.


Looking really forward to it.

Edited by OneTwoPoney
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I can't see the point of parsing anything as long as the game is in beta quality. Random instant deaths , mobs evading, falling through floors, bizarre ability execution .. and so on.

IF they manage to sort these things out and give us a game that CAN be analyzed then I'm ok with it.

I'm a decent WoW player and I don't have to be a piano player or whack-a-mole champ to get there. Implement macros and proper unitframes to start with maybe?.

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Even FFXI had a "damage meter" program and all you did was auto attack and use your weapon skill whenever you had 100 tp. It was a program that you ran outside the game and it kept track of the combat log to give you all the info you wanted/needed.


A long, long, time ago I was in a static party that I leveled up with and when that app came out it added a lot to our exp gring sessions. Damage meters add to the fun of the game.

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I really hope bioware will NOT do all you needy kids want... Lame, and learn to play. No need this crap.


Oh, I know how to play...


Figuring out which of the other 15 people in my ops group that doesn't know how to play... Well, that's a different story. I suppose we could play musical chairs with raid spots until we cycle out that one fail dps that is preventing us from killing the boss before he hits the enrage timer.


Anyhow, as I said in another thread, I don't know why I'm even bothering anymore. The SWTOR community has to be one of the most uneducated and fearful of change that I've ever encountered... Might as well argue with a turnip at this point.

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I have to admit, I'm standing with one leg in each camp as it is.


On one hand, its a pretty good tool to optimize your build and rotation. Let alone a wonderful evaluation tool for raiders that needs that extra edge. Bad players are always going to be bad players... unless you analyze their output and gives them advice. If they are open minded enough that is. Otherwise, its just a lost cause.


On the other hand, people will abuse it to keep players out of content and make unreasonable arguments to why. This is just the basic nature of humans. Elitism is not a new term evolved specifically from the MMO genre - its everywhere in life and always have been ever since someone got their hands on a better stone-axe! The question is how you handle it and more importantly: Will you be an idiot about it?

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I have to admit, I'm standing with one leg in each camp as it is.


On one hand, its a pretty good tool to optimize your build and rotation. Let alone a wonderful evaluation tool for raiders that needs that extra edge. Bad players are always going to be bad players... unless you analyze their output and gives them advice. If they are open minded enough that is. Otherwise, its just a lost cause.


On the other hand, people will abuse it to keep players out of content and make unreasonable arguments to why. This is just the basic nature of humans. Elitism is not a new term evolved specifically from the MMO genre - its everywhere in life and always have been ever since someone got their hands on a better stone-axe! The question is how you handle it and more importantly: Will you be an idiot about it?


Being somewhat competent is "unreasonable"?

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Whoever thinks this isn't a good or required thing must be bad... I mean, I'm not going to be hardcore raiding, but I'd really like to know what build and rotation is best for my class. If you're so scared of being told your bad, then take some time to research your class and your problem is solved.
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I really hope bioware will NOT do all you needy kids want... Lame, and learn to play. No need this crap.


I hope you understand that hating damage meters is the fastest method to demonstrate how bad of a player you are.

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Finally. I can actually put my quality skills on display, and start raiding more seriously, with people that are on my level of skill.


Tired of having to carry players that dont' have an idea how to play (granted, many of them would be better with a tool like a combat log to get better).

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would love to have at LEAST combat logging so we can parse it out of game even!!! this alone would show/convince me of what classes are too overpowered or if instead some classes need a boost in dps output..


personally being a mix healing/scrapper scoundrel, at times in PvE groups i feel like my dps SUCKS my energy just goes down so fast or i don't have the upperhands needed to special attacks etc...

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im ok with it if it is put into the game by BW


im dead against 3rd party addons, as it just opens the door for bots and the problems wow has at the moment.


also if this is a combat log for the person not the group im happy with that.


that's the problem. people want third party add-ons that show them who does most dmg, because as we all know this game is all about dmg imput and that's all that counts (yes, even if you're a healer or a tank)... :rolleyes:

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I am in two minds.


I don't like the elitism damage meters trigger in some poeple, the No1 objective in a raid is to clear it, some people forget that and do stupid things like dps too early or over agro just to boost there damage meter figures. Some people are rude to others based on damage meters. Not good for the community


Obviously it does help you monitor your dps,its a useful too to see what works and what doesn't work.


Pre release i was happy to go with the no combat log and thus no dps meter it seemed like a worthy experiement for an MMORPG to try.


However since release i have changed my mind i think a combat log is really needed, particulairly for the what killed me function. In PVP it would you are not always aware of all the people attacking you and it leads to wild claims of X melee class did X huge ammount of damage to me in 3 seconds nerf now (not realising they were also being shot from range too). It also makes it very difficult to work out what killed you in PVE fights.


I am now of the opinion we do need a combat log and as a community to tell people who are too hung up on damage meters to take a hike.

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I don't like the elitism damage meters trigger in some poeple
and if no dmg-meter elitism suddenly turn-off yup?

or over agro just to boost there damage
and how they can gauge agro now? to avoid overagro a tank


Some people are rude to others based on damage meters. Not good for the community
how about they are no good for the community at the first place, no?

with or without dps-meter

ofc it is noooot poooosible in your dream-world

Edited by navarh
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If meters are coming then it should be built in and everyone should have it. Cause there's one thing on this planet that is worse than the guy who posts meter results after every pull, and that's the guy who asks, "ne1 got a meter?"


Go ahead and say it a few times. Right there, out loud, at your computer. Say it. "Anybody got a meter?"


Makes one of your eyes twitch doesn't it?


Those people are the lowest life form in the gaming community. They are even below the guild leader who demands a raid spot after getting home from work only to fall asleep at his keyboard 15 minutes into the run. Yeah, they're worse than that guy.


So give everyone a built in meter so we won't have to see "ne1 got a meter?"


It's like being propositioned by an elderly street walker. "Wanna party?" *screams*

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Dmg meter is important in this kind of game... you can understand if you fail to use your char (i have to say that in ancient times i used my mage as a noob til a f@@@@@d after have seen dmg meter, kicked me form an instance).

But in some cases ppl use dmg meter like a fetish during raids and instances..

A healthy competion is good... but ppl is often childish..

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I am in two minds.


I don't like the elitism damage meters trigger in some poeple, the No1 objective in a raid is to clear it, some people forget that and do stupid things like dps too early or over agro just to boost there damage meter figures. Some people are rude to others based on damage meters. Not good for the community.


Just because an instance/raid was cleared, does NOT mean it was a success. If my guild can fully clear an instance in 3 hours with no wipes, then swap out 5 players, and all of a sudden need 3 nights and wipe constantly because of players performing poorly, that is NOT a success, regardless of a full clear.


People really need to get this into their heads. There are always weak links in a group; and just like in sports, you play the player that performs the best (there are exceptions, but talking in general here).


Yes the Broncos won some games with Tim Tebow, but if they had Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady, they would have done much better.

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