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Suggestion: Combat Medic Utility in RWZ


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So Combat Medics aren't wanted in RWZ for obvious shortcomings in healing output. This isn't addressing that although I would hope in upcoming class balance updates that will be addressed.


This is just a suggestion to replace the 2 worthless talent points called "peacekeeper" that make rapid shots proc your kolto shell. No one wants these points, but we are forced to take them. You should replace this skill with something like


"combat extraction" - when hydraulic overrides are activated, the ally that is targeted also receives and benefits from the talent for its duration.


Sorcs have a friendly pull, ops have stealth and instant 30% save your life heal, mercs get what? The offensive talent electronet is about it, nothing for friendlys other than heals that take too long to cast. This talent would be greatly beneficial to the team. It would be like casting a friendly hydraulic override on an ally to get them out of sticky situations.

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Kolto jet heal is not useful in pvp, it is wasted talent points in my opinion, there are more viable talents to be taken over Kolto jets.


your a complete idiot. when im in PvP (normal WZ or RWZ) any chance i get to use Kolto Jets ill take it. especially considering it can still knockback enemies AND it heals you to!

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