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Propulsion Systems is mostly useless, no?


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Re-posting from Suggestion Box.


I made a Ticket about this, but since I know I will get told to post here anyway I thought I would just get the ball rolling. What do you guys think? Also if I stop replying it's because my sub ran out, since it ends around Saturday and I'm not renewing.


The Mercenary Passive ability Propulsion System (And it's complementary Commando mirror) seems pretty useless. Increasing the range of 2 Skill Tree abilities that are shared between the two Advanced Classes? Really? That would be fine, but to even get these you need to go deep into the Rightmost tree, and I thought most Bounty Hunters/Troopers take the Leftmost or Middle trees. Why do we have this? Why not have those two abilities have a range of 30 by default and replace Propulsion Systems with something that modifies the functionality of normal shared Bounty Hunter abilities like passives for other Advanced Classes do? Mercenary/Commando is the only Advanced Class I have seen so far that gets a class passive that modifies the function of shared abilities that have to be gotten from the Skill Tree. That gives the class a disadvantage when it comes to passives when compared to other classes, which have passives that either modify normal non-tree shared abilities or give entirely new functions like Dual Wield.


Please consider folding Propulsion System into the tree skills themselves and give Mercenary/Commando a useful passive that modifies the function of shared Bounty Hunter/Trooper abilities like with other classes.

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The reason is that those two abilities *need* to have a 10m Range (in the Skill Tree) so that Powertech/Vanguards aren't spamming them from 30m.


Why don't they do it the other way round and make it so VGs/PTs don't simpy get a Passive about the range being reduced to 10m ? Because psychologically, noone likes to see that they have a detrimental effect.

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Or maybe give Merc an extra passive that modifies non-tree shared abilities? With this there it's like Merc has -1 passive since this one is there that 90% (or more) of people don't use. Edited by Bronislav
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