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50+ in Warzones with lower levels...unfair?


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:eek: :confused:Will someone please answer me as to since when are 50+ in the same warzones with lower levels?


I have been playing this game since beta and on each of my 20 toons have had the fun and experience queing for warzones. As I can recall when they hit 50 they no longer to que with lower level guildmates. Recently my latest toon has attempted to do warzones. When I first tried this week I was only level 33 and was pwnd hard by 3 level 54s that were immune to my attacks. It really takes the joy, fun, and challenge out of playing warzones. I just do not understand why this has changed. If I am the only one who feels this way fine. But if not some feedback would be nice.



Edited by Mezaril
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wz's are broken up into brackets to allow more equitable play


however, because there are no cross-server ques, there is a trade-off between the level bracket size and the queueing time


bioware as chosen to have 3 separate brackets




and 55

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I just do not understand why this has changed.


It was changed when the expansion increased the maximum level from 50 to 55.


The maximum level still has it's own bracket, only now it is 55 instead of 50.

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after a bit more thought, having the brackets be shifted so the last one is 51-55 makes sense to me.


at this point the players will have all of their skills and the few remaining talent points won't have a significant impact (usually) on the play style


and since bolster is included in max lvl play, i don't see any reason this shouldn't be the case...

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I think they would have wanted to have more brackets but it's a population issue. Personally I think 10-39, 40-54 and 55 would have been better though. Some classes are late bloomers so it's not really a big deal that a lvl 10 has to go up against a 39. It really sucks to in some cases be a lvl 30 against a lvl 54 though. Edited by MidichIorian
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i've never noticed a huge difference, all things considered. I've pvp'd every class, and my lvl 11 toons do alright against the 29s, and my 30's do okay against the 54's.


Only difference is that the 54's take a bit more skill to bring down on my lower toons, as their full skillset gives them more survivability. But its not a rofl stomp by any means, just keeps me on my toes a bit more.

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As being very skeptical about these new brackets before they have been released... I think they made the right cut, however I don't understand how it qualifies that someone at lvl 49 has like 4k more health than when he turns lvl 50 and just because of one ability at 51 you should be shafted like this?


Anyway, brackets are fine as they are, the only thing they should add is allowing you to exchange ranked from lvl 10 and buy your lvl 55 pvp set from lvl 10 as well (though not usable until 55).

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When I first tried this week I was only level 33 and was pwnd hard by 3 level 54s that were immune to my attacks.

They are not immune to your attacks. There was actually a thought process behind the current arrangement. The 30-54 bracket exists because you will have the bulk of your abilities by level 30. Sure, a 54 will have a few more abilities than you, but it is not fair to say that they are immune to your attacks. Bolster makes it pretty darn fair IMO. The problem with making more brackets is that queue times will suffer.


Also, 3 level 30s will pwn a single level 54 hard. You can't really win a 3v1 in this game. The level of the three pwners vs the level of the pwnee is moot.


Overall, I'd actually be more in favor of having a single 10-54 bracket for the sake of queue times. Yes, I would gladly take on a lvl 54 with my lvl 10. When I win, it will be all the more epic. Plus, it's not like it takes very long to get to ~30.

Edited by teclado
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the bracket is up to 54 we are bolstered down and you are bolstered way up. Abilities are the only thing that seperates it. Honestly you can probably auto shot and get more damage than 70% of the players.


No and no...a 54 is not bolstered down one bit. You are only bolstered down when you are an idiot and wear expertise gear and high end gear. You can wear purple lvl 49 gear at 54 and super stomp everyone.

Edited by Skylancewalker
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Nah, not unfair. They got the brackets right IMHO.


@ 30, most classes have filled out just about all of their AC-specific abilities. There are a few left north of 40, but they're not really game changers, with the exception of scamper/roll.

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Nah, not unfair. They got the brackets right IMHO.


@ 30, most classes have filled out just about all of their AC-specific abilities. There are a few left north of 40, but they're not really game changers, with the exception of scamper/roll.


You have to be joking to think that force crush is not a game changer...

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no one was immune to your attacks.


They were better players on better geared/higher level characters, bolster puts you in the same ballpark stat wise, but they have way more talents and abilities to use.


Theres no perfect solution to brackets that would make everyone happy and still have decent queue times, so all you can do is be in good gear as you level, and enjoy your time from 50-54 as the top dog in the field.


But trust me, a good player on a lvl 30 beats a bad lvl 54 every day. Two equally skilled players you are at a disadvantage being lower level, but something as simple as getting in the first crit can still be the difference between winning or losing a 1v1.


But yeah, lifes not fair. Deal with it and work around your disadvantages. Some days you are the hammer, some days the nail.

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No and no...a 54 is not bolstered down one bit. You are only bolstered down when you are an idiot and wear expertise gear and high end gear. You can wear purple lvl 49 gear at 54 and super stomp everyone.


Cool story. I have 0 expertise on level 54 with one of my toons and I lose crit and surge but gain power to offset.. you are bolstered down just on your ttk in my opinion.


I would rather have the power for the total damage number but definitely losing 1.2 crit multiplier and 1.5 crit

Edited by Kegparty
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No and no...a 54 is not bolstered down one bit.


The combat equations for diminishing retuns from stats are different in 10-50 and 55. You get less bang for your stat buck at 55. levels 51-54 scale from the level 50 equations (same as everyone had pre 2.0) to the new level 55 equations brought in with 2.0.


This means that your higher stats become much less useful as you level from 50 to 55. Particularly Crit. As you go up in levels between 50 and 55 you're critting less often and doing less damage.


A character is probably strongest in lowbie PvP at 51, when they still get most of the more generous pre-2.0 stat effects and also have their new level-51 ability.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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The combat equations for diminishing retuns from stats are different in 10-50 and 55. You get less bang for your stat buck at 55. levels 51-54 scale from the level 50 equations (same as everyone had pre 2.0) to the new level 55 equations brought in with 2.0.


This means that your higher stats become much less useful as you level from 50 to 55. Particularly Crit. As you go up in levels between 50 and 55 you're critting less often and doing less damage.


A character is probably strongest in lowbie PvP at 51, when they still get most of the more generous pre-2.0 stat effects and also have their new level-51 ability.


I can actually agree with this. Granted the whole bolster system is wacky and hard to actually predict but I am seeing drops in crit and surge but a boost in damage. I do not know what my bonus damage difference was when I was 51 though because I am not 51 anymore. Just showing what I am losing from outside of bolster to inside.


1.5 % crit lost 1.5% surge lost but 110 bonus damage.

Edited by Kegparty
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brackets should be


10 - 29

30 - 44

45 - 54 (top tier talents come online at 45. Top tier abilities generally come online at 46, 50 and 51)



This is what I believe myself.


Level 30 against level 54 ... THe 30s just don't get enough skills & points in their trees for L2P (Laugh To Play).

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I can actually agree with this. Granted the whole bolster system is wacky and hard to actually predict but I am seeing drops in crit and surge but a boost in damage. I do not know what my bonus damage difference was when I was 51 though because I am not 51 anymore. Just showing what I am losing from outside of bolster to inside.


1.5 % crit lost 1.5% surge lost but 110 bonus damage.


gear lvl 49 29k health


same gear @ lvl 50 25k health... 3-4k difference by one single level


Definitely tuned down as soon as you hit lvl 50.... .

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