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merc pyro


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What s so wrong about it ?


Granted , im still low level , but i find it so much fun and im doing pretty well in pvp .


Ain t trying to start a war or some such , im really curious about it .

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Well it's all relative... but in general when you start getting closer to level 55 that spec becomes very difficult to succeed with... the problem is with the current state of the game in regards to healing mechanics and long ttd when healers and tanks are around. Pyro just doesn't have any role that it shines in. Dps classes are very reliant on burst right now and pyro just doesn't have enough. It still can potentially do a lot of raw overall pvp dps because of the dot mechanic but it's very difficult to take out targets. Since healing is so good right now all that dot dps just gets swallowed up.


The major advantage over Arsenal before 2.0 (mobility) has also been neutralized. Arsenal still isn't as mobile as pyro, but the gap is very narrow now. Also Arsenal can still deliver significant burst damage on the move (on cool down) where pyro cannot match this.

Edited by Choffware
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The nerfs to tone down PT Pyro in PVP gutted Merc Pyro as well.


GCG does pitiful damage.


TD is no longer useful at all.


Rail Shot and Unload just don't hit hard enough.


Arsenal's mobility was drastically improved.


Still have to cast to get PPA procs, and only Unload will grant a proc if interrupted.


So basically, Pyro has mediocre sustained damage, mediocre burst, and no mobility advantage.

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What s so wrong about it ?


Granted , im still low level , but i find it so much fun and im doing pretty well in pvp .


Ain t trying to start a war or some such , im really curious about it .


As long as you are more skilled than your opponents, you will continue to do well. If you are dedicated, this is not hard to achieve in low and mid level pvp. But at lev 55, there will be plenty of players with your level of dedication and skill. And because you play with the worst subclass in the game, they will beat you. Of course you will still beat plenty of lower skill players. If this scenario is acceptable to you, then do continue with Merc Pyro. Just be aware that your team mates may be less accepting of your choice....


As far as why the Merc Pyro is the worst subclass in the game, consider the following. Merc Pyro is a DoT class. Your opening DoT move costs 25% of your resource stack and has a long damage tail. Compare that to Operative Lethality. Their opening DoT also has a long damage tail, but only costs 10% of his resource stack. And it is AoE. YES. A. O. E. He can DoT 5 targets with his opener for less than half the cost that it takes for a Merc Pyro. And that is just the opening move. At every stage along the process, the Operative Lethality has better skills, better abilities, better utility, better defensive/escape capabilities. And keep in mind that Operative Lethality is considered the *worst* of the Lethality subclasses.


Merc Pyro is the worst subclass in the game.

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it would be cool if merc pyro had flame burst or something O.o


Merc Pyro should have Missile Blast put CGC on all affected targets. PT Pyro has an AoE CGC ability. Merc Pyro needs one too. In general my view is that all the single target dps subclasses need enhanced AoE attacks. They need a LOT more damage output to put them on par with healers. And increased AoE damage is the way to do that without reducing TTK and without adversely affecting PvE boss fights.

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As long as you are more skilled than your opponents, you will continue to do well. If you are dedicated, this is not hard to achieve in low and mid level pvp. But at lev 55, there will be plenty of players with your level of dedication and skill. And because you play with the worst subclass in the game, they will beat you. Of course you will still beat plenty of lower skill players. If this scenario is acceptable to you, then do continue with Merc Pyro. Just be aware that your team mates may be less accepting of your choice....


As far as why the Merc Pyro is the worst subclass in the game, consider the following. Merc Pyro is a DoT class. Your opening DoT move costs 25% of your resource stack and has a long damage tail. Compare that to Operative Lethality. Their opening DoT also has a long damage tail, but only costs 10% of his resource stack. And it is AoE. YES. A. O. E. He can DoT 5 targets with his opener for less than half the cost that it takes for a Merc Pyro. And that is just the opening move. At every stage along the process, the Operative Lethality has better skills, better abilities, better utility, better defensive/escape capabilities. And keep in mind that Operative Lethality is considered the *worst* of the Lethality subclasses.


Merc Pyro is the worst subclass in the game.


In short, play arsenal. They have better damage, almost the same mobility and more utility (more damage on EN, longer HtL, bigger knockback and better heals (and AMP instant))

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