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NMTFB and NMSV Ops Progression


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Just for information sake Momentum will not be skipping Dread Guards. We will be beating our head against it until we kill it or they nerf it. We feel that true progression involves doing all bosses in the order they are intended.




Love your attitude *thumbsup*

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Not sure why this is being ignored guys, this was clearly the first kill in your rankings (time is 9:48 AM PST).


Grats to Ewok.


PDT is being used as the standard in this thread AFAIK, which is UTC -7, making this kill 10:48am, or server 3rd. Nonetheless it is impressive and should bump Hatred off the top 3 list.

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PDT is being used as the standard in this thread AFAIK, which is UTC -7, making this kill 10:48am, or server 3rd. Nonetheless it is impressive and should bump Hatred off the top 3 list.


The exact time that kills were made doesn't mean much to me. Us aussies had the servers down on Wednesday night and were unable to raid until a lot later than the yanks due to work commitments etc. We 3 shot WH (74%, 9%, kill), decent fun fight, good level for first boss in the op. 9:20pm Sydney time 13/6/13.

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Progression "rankings" for Writhing Horror are absolutely meaningless, if we're being honest about it. The boss is so easy (we 1-shot it with no deaths despite not having PTS experience) that each guild's place on the list is determined solely by when they had enough people home from work and could start raiding.


Thankfully Dread Council appears to be a much more interesting fight from a progression perspective. I tip my hat to the server-first guild to defeat them (assuming BioWare doesn't nerf it first).

Edited by Uglyworm
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They will and they should, the game is set up that it should be clearable in full 72 and with any group composition. The only current way to beat it is through using four snipers, have the healers dps which is already a strain and the tanks need to lose some survivability to help dps quite a bit. While people are saying it's doable as is, the requirements to meet the dps are simply unattainable unless you have the perfect composition, the perfect run and the random number god loves you enough to give you 40% crit or so.
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The exact time that kills were made doesn't mean much to me. Us aussies had the servers down on Wednesday night and were unable to raid until a lot later than the yanks due to work commitments etc. We 3 shot WH (74%, 9%, kill), decent fun fight, good level for first boss in the op. 9:20pm Sydney time 13/6/13.


Right, and if you see what time my guild cleared you'll see that we are in the same boat as most Aussies when it comes to the log in race. We do not start until 11:30pm PDT, over 12 hours after the server first guilds cleared WH. Still, Hatred has been server first on Harbinger for a while now and any guild that beats them deserves congratulations.

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Rankings are really pointless now anyway since all final rankings are based off the first full clear. No one tracked who the first guild was to kill Dash in s&v. So getting all excited about who killed the first boss is really irrelevant. I also know that this is not the first time that someone has killed a boss before hatred, in fact it was as recent as hm s&v, however no one has had a full clear before them yet. Feel free to brag about server firsts when you get full clears. Until then your progress is irrelevant
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Progression "rankings" for Writhing Horror are absolutely meaningless, if we're being honest about it. The boss is so easy (we 1-shot it with no deaths despite not having PTS experience) that each guild's place on the list is determined solely by when they had enough people home from work and could start raiding.


Thankfully Dread Council appears to be a much more interesting fight from a progression perspective. I tip my hat to the server-first guild to defeat them (assuming BioWare doesn't nerf it first).


working on it... comparing our fight and Suckafish streams... it is mathematically possible, despite w/e the scrubs that skipped in the world thread progress say, /bow to anyone actually trying to kill this and not skipping (which let me remind should disqualify any "first kill", IMO) and trying for themselves instead of giving up and reading other people Fail math... Hopefully someone will kill this before they nerf, if they do, like people did with nim EC 16 man when it was "impossible" as well... and people just stay trying to kill this instead of cheating gearing up with other bosses, give it 1 - 2 weeks until bioware decides to nerf or everyone is sure it needs to be skipped, but dont take the fun out of the game in the server just like people did in the stupid World thread post, totally spoiling all the fun QQing and cheating for more gear to push fight + next content... weak.


we tried a lot last night, dont know why we have way too much trouble in phase 1 dmg taken, compared to all the streams we have seen, but our phase 2 / 3 easily beat all the sloppy phases we have seen in streams so far... we just need to figure out what we doing wrong in P 1 :(, also we are WAY closer than Death and taxes, "enrage" stream at 53%... so couple more days of practice + luck we might get it... hopefully :).

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i dont see such big numbers with 4 healers, but tbh i never see tanks dmg taken parses, or do 16 to know raid dmg, to be fair this was the one fight people were complaining about in the pts, and its buffed, so yeah lol.... on the bright side SSins are really more helpful than a PT tank in D.guards fight, avoiding explosion dmg is more than enough to be good, you cant remove red circles with shroud anyways.

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just wondering on the big yellow paragraph there lol about kill not being counted that i agree, i might not be understanding but you say you can skip this week and wont count towards progression, but next week it will count if they kill DG?... i am probably missreading or something, i dont see the point of letting people gear up thru it and then come do it with more gear week after to buff numbers and do it, if you could clarify me that mister Dench :)
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we tried a lot last night, dont know why we have way too much trouble in phase 1 dmg taken, compared to all the streams we have seen, but our phase 2 / 3 easily beat all the sloppy phases we have seen in streams so far... we just need to figure out what we doing wrong in P 1 :(, also we are WAY closer than Death and taxes, "enrage" stream at 53%... so couple more days of practice + luck we might get it... hopefully :).


Our best attempt last night was when the last one enraged at ~50%, but that was after a few people died and we slowly started wiping at around 70%. I figure if we could have avoided those deaths we might have got to the 30-35% range. That's still not good enough, obviously, but I feel the fight might be do-able with some more practice and better execution. I'm not ready to throw in the towel and deem it unbeatable just yet.


This is by far the hardest fight since NMEC Kephess, though. I love it. :)

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Tank damage during 16 man WH is difficult for one reason. It's that 3 hard hitting attacks can all occur is a short duration. First one being spit as the tank runs to the boss. Which is not significant on its own but it put you at a bit of a deficient for his follow up attack which is "something" slime that hits pretty hard which can immediately be followed up by his melee attack. All three of those attacks can occur within one healer gcd, so if a shadow tank does not absorb, resist or dodge any one of those attacks they are either dead or almost dead. What really worked for us was ensuring all hits were focused on the tank at all times and particularly using sage bubbles to absorb the first round of spit
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Lots of things! First:

<Force in Balance>


8 Person NiM TfB

Writhing Horror

6/12/2013 ; 8:39:20pm Pacific


From the OP:

New Rules. Everyone is responsible for reading and following the new rules. I tried to make it as obvious as possible that there are new rules. I will change this awful formatting to be less of an eyesore later, but for now its more important that everyone sees it:


Pugs and Full Guild Kills:

All progression kills have to be full guild kills. All screenshots for proof of kills have to be in the instance shortly after the boss dies, and all 8/16 people must be seen in the raid frames in the screenshot. What constitutes a guild kill should be fairly obvious, but things like alts and people switching guilds make it way too complicated. Here are some general guidelines, but ultimately the call is up to me. I plan on being pretty lenient about this. Get kills with your guild members, don't try and use ringers, and you will be fine.

In the long run when you kill WH isn't really going to matter, so just post it again next week (or if someone in your guild got a screenshot during the boss, post that).



Not sure why this is being ignored guys, this was clearly the first kill in your rankings (time is 9:48 AM PST).


Grats to Ewok.

I live in California. My last update yesterday was at 10:50pm PDT. I wasn't ignoring them, they just posted after I stopped updating for the night. Also, as others pointed out, this thread is in PDT right now, not PST. Now that we are an international server, I'll try and make it more clear which we are using at the time. Right now it is PDT (UTC-7), in Octoberish it will switch to PST (UTC-8). EN's kill has been updated, and they are now server third on the WH.



working on it... comparing our fight and Suckafish streams... it is mathematically possible, despite w/e the scrubs that skipped in the world thread progress say, /bow to anyone actually trying to kill this and not skipping (which let me remind should disqualify any "first kill", IMO) and trying for themselves instead of giving up and reading other people Fail math... Hopefully someone will kill this before they nerf, if they do, like people did with nim EC 16 man when it was "impossible" as well... and people just stay trying to kill this instead of cheating gearing up with other bosses, give it 1 - 2 weeks until bioware decides to nerf or everyone is sure it needs to be skipped, but dont take the fun out of the game in the server just like people did in the stupid World thread post, totally spoiling all the fun QQing and cheating for more gear to push fight + next content... weak.


we tried a lot last night, dont know why we have way too much trouble in phase 1 dmg taken, compared to all the streams we have seen, but our phase 2 / 3 easily beat all the sloppy phases we have seen in streams so far... we just need to figure out what we doing wrong in P 1 :(, also we are WAY closer than Death and taxes, "enrage" stream at 53%... so couple more days of practice + luck we might get it... hopefully :).

We also haven't given up on it yet, and are elated that there is finally something challenging again. I personally think the fight isn't working as intended; why would the second fight randomly be way harder than all the other fights? That being said, I still think its probably possible. We only put three hours into it last night, and we still have a lot of room for improvement.



just wondering on the big yellow paragraph there lol about kill not being counted that i agree, i might not be understanding but you say you can skip this week and wont count towards progression, but next week it will count if they kill DG?... i am probably missreading or something, i dont see the point of letting people gear up thru it and then come do it with more gear week after to buff numbers and do it, if you could clarify me that mister Dench :)

Here is how it works right now.


Guild kills WH on 6/12. Gets credit. Guild skips DG. Guild kills Op9, Kephess, and TFB on 6/13. Guild gets no credit for these kills.


DG is patched on 6/19, increasing the enrage timer by 30 seconds. Guild kills DG, Op9, Kephess, and TFB on 6/19. Gets credit for all those fights, the time of their kills will be 6/19.


Currently I'm allowing people to skip ahead of the DG to get gear, but that guild gives up all progression kills for that week. If they come back next week, they are allowed to progress again.



Updated. Congrats on the WH kills everyone. :) Let me know if I missed anyone, there were a lot to update.

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Our best attempt last night was when the last one enraged at ~50%, but that was after a few people died and we slowly started wiping at around 70%. I figure if we could have avoided those deaths we might have got to the 30-35% range. That's still not good enough, obviously, but I feel the fight might be do-able with some more practice and better execution. I'm not ready to throw in the towel and deem it unbeatable just yet.


This is by far the hardest fight since NMEC Kephess, though. I love it. :)


yeah we have the same problem at third healers were rly overwhelmed lol..... what guild you in? i hate not having signatures to know whos talking >_> lol... but yeah, its a really nice fight, not really THAT frustrating, but *********** hard.

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No he's not

Are you so sure? Do you know the forum handles of all your guild mates?


Its clearly been a long term conspiracy to destroy your guild from the inside.

Edited by Denchet
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Are you so sure? Do you know the forum handles of all your guild mates?


Its clearly been a long term conspiracy to destroy your guild from the inside.


Come on now, who hasn't tried to infiltrate apex to destroy them from the inside at least once?

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Are you so sure? Do you know the forum handles of all your guild mates?


Its clearly been a long term conspiracy to destroy your guild from the inside.


Ahaha so very true. All of you are a bunch of damn conspirators!


But he did mention earlier on in the thread their best attempt was 50% on Kel, that's haterade if I'm not mistaken, we did not make it that far.

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Ahaha so very true. All of you are a bunch of damn conspirators!


But he did mention earlier on in the thread their best attempt was 50% on Kel, that's haterade if I'm not mistaken, we did not make it that far.


Haterade? Hardly. I would never join a guild that thinks "What kind of chicks do you like?" is an appropriate application post question.

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