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Bergeren Colony Operation Dummy DPS Leaderboard


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wow GREAT parse wikkid!!!


Name: Ashlanmagno

Guild: No More Raids

Class: Combat Sentinel

DPS: 2881



Man ash, you are getting up there! you are going to be parsing better than me soon!

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Thread Updated.


Wow great job everybody for the high parses! Looks like I'm going to have to take Neutrinos out of parse-retirement. Wikkid, 2982 is absolutely insane for a Guardian! With that parse you may just be the best Guardian in the game. I'm glad to finally see an engineering Sniper in here, 3301 from Aitada-shoop is going to be hard to beat. I also welcome Eliende to the Sentinel Leaderboard with 2934. Everybody please continue to post updated numbers and I'm looking forward to the new parses for next week.

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haha sorry Eliende.


Not that I want to be a downer on shoop's parse, but I know some of the other leaderboards (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=664980) separate engineering/saboteur from the other snipers/slingers because no one in equal gear will be able to parse as high as them.

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and soon Engineers wont be able to do those numbers as roll in place will be fixed.....soon :D


I actually don't see this hampering them. On a smug ship at least (don't know about operative) they can just roll into a wall and still get all cluster bombs to hit the dummy, and in most ops the Bosses at least have a hitbox large enough for all the bombs to hit so fixing roll in place doesn't really do anything.

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I actually don't see this hampering them. On a smug ship at least (don't know about operative) they can just roll into a wall and still get all cluster bombs to hit the dummy, and in most ops the Bosses at least have a hitbox large enough for all the bombs to hit so fixing roll in place doesn't really do anything.


It is true that the patch won't affect dummy parses. However, I would disagree with your claim that fixing roll in place "doesn't really do anything" with respect to the viability of the saboteur/engineering spec in operations. Out of the twelve bosses in Terror from Beyond and Scum & Villainy, sabo will be viable in only five of those fights:


Writhing Horror

Operator IX

Terror from Beyond

Titan 6



In all other fights sabo will experience moderate to severe dps loss.

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Where are all the commandos? such a sad picture :(

This is a parse from 30th May (stopped playing after that). I only had 2 pieces set bonus (and still have 2 pieces :() with mixed 69/72 gears. I am pretty sure you guys can beat it :p

DPS: 2850

Gunnery Commando

Edited by Helmholtzz
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3023: 36/3/7 Marksman, for when they fix the broken roll


for anyone interested this was my build at the time:



I usually run more power and less crit for MM, but i was accidently using my higher crit set for hyrbid/engineering spec

Edited by SpiralLogic
added build
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Nice job on all the new parses everyone! Our top five now consists of all 3k or above parses. This is my parse for the week.


Also, please make sure your parses are 300 seconds minimum. Pheonix-x, your parse was only a couple seconds short so I'll let it stay for now, but in the future, please make sure that the five minute mark is achieved on all parses.



Pheonix-X (Guardian Vigilance)




Thanks and see you guys next week!

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