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Suggestion: Combat Medic in RWZ utility


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So Combat Medics aren't wanted in RWZ for obvious shortcomings in healing output. This isn't addressing that although I would hope in upcoming class balance updates that will be addressed.


This is just a suggestion to replace the 2 worthless talent points called "peacekeeper" that make rapid shots proc your kolto shell. No one wants these points, but we are forced to take them. You should replace this skill with something like


"combat extraction" - when hydraulic overrides are activated, the ally that is targeted also receives and benefits from the talent for its duration.


Sorcs have a friendly pull, ops have stealth and instant 30% save your life heal, mercs get what? The offensive talent electronet is about it, nothing for friendlys other than heals that take too long to cast. This talent would be greatly beneficial to the team. It would be like casting a friendly hydraulic override on an ally to get them out of sticky situations.

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Almost every class has points they have to put into things they don't want, in areas they aren't focusing on. One guide called it a skill point tax. I like the term. I hate the reality. But it's a problem with nearly every class... Just saying.
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Mando/merc heals need a buff to put them back on par with ops/sorcs. I play both an op healer and a mando healer and the op is much ore viable. Sorc is just as viable but mando needs something, imo.


i like this idea and it would make sense.


Laso, as for the skill point tax. I don't feel as though i have any wasted points on my op

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't necessarily agree with the OP's proposed changes, however I always find myself scratching my head wondering what the Devs were thinking when giving us the new upper-level talents Frontine Medic and Kolto Wave. Neither of these talents help us very much at all and nor do they address the glaring issues with Commando Healers in PvP which is the lack of the ability to heal under pressure when our one 2 minute defensive CD is down, less effective abilities to heal on the move, lack of overall healing, and lack of escapability.


Frontline Medic seems like it would have been an awesome talent for either of the DPS specs, but not so good for a top tier healing one that we have to take and Kolto Wave is just "meh" for a top tier talent.

Edited by DimeStax
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I don't necessarily agree with the OP's proposed changes, however I always find myself scratching my head wondering what the Devs were thinking when giving us the new upper-level talents Frontine Medic and Kolto Wave. Neither of these talents help us very much at all and nor do they address the glaring issues with Commando Healers in PvP which is the lack of the ability to heal under pressure when our one 2 minute defensive CD is down, less effective abilities to heal on the move, lack of overall healing, and lack of escapability.


Frontline Medic seems like it would have been an awesome talent for either of the DPS specs, but not so good for a top tier healing one that we have to take and Kolto Wave is just "meh."


Frontline Medicine is certainly terrible and needs to be removed, but Kolto Wave is awesome. It's a fairly decent sized heal, instant and mobile. It gives a nice tool for kiting in PvP, and in PvE it gives a fantastic AoE heal that can hit up to 20 targets (more than any other AoE in the game aside from Kolto Pods). Honestly, Kolto Wave is a big part of what brings Commando situational raid healing into an acceptable place. We're still far behind Sages for sustained raid healing, but we at least have a place now.

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Frontline Medicine is certainly terrible and needs to be removed, but Kolto Wave is awesome. It's a fairly decent sized heal, instant and mobile. It gives a nice tool for kiting in PvP, and in PvE it gives a fantastic AoE heal that can hit up to 20 targets (more than any other AoE in the game aside from Kolto Pods). Honestly, Kolto Wave is a big part of what brings Commando situational raid healing into an acceptable place. We're still far behind Sages for sustained raid healing, but we at least have a place now.


Maybe in PvE Kolto Wave is useful, however in PvP we need to be careful how we use our knockbacks because we don't have many defensive cooldowns, and the thread's OP is discussing a healing Commando's RWZ utility not OP raid healing viability.

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Maybe in PvE Kolto Wave is useful, however in PvP we need to be careful how we use our knockbacks because we don't have many defensive cooldowns, and the thread's OP is discussing a healing Commando's RWZ utility not OP raid healing viability.


I'm aware, but you can't split the talent trees, and Kolto Wave is important in PvE. It is helpful in PvP, since it heals you when you knockback (which you likely did to get rid of that annoying marauder), but I agree that it is somewhat lackluster in a warzone compared to how great it is in an operation.

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