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Transfer Tuesday!


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Anyone salivating with anticipation for an even more competitive server?


Lethal Dose 50 - Best guild on Jedi Covenat

Infinite Darkness - Best guild on Shadowlands


Both coming to POT5, undoubtably.


More competitive players yezzzzz:)

Edited by Polymerize
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I know I am pretty dam excited this is happening. Been lucky enough to be able to PvP over here in Afghanistan for the last 6 months with 220 ping, but I am itching for ranked when I get home in the next few months and have my 40 ping back lol. A larger ranked pool can only help the state of PvP until 2.4 comes out.
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although I don't know specifics, a fair amount of Ebon Hawk ranked guilds are coming over as well. I keep hearing from my friends there (some of which I've made a new guild with) that the pvp queue times over there these days are kinda rough.
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Queue times on The Shadowlands can take a while during peak hours. Earlier in the day is definitely worse and I'll keep finding myself in WZs with the same 15 imps. Not particularly fun when there's usually three or four us that actually focus on objectives.
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Hey folks,


The free rename for subscribers is looking good to hit with 2.2.1 in tomorrow morning's maintenance! Hope that helps.




PS - Unrelated, but sure to come up... Paid Character Transfers are still looking good too!


Well, seems that transfers are really going to happen this time.

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I tought my legacy name would be the name of my higher Legacy (Corleone, from my old server), instead of this, I got the lowest one. No big deal anyway, and I can't wait to play with you tonight. Edited by JeffSantos
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Just transferred Zach from Shadowlands. Hi all!


Ran a quick first warzone (uploading to youtube now), kicked some ***, having a blast. Hopefully I'll figure out the new names to watch out for in short order.


Edited by Jherad
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Just transferred Zach from Shadowlands. Hi all!


Ran a quick first warzone (uploading to youtube now), kicked some ***, having a blast. Hopefully I'll figure out the new names to watch out for in short order.



Good to see you here Z.

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