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Transfer Tuesday!


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All i have to say is, Squad Six is going to demolish all of you. They had something like a 97% win average in ranked and they're going to steamroll all the pvp guilds here. So good luck being 2nd best everyone.
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All i have to say is, Squad Six is going to demolish all of you. They had something like a 97% win average in ranked and they're going to steamroll all the pvp guilds here. So good luck being 2nd best everyone.

I played a few reg matches with a 4 man premade from that guild and we got beat pretty handily. The premade was ok nothing special. They certainly won't be dominating anything though.

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All i have to say is, Squad Six is going to demolish all of you. They had something like a 97% win average in ranked and they're going to steamroll all the pvp guilds here. So good luck being 2nd best everyone.


I heard Ebon Hawk was hardcore in Rankeds...do you all use /emotes in the matches too?



Edited by Pistols
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All i have to say is, Squad Six is going to demolish all of you. They had something like a 97% win average in ranked and they're going to steamroll all the pvp guilds here. So good luck being 2nd best everyone.


Make sweeping generalization about new, different server based on ranked experience from a server in a very, very different situation.


That's a bold strategy cotton, let's see if it pays off!


I heard Ebon Hawk was hardcore in Rankeds...do you all use /emotes in the matches too?




lol, hey now, my favorite memory from TEH is when my team literally RP walked from the voidstar spawn to the door and just planted for the win. We were all in a nice little group together and killed the defenders instantly as they walked up to us one by one. It was awesome.

Edited by NadirPalo
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Welcome to all the server transfers. I hear there has been some heavy action on the republic side because of the transfers. Gen chat says the imps are getting whooped. lol


wasnt like that at first but things are getting better now...what I am noticing is a lot of assassins...Im not sure why.

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All i have to say is, Squad Six is going to demolish all of you. They had something like a 97% win average in ranked and they're going to steamroll all the pvp guilds here. So good luck being 2nd best everyone.


Looking forward to some epic matches.

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All i have to say is, Squad Six is going to demolish all of you. They had something like a 97% win average in ranked and they're going to steamroll all the pvp guilds here. So good luck being 2nd best everyone.

Squad Six is awful. LOL are you srs?

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All i have to say is, Squad Six is going to demolish all of you. They had something like a 97% win average in ranked and they're going to steamroll all the pvp guilds here. So good luck being 2nd best everyone.


Agreed I was so scared both times I played them. I might just go back to full time PvE it was so frightening both matches.


PvE noob out

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Squad Six are too OP 0_0 i mean i know regular warzones are wayyyyyyyy different than Rank but guys seriously IMAGINE A FULL PREMADE Squad Six.... sigh.Just saying Pot 5 getting ready because their going to steam roll us all =(.I wonder if i can join their guild and learn from them, hope some of them read this thread.


So far I'm really impressive about Squad Six, I mean damn transfer just got available today and the first guild to be mention is Squad Six...WHERE THE HECK DID YOU GUYS COME FROM (What server did you make everyone bow down to you 0_o).

Edited by loztchild
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Squad Six are too OP 0_0 i mean i know regular warzones are wayyyyyyyy different than Rank but guys seriously IMAGINE A FULL PREMADE Squad Six.... sigh.Just saying Pot 5 getting ready because their going to steam roll us all =(.I wonder if i can join their guild and learn from them, hope some of them read this thread.


So far I'm really impressive about Squad Six, I mean damn transfer just got available today and the first guild to be mention is Squad Six...WHERE THE HECK DID YOU GUYS COME FROM (What server did you make everyone bow down to you 0_o).


Self promotion will be your biggest mistake.

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Self promotion will be your biggest mistake.


I don't understand? Errrrr I'm not from their guild....:rak_02:But it would be cool if i was :cool:Beside I'm not the only person to agree that their OP,moreover I'm not the first one to post about them -_-.

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Played some really good teams imp side. Some guild tags that I never knew played on potf. Probably recently transferred guilds. Got beat by a premade infinite darkness team in huttball. I'm happy to look forward to all this competition.


Ggs guys!!

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Self promotion will be your biggest mistake.


Was going to say... shameless self-promotion has never been a hallmark of Squad Six/Game Genie, but the dude who was talking all the smack basically admitted he was just trolling.


There was certainly a lot of butthurt on The Ebon Hawk about them, but frankly they're just competitive people who were the biggest fish in a smallish pond. I wish them the best and I hope they are successful on POT5. I hope they make you up your game, and I hope you make them up theirs.

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I like the afternoon queue times here. They are just so much better and I don't see the same people over and over.


Some guy took Viperis so I didn't feel like doing that whole theme anymore =/


I found out there are two names I can't use over here. I can't help but wonder if there are people from SL who decided to troll. :/

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Ive been pvping all morning since transfering and from what ive seen so far the only impressive guild was infinite darkness. Squad six was running healermades, 3 healers and 1 guardian. Thats just a dps check for whoever fights them. No big deal. ID on the other hand did well with a varied group. Looking forward to seeing other guilds in action.
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