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Decent PVP Arsenal Rotation?


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So you get your tracer missile at 20.

Tm heat signature allows railshot (Rs). So Try to get 4-5 stacks of heat signature on your target, then railshot.

The best damaging ability and the most usable is unload (UL). With latter barrage procs and pyrotech skill tree 'advanced targeting' feat it hits pretty hard, not to tell, that feated 'pinning fire' makes unload slow targets.

If you need to put some aoe pressure - use explosive dart, then flamethrower, or death from above, or the least sweeping blasters.


When you get higher by your level, you will get rocket punch root, so get used to rocket punch, then explosive dart, for having some time to break melee range, because RP root is 4 seconds only when target is undamaged, otherwise its rooted only for 2 seconds, no time to get far enough, to put unload uninterrupted.


Basic rotation while not getting enemy attention is:

TM, Heatseeker missiles (HSM), TM, RS with 4 stacks of heat signature, TM n-times (untill barrage proc), unload.

Get used to kolto missile and remember that healing scan is instant with 5 stacks of 'tracer lock', so u can choose either you shoot railshot +30% more damage, or get some instant heal besides your kolto missile.

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If I were you, I would use 2 different rotations. One rotation when being attacked, and a different rotation when left to free cast.


When left alone:

Tracer - Tracer - Tracer - Tracer - Tracer (yes, only tracer until they are close to death, or until someone attacks you)

Once they are close to death:

1) Heatseeker (as you move close to them)

2) Railshot (as you continue to get close)

3) Stun (10m range) or whatever else it takes to finish them off


The reason I don't use better attacks right away is because if you use your normal rotation, they are going to take damage and then react by moving away. Once they are moving away, you won't be able to hurt them because your Instant-Cast attacks were all just used. You need to instead save the Instant-Cast attacks for AFTER they react and start to run away.


There is nothing worse than:

1) Tracer

2) Heatseeker

3) Tracer

4) Railshot

5) Opponent starts to run away, forcing you to chase

6) Explosive Dart

7) Rapid Shot

8) Rapid Shot


If my suggestion was used, it would instead look like:

1) Tracer

2) Tracer

3) Tracer

4) Tracer

5) Opponent starts to run away, forcing you to chase

6) Heatseeker

7) Railshot

8) Explosive Dart


In this case, they eat a Heatseeker and Railshot AFTER they decide to run. (instead of 2 Rapid Shots)

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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Seeing as you've got HS in the rotation, you've got a bunch of other skills as well -- I can power surge two tracers instantly, so I'm on the move. Then I can instant HSM. Rail shot. I'm still gap closing so there's no issue with runnes. I can rocket-punch and root. Then use a channeled like unload or flamethrower. Pop a barrier shield. Then tracer (vent) and repeat.


At L21 life is different though, but it still leads with Tracer for Unload / Rail Shot.

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Yep, sorry i ment Tracer Lock Buff instead of Heat Signature debuff, thx.


I want to ask about that TM, TM, TM, TM.. non-being-attacked rotation.

Are you sure, mate, that you are not crippling your team just by doing lowergrade dps output??

TM, HS, TM, RS.. one is much more damaging. And dont say the target could run away, its a teamgame, thus with teammates, focus fire and cc abilities.

And after that 4 abilities you should use Unload, feated with Pinning Fire slows its target for 70%, not so much speed to run away though.

Edited by Akfourtys
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