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BW, a humble request..


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Would you PLEASE put Electro Dart back at 30m for Mercs? I get it for PT's, I really do, but NOT for Mercs.


Thank you in advance!


Electro Dart is meant to be used as a defensive ability. It allows you to stun an enemy for 4s who is in melee range so that you can stop its damage and/or create distance to it.


That is the way Bioware designed it and that is how they want it to be used.


The reason why Electro Dart's range was reduced to 10m is because in PvP many players were using it at max range. *Not* as a defensive ability but as an *offensive* ability to lock down enemy players and severely damage (or even kill) them before they could react.


Since many players also used Electro Dart as an interrupt in PvP, and because, at that time, Mercenaries did not have an "actual" interrupt, Bioware implemented "Disabling Shot" for Mercenaries when they reduced the range on Electro Dart. "Disabling Shot" is a 30m interrupt.


Why do *you* want the 30m range on Electro Dart for Mercenaries?

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Pre 2.0 I would have agreed with you whole heartedly... but with the improvements to the merc after 2.0 it's not as important to me anymore. I personally wanted to see more tools that allow the merc to cleanly escape and effectually kite and BW did a pretty good job with Arsenal. Arsenal has become a hit and fade "slash" semi-decent kiting class. A ranged root or stun is more important for a turret type class. Pre- 2.0 dps mercs where stuck in a state where no tactics applied and removing the range stun just pushed them further down the road of uselessness.


If they did give it back I would be very happy indeed but not at the expense of taking away anything we currently have.

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