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Greetings from Jung Ma


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Some of you might know me from SWG. Just dropping by now that transfers are live to say hello. I have friends on this server and maybe x-fering my testy Iridonian (assassin though not really an assassin Icly ) over here to get all my legacy and collections stuff on this other fine RP server.


Though I will state JM will always be my home, as I have a lovely guild and I enjoy the community (RP + PVP = win ) very much.


How's the RP? Is it mostly guild-centric? Mostly in the Slopes, if not where? World PVP Events?



Also for old time sakes...server consensus on Duel v Emote? /wookieetrollface

Edited by Anishor
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<-- Former Starsider player. I'm not in a RP guild, nor have I really done much RP to speak of in SWTOR. So this is from the perspective of an outsider looking in, take it with a grain of salt:


Been here since beta. Initially rolled on Lord Adraas (RP server), and transferred to The Ebon Hawk during the 1st round of mergers. There is of course the standard fleet/cantina RP, which as with SWG, is entry level at best. Due to the sandbox nature of SWG, I would argue that the quality of the low end RP is even lower in this game. The Sith Academy on Korriban and Jedi Enclave on Tython seem to be a step up the ladder, and a moderate gathering place for RPers. Some are recruiting, some are guilds who have events going on, some who are just looking to get their feet wet.


As for the hardcore stuff, I'm sure it goes on, at least on some level. But it must be an insular community, because I just don't see in-depth RP out in the world. I don't see things on a grand scale, at least not compared to what it was in SWG. Personally, I would think that the east coast destination server for RP would have more action than what it does, or at least that the barrier to entry would be lower.


Again, this is just my personal experience. I'm sure someone will be along in short order to share a different perspective.

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I am not a heavy roleplayer but like the post above me the most general RL you see is on cantinas (namely the fleet) and starter worlds. Our guild has done a few RP stories that are mult world but due to the complexity of them, they were generally guild only.


I would encourage you to look for some RP (maybe RP PVP) guilds' recruitment threads and maybe try and see where most generic RPers are coming from - most likely they have some stories they do that are multi-world.


Best wishes and welcome to TEH!

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Greetings & Welcome to The Ebon Hawk:


I have been here for 2 BETA weekends, and been on the server since Early Access, and I can surely say it is always nice to see a new or old face from SWG. A good majority of us in guild all came from Starsider, with some of us even having played on Wanderhome, before it became a memory. With leveling and missions, I still run into old friends from other servers, like Shadowfire, Bria, and Chilastra as well.


As far as the roleplay goes here...

There is of course the standard fleet / cantina RP, which as with SWG, is entry level at best. Due to the sandbox nature of SWG, I would argue that the quality of the low end RP is even lower in this game. The Sith Academy on Korriban and Jedi Enclave on Tython seem to be a step up the ladder, and a moderate gathering place for RPers. Some are recruiting, some are guilds who have events going on, some who are just looking to get their feet wet.


I agree..but


I don't see things on a grand scale, at least not compared to what it was in SWG.


With the fact that in SWG, you could set up places to host events, sit in chairs, and design what you needed, for the perfect setting, using decorating skills or storyteller tokens and props, I do not see us at the present time seeing anything like that again. SWG did that really well. Seeing everything from hosting large battles between forces to wedding ceremonies to jedi knighti trials or ceremonies. I saw much, experienced much, and even put a few of them together. But that was SWG, and this is SWTOR.


What i have seen is people roleplay flashpoints, heroics, missions., and even a world boss for a trial. The cantina on fleet hosts bar chatter 24 hours a day, and Nar Shaddaa cantina hosts its chatter between both factions at different times. Most guilds run their own roleplay scenarios, depending on the guild and what their story is. I hope this helps. May the force be with you and guide you well in your journey.

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Mace Windu Jesus Wookiee!


There is a lot of RP on Ebon Hawk. Lots of Sith RP on Korriban, sometimes on Dromund Kaas and the Ziost Shadow. Tons in the fleet cantina as well. For the Republic, fleet cantina and Tython seem bustling but I haven't played it long enough to comment on more than that. And of course the Nar Shaddaa cantina always has people.


But, most of it is guild centric in the sense that if you want plotlines they are probably going to come from guilds and not casual encounters.

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