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Scantily clad player characters..


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..and companions.


I find this funny. I'm no prude. Two of my female toons have the relaxed uniform top, in fact, but jeez. I see less vitual flesh in Tera.


I don't know if I really have a point or not, just sayin' and at least this isn't a BW/EA stole hurt my feelings post.

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..and companions.


I find this funny. I'm no prude. Two of my female toons have the relaxed uniform top, in fact, but jeez. I see less vitual flesh in Tera.


I don't know if I really have a point or not, just sayin' and at least this isn't a BW/EA stole hurt my feelings post.


Let's be honest in general: more and more games, especially AAA titles, are going the route of scantily clad or full out nude.


Why? Who knows. I imagine going for that "we're a mature game, we're not for kids!" persona.


Personally, I say keep it out.

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Why? Who knows. I imagine going for that "we're a mature game, we're not for kids!" persona.


No. Because there are young (and even older) men who love it. I don't know if it is because their real life is lacking that sort of excitement, but too many love to dress up their toons in that garbage.

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Personally, I don't love it and I think it's a bit ridiculous but honestly it's what people like so you have to pander to your audience. I used to mod for games like Elder Scrolls and people always seem to clamor for the skimpy stuff over the armor that covers more no matter how nicely done or detailed that may be.


I honestly think it's just a case where it exists because there's so much of a demand for it and that demand among the demographic that tends to play video games is not going to go away.

Edited by SweetsPatogga
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I'm amused at the number of people who even care about this subject. it's a video game. It's a video game that doesn't have any sexual content whatsoever. Jaesa kissed my Juggernaut last night (you get exp for the quests, so I do em. Meh) and the scene cut out.


If you're concerned about 'digital flesh' being shown, or are requesting more of it, you really need to seek help. Seriously, there has to be something wrong with anyone who even cares about the level of 'skin' in this game. If and when I play a video game that shows specific parts in detail and/or graphic depictions of things I wouldn't want anyone to see me doing, then I'll complain.


Some people dig this crap. It gets lonely people to play. More power to the devs. But to take is seriously in any sense of the word is just laughable.

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The funny part is that I'll rarely ever notice what anyone is wearing unless there's an afk in group as my zoom is always way the heck back for maximum situation awareness (that and we speed space through dialog so fast that you only get a frame or two of your character there).
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Jaesa kissed my Juggernaut last night (you get exp for the quests, so I do em. Meh) and the scene cut out.



you don't just get xp for them now. aside for the fact that companions become more efficient when at max affection, you also get achievement, title if you do all 4 classes per faction AND if all story companions on the same character are maxed/unlocked (at least as far as i know - this is a requirement, not sure if its legacy unlocked, maxed out on affection, or both)? you get 1% extra accuracy.


I know, not really on topic, but still useful to know :)

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I'm amused at the number of people who even care about this subject. it's a video game. It's a video game that doesn't have any sexual content whatsoever. Jaesa kissed my Juggernaut last night (you get exp for the quests, so I do em. Meh) and the scene cut out.


If you're concerned about 'digital flesh' being shown, or are requesting more of it, you really need to seek help. Seriously, there has to be something wrong with anyone who even cares about the level of 'skin' in this game. If and when I play a video game that shows specific parts in detail and/or graphic depictions of things I wouldn't want anyone to see me doing, then I'll complain.


Some people dig this crap. It gets lonely people to play. More power to the devs. But to take is seriously in any sense of the word is just laughable.


Considering that "sex games" is a booming industry in certain parts of the world, your post is ridiculous and the one that needs to check themselves out is you my friend. I personally don't care but to just laugh it off is incredibly ignorant of you.


Fine, *YOU* don't care but I bet that I don't care about what you care about so does that mean that what you care about is laughable and stupid because *I* don't care about it? Think on that for a moment champ.

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Even Lightside Jedi will end up killing thousands of "people" throughout their stories...


...and people save their moral outrage for what they are wearing while they do it?


What moral outrage? You should probably read more than the thread title next time.

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Now I can't help but remember those fat entertainers from SWG...


What about the fat Jedi in hot pants and chefs hats? Those were priceless... especially back in the day of 10min shuttle waits and you couldn't even ignore them as they were just... there... burning your retinas.

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I'm amused at the number of people who even care about this subject. it's a video game. It's a video game that doesn't have any sexual content whatsoever. Jaesa kissed my Juggernaut last night (you get exp for the quests, so I do em. Meh) and the scene cut out.


If you're concerned about 'digital flesh' being shown, or are requesting more of it, you really need to seek help. Seriously, there has to be something wrong with anyone who even cares about the level of 'skin' in this game. If and when I play a video game that shows specific parts in detail and/or graphic depictions of things I wouldn't want anyone to see me doing, then I'll complain.


Some people dig this crap. It gets lonely people to play. More power to the devs. But to take is seriously in any sense of the word is just laughable.


I dunno about no sexual content. I'm playing the Imperial Agent storyline light side and I've already jumped into the sack with several different women. Well they don't show it, the screen fades to black, but its certainly implied.

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When I first started playing, I got the dancer outfit for Kira because it was the easiest and cheapest orange gear I could get for her. I spent the rest of my leveling wishing BW had implemented a real wardrobe system.
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At least in swtor, skimpy armor can be explained away. Just say that the toon is using a personal energy shield or something like that. Armor in mmo's will always be weird and non-effective. Like someone said earlier, robes are horrible for lightsaber fights. And i'm pretty sure some of the toons can't see out of the helmets they wear. And, oh yeah, it's also just fantasy and sci-fi, so it really doesn't matter. It's not like a real person is going to go fight in a bikini, and even if they did, one shot is likely to kill the bikini wearer as much as someone wearing a uniform.
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