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APAC Legacy Transfers.

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Hey all!


I transferred my low-level Sorcerer to Begeren Colony yesterday. He is joining a low-level Sniper that I made on there prior to Character Transfers going live. The Sniper does not have a Legacy yet. I was hoping to merge him with my existing APAC Legacy when I transferred my characters over.


However, after transferring my Sorcerer over I noticed that he also does not have a Legacy. His Legacy level is the same as my APAC one, but when I click on the Legacy panel I am given the option to create a new Legacy, rather than being shown my APAC one.


I have a few questions:


  • If I transfer my other toons over (including my first character who is at 55) will they also lose their Legacy name?

  • If they do lose their Legacy Name, can I recreate my Legacy under the same name and then re-add all of my toons to that Legacy? (Are they automatically added?)

  • Would I be better off waiting for the forced merge? Will that give me a cleaner Legacy transfer?


I guess I am worried that all my characters will lose their Legacy, forcing me to somehow reassemble them into my pre-existing APAC Legacy again. I apologise if I don't entirely understand the Legacy system, and if that lack of understanding is causing more confusion than is necessary.



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