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Question regarding Unload and Stabilizers


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The "Stabilizers" skill claims that it...


Reduces the pushback suffered while activating Power Shot, Concussion Missile, Tracer Missile and Unload by [35/70%].


...but due to Unload dealing damage over three ticks, with the last tick occurring as the channel ends, 30% pushback is still enough to cut one tick from the channel, so what's the point of including Unload on that list of affected abilities?


Was it a 100% reduction at some point in time?


Edit: It's a bit annoying the way Unload places the ticks, because even if you only channel two ticks, the animation might run for almost the full three seconds. Any time spent channeling Unload after the first two ticks - if you've taken damage - is wasted, right? Unload doesn't get a chance to tick three times or anything, does it?

Edited by Qaoz
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But 75% would still not prevent Unload from losing the third tick, would it? The third tick occurs when the channel ends, so any pushback whatsoever will clip the third tick.


While we're roaming around in the mind-boggling zone, is there any particular reason why some missiles/shots/channels alert the mobs upon activation while others alert upon hit? Fusion Missile and Explosive Dart alert the mobs of your presence on hit, but Tracer Missile and Missile Blast alerts them when they're launched. Unload alerts the mobs before the first tick even hits them, but Sweeping Blasters doesn't alert them until the first tick.


It means that Unload's stun effect is pointless for trying to score a full channel, unless the target is busy fighting something else, because the stun effect applies on the first tick, which is well after the target has been alerted and begins firing back - cutting the Unload channel by one tick.


Lazy coding?

Edited by Qaoz
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I don't think it prevents the damage, but instead just pushes back the channel time. If you get hit, it takes 3.4 seconds or whatever to channel instead of 3.0 seconds.


If I cast a 1.5 second heal and they hit me and push it back an extra .75 seconds, it still heals me when it finally finishes at 2.25 instead of 1.5

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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I don't think it prevents the damage, but instead just pushes back the channel time. If you get hit, it takes 3.4 seconds or whatever to channel instead of 3.0 seconds.


If I cast a 1.5 second heal and they hit me and push it back an extra .75 seconds, it still heals me when it finally finishes at 2.25 instead of 1.5


Not for casts. It clips channels.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah the TM cast delaying is annoying enough....on top of that unload clipping...our two most often used abilities just kills me during certain encounters....TFB NiM Dread Guard Council lightning storm I might as well just stop attacking during that phase lol.
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Yes, even with the talent if you get hit during the channel you should cancel the end of Unload and begin casting something else, otherwise your character will just stand there doing the animation but the tick of damage will not occur. Edited by Jenzali
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