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Combat Logs are coming! Damage meters & analysis soon to follow!


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No decent guild ever recruits like that. Sorry.


QFT. You may be asked how your role works, what your rotation is, etc but if you're being recruited as a DPS number you should not expect success because that guild is poorly ran.


It's more important to me, as a GL/RL, for a person to understand their class, it's role, and how it works in the game than it is to know what they parsed on a target dummy. It's even more important to know they are able to avoid the fire, since dead dps do 0 dps.

Edited by Battyone
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Bad idea. Extremely bad.


Damage meters ruining RPG part of MMO turning them into FPS with unified character builds and gear sets + making new lvl50 players feel themselves useless and unwanted after seeing ads like "guild recruiting players with 2k DPS" (while new lvl50 can barely break 1k - for example). Check Rift for example - there every DPS mage now is unified 36/30 pyro/lock.


I beg you pardon. FPS with character builds and gear sets? And those things ruin RPG part of the game? Did you ever play any cRPG? Just asking.

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No decent guild ever recruits like that. Sorry.


I have some news for you: unification doesn't work if there is more than one item in set. Not to mention hundreds of thousands gaming guilds.


Check Rift to see what I'm talking about - none of Hammerknell progression guilds want new 50 characters there "new" means "lvl50 + 2-4 weeks of farming instances". Player without raid set doesn't have any chance to get into decent guild thus frustration and "kthnxbai" attitude.

Edited by Pashgan
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I have some news for you: unification doesn't work if there is more than one item in set. Not to mention hundreds of thousands gaming guilds.


Check Rift to see what I'm talking about - none of Hammerknell progression guilds want new 50 characters there "new" means "lvl50 + 2 weeks of farming instances".


You have no news for me.


Like i said before, no decent guild recruits like that.

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I have some news for you: unification doesn't work if there is more than one item in set. Not to mention hundreds of thousands gaming guilds.


Check Rift to see what I'm talking about - none of Hammerknell progression guilds want new 50 characters there "new" means "lvl50 + 2 weeks of farming instances".



That's how tiered raiding has always worked, but not ever guild there is on hammerknell, and if you want to you can get to a point where you're useful to them and a good player. Or you join a smaller raid, get geared and bring them forward in progression, or jump ship once you're decked out and join the uber raid guild.


New lvl50's should be in guilds or joining guilds that are running entry level content. If not they should be proactive about doing 8mans/starting a B team so that they can get caught up in gear. It's not an insurmountable difference.

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Check Rift to see what I'm talking about - none of Hammerknell progression guilds want new 50 characters there "new" means "lvl50 + 2-4 weeks of farming instances". Player without raid set doesn't have any chance to get into decent guild thus frustration and "kthnxbai" attitude.


I have some very terrible news for you then.


High end guilds won't blindly recruit people even if damage meters are never added.

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Cute how you rephrased your post. Calmed down a bit in the meantime?


I wonder what happened to the last one. :rolleyes:


PS: you still don't know what you're talking about. Any top raider can easily tell that by reading what you wrote.


I know what i am talking about and i don´t really worry if someone thinks otherwise, this is the internet, no one wins discussions like these, one can only voice their opinions. Which makes your opinion that imho is plain wrong, but voiced.


I never was a top raider, thank god. Just from a guild that had raids for 6 years, yes we killed ragnaros without boss addons, one of the last true kills in my time in WOW, i actually think we had addons for Nef :-)



I didn´t calm down, i was not excited to begin with :cool:, but i like a forum where the mods are actually working and have no problem posting within those rules and knowing the flag bottom work is positive :-)

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Why are you posting same thing second time. Realy one would think you would hold on a second and consider how stupid ""perfect" builds and BIS lists the designers will have to design around this. That hurts the balance in the player base and makes it harder to balance raids" sounds like.


Because the other post was nuked.

Your sentence is a bit hard to understand, but i think you take issue with the fact that cookie cutter builds and BIS list should be a problem for devs?


In WOW there was a easy way to get to the "top" of your max dmg,healing whatever output.

For every patch and "balance" that Blizzard did, there was a wealth of data analyzing that gave a clear indication of what spec and what gear should be aimed for in order to max your potential. Those that took the time, outside the game, to study these results (read a post with the needed build and rotations) and then took the time in game to get the BIS items had a clear advantage. And since this was often those that was raiding the raid designers had to take this into consideration when they tuned the bosses.


The players that never ventured outside of the game but just "played it" via tooltips and common sense was left behind. I would say that the difference between players almost certainly was exaggerated this way.


I hope that explains my opinion a little better.

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It is quite simple, give operations and test dummies a form of metric to gauge dps.


Leave the meters out of normal play.


Everyone is happy.




I understand that games have to balance immersion with some kind of achievement for those who like that sort of thing, but for Christ's sake, on his birthday, can't we have at least one MMORPG that doesn't slavishly cater to friggen' min-maxers? :p


Can't we have just one MMO where we don't care quite so much about numbers and competition, but more about feeling immersed in the (Star Wars) virtual world?


All MMOs go this way, eventually devs start catering to whiney achievers and competitive types, eventually balance goes all to **** anyway because of the perpetual fiddling about, and the game is ruined.


I tell you, BioWare are making a rod for their own backs if they introduce anything more e-peenable than the above suggestion.



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I know what i am talking about and i don´t really worry if someone thinks otherwise, this is the internet, no one wins discussions like these, one can only voice their opinions. Which makes your opinion that imho is plain wrong, but voiced.


By saying it's a fact that damage meters will ruin this game, you've stepped beyond just voicing your opinion.

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Can't we have just one MMO where we don't care quite so much about numbers and competition, but more about feeling immersed in the (Star Wars) virtual world?



I can tell you what game that would last the longest :)


SWTOR does not have the luxury of not having any real competition like WOW did, the past few years i have just waited for something else to play :-)


I think the real detachment from WOW came when boss encounters more or less required a boss mod to survive.

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The players that never ventured outside of the game but just "played it" via tooltips and common sense was left behind. I would say that the difference between players almost certainly was exaggerated this way.


Which is why Blizzard has steadily been finding new ways to help people get into raiding so they can experience more content. If they only cared about min/max players, they would never have added normal/heroic versions and the more recent raid finder difficulty level.


It's possible to get everyone involved in raiding, even with damage meters existing.

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By saying it's a fact that damage meters will ruin this game, you've stepped beyond just voicing your opinion.


Maybe you should read again?


DMG meters is gonna hurt the game in the long run, that is simply a fact, as i already mentioned, with players getting "perfect" builds and BIS lists the designers will have to design around this.


HURT the game in the LONG run.. you haven´t really tried to counter the point have you?

How is it a good thing?

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Which is why Blizzard has steadily been finding new ways to help people get into raiding so they can experience more content. If they only cared about min/max players, they would never have added normal/heroic versions and the more recent raid finder difficulty level.


It's possible to get everyone involved in raiding, even with damage meters existing.


I think they did some good thing at the end of my Raiding time (and some stupid stuff as well), but you still needed boss addons in order to raid. And dmg meter or not what blizzard did would still help if you didn´t have dmg meters.

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Maybe you should read again?

Maybe you should stop being so condescending for once and realize that I did read what you wrote. That's how I arrived at my post. So my conclusion is that you failed to read my own post because your response makes no real sense.


HURT the game in the LONG run.. you haven´t really tried to counter the point have you?

How is it a good thing?

Because it won't ruin the game. That's just your opinion that it will, and not backed up in any way.

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What? No Pandas?



When you "need" to use/have mods, damage meters, macros, in your game, you seem to cut off a lot of folks that just want to game.


Just my opinion, I don't use them, nor will i. I've never been a fan of using "crutches" while gaming.



Edited by Tic-
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Maybe you should stop being so condescending for once and realize that I did read what you wrote. That's how I arrived at my post. So my conclusion is that you failed to read my own post because your response makes no real sense.



Because it won't ruin the game. That's just your opinion that it will, and not backed up in any way.


I think there is a difference between hurt and ruin, i guess you don´t agree.

I backed up my opinion with plenty of posts, you just say "no" as a point.


Tell me how it would make it a better game.

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What? No Pandas?



When you "need" to use/have mods, damage meters, macros, in your game, you seem to cut off a lot of folks that just want to game.


Just my opinion, I don't use them, nor will i. I've never been a fan of using "crutches" while gaming.




You probably won't be able to play with people who require it anyway if you feel like that,so don't worry about it...

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What? No Pandas?



When you "need" to use/have mods, damage meters, macros, in your game, you seem to cut off a lot of folks that just want to game.


Just my opinion, I don't use them, nor will i. I've never been a fan of using "crutches" while gaming.




Nothing wrong with casuals in a game mate =] you're just not the kind of player that will be competitive or someone I would hardcore raid with and that is fine!

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You probably won't be able to play with people who require it anyway if you feel like that,so don't worry about it...


You are missing the point. Encounters will end up being designed with addons in mind, so in a sense, everyone will need them and it wont be a choice...

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