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I enjoy my Merc the most out of any class for PVP


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The class is way fun now thanks to all the changes. I switched my PT to a tank and now DPS on my merc. I've got to say, it's been a blast. I might not always be number 1 in Damage at the end of the match, but the class has so much utility now, it's just fun to play. I just want to say, I'm glad Bioware made these changes. The merc isn't OP when it comes to damage, but it's OP when it comes to fun factor.
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Arsenal is fun because its a mobile, diverse platform. I played a DPS Sorc and really they are just turrets. Same thing with Snipers. I don't find that as fun as the duck and dodge of the mercenary. Granted while on the run its hard to beat someone 1v1 but getting people in WZ's to give up attacking you because you are too mobile is lots of fun. Kiting is fun because unlike the turret, situations are different lots of the time.


However when we do get to stand in one place, I can put out 20k damage in 4 global cooldowns. Channel Tracer missile - Power surge - two instant tracer missiles - Heat seeker missile - Rail shot. If all of them crit it can be enough to kill someone otherwise the proced unload will finish them. That's pretty damn good burst!

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