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Communication? Wasn't this supposed to be a priority?


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Eric, communication has been massively improved since you stepped up to the plate. Thank you.


This. Not always what we want to know, but even a post saying you know nothing, gains my appreciation. Thank you for all the work and effort you put into this Eric.

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This might be a dangerous thread to poke my head into, but I figure it warrants a response if I can give it! One of the things that I certainly see on occasion and have to deal with is a perceived lack of communication. Something that is always very hard to manage as a Community Team is making sure that everyone feels like they are being spoken to on the things they care about most. You would be surprised just how difficult this can be. Not because communication itself is difficult to do, but because every single player has something different they care about. To add to that issue, sometimes we just simply don’t have anything to say! I think we can all agree a forum full of “I have no information but will get you more soon” would not be a place you want to be a part of. Whenever possible, I try to make sure we have real information every time we post.


To talk about PvP specifically, I know this is a very contentious topic and one that players will always be hungry for information about. Certainly just like every other part of the game, there will be bugs that need to be addressed, and we can deal with those as they pop up. What makes it extra tricky, is that there are also issues that pop up tied to PvP that aren’t actually problems, but perceived problems. An example being claims of speedhacking due to a player not understanding all class abilities, etc. The same can be true in some situations for class balance. Often times at Cantina Tours we ask what the most overpowered class in our game is, you would be amused to know that people guess almost every single Advanced Class.


We are always going to work to communicate as often and transparent as we can, PvP included. I remember well what it is like to not work inside of these walls, the truth is that players want to know everything they can, and I don’t blame them one bit. Hell, I work here and I do my best to learn as much about our future plans as possible! The problem is, we will never be able to say absolutely everything, so it is all about telling you guys as much as we can, as often as we can. I have tried to make sure PvP issues are being addressed as much as possible in yellow posts and I wanted to point some of them out just in case they haven’t been seen, especially since I saw some of them mentioned in this very thread:


  • When are we getting more PvP content? Although it isn’t specific on what , you can expect good things in Game Update 2.4.
  • Why don’t you acknowledge /stuck? Alex did that very thing, we are definitely aware and are looking at solutions!
  • Bolster bugs. We know there are still issues, I commented on one this morning and we are working with combat to make them aware of any and all issues we see on the forums (even if we don’t post that in every thread)
  • Listening to PvP feedback. Based entirely on player feedback we pulled the CC break reset on death from 2.2.


I realize that our communication around PvP may not always be as much or as frequent as you want but I assure you that we are always trying to find places to get developer responses or to pass things back on to the team. As always, I will make it a point to try to push up our yellow responses to questions and concerns around PvP. You are certainly not being ignored. As a general rule always remember, just because we don’t respond in every single thread we are definitely reading!




Ok squire lists is it :p lol,


  1. Firstly we have the overpriced ranked mods and enhancements which has a nice thread going on the PTS just as in 2.0 when it was known to be an unintended bug. Another issue ignored. Making Pvp gamers experience a pain in the behind to be honest,
  2. Secondly Force shroud/resilience another bug which has never been acknowledged yet you claim to listen to feedback. Theres pages of posts there with logs showing it.

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so i think you are missing the point entirely here eric.


the overwhelming majority of yellow name posts have little to no information. this post right here, despite being a wall of text, has no new info. following the dev tracker is not hard, especially with how few posts there are.


this is not just an issue about dev post frequency. its about the content of those posts. do you know how many people would be complaining about communication if bolster had been fixed on the first attempt? or if we had actually gotten a update outline for 2.4 like we did for 2.3? i could go on, but cba.


while i know you (eric) are not always privy to everything we want to know, you need to understand that a post with no information is just as useless as no post at all. the complete secrecy with which you guys treat your future plans is hurting the game. the idea that "we dont release any info til its 100% ready" is ridiculous now; it has been since the RWZ debacle in 1.2. the community will react to changes, even negative ones, in a far less intense way if we are privy to what those changes are prior to them occurring.


ps: still waiting for that 'mathy' post about how Bolster in 2.0 actually works...... :rolleyes:


2.4 is far off so I dont blame them for not sharing an outline. People will call plans a promise and on comes the QQ train.

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so i think you are missing the point entirely here eric.


the overwhelming majority of yellow name posts have little to no information. this post right here, despite being a wall of text, has no new info. following the dev tracker is not hard, especially with how few posts there are.


this is not just an issue about dev post frequency. its about the content of those posts. do you know how many people would be complaining about communication if bolster had been fixed on the first attempt? or if we had actually gotten a update outline for 2.4 like we did for 2.3? i could go on, but cba.


while i know you (eric) are not always privy to everything we want to know, you need to understand that a post with no information is just as useless as no post at all. the complete secrecy with which you guys treat your future plans is hurting the game. the idea that "we dont release any info til its 100% ready" is ridiculous now; it has been since the RWZ debacle in 1.2. the community will react to changes, even negative ones, in a far less intense way if we are privy to what those changes are prior to them occurring.


ps: still waiting for that 'mathy' post about how Bolster in 2.0 actually works...... :rolleyes:


No one is going to pop into the forums to dump a boatload of information on your hands. You sound like the other entitled gamers on every other single MMO forum.


You are citing lack of information when usually information is not given because it is not solidified yet. If you don't like what you are getting then go post the same inane comment in a different MMO forum.

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I echo a lot of the previous posts to this thread, but even when something is possibly broken, it almost takes an act of God to get you guys to respond. It's like the PvP forum is the skunk of SWTOR forums. No Dev/Mod dares touch it, except for you... You're a brave one though, I'll give you that... :D


I mean something as simplistic as a post I did about Blade Turning (Knights/Warriors)possibly having issues got no response. Even an obligatory, "we will look into it" would suffice. Instead I get warning emails from the forum police when I call someone out..... Priorities?


This is why people are PO'd... Players perceive that the feedback is over-generalized and not very valuable. You guys are acting like politicians. It seems like lip service, and in my case, bad/no lip service. Meaningful responses, openness to do a total 180 on what you thought was needed (like the stunbreak change proposal), and outright cancellation/postponement of changes proven to "need to go back to formula"(bolster). This is what your community craves..

Edited by L-RANDLE
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No one is going to pop into the forums to dump a boatload of information on your hands. You sound like the other entitled gamers on every other single MMO forum.


You are citing lack of information when usually information is not given because it is not solidified yet. If you don't like what you are getting then go post the same inane comment in a different MMO forum.


how dare i think that the customer base should know if game breaking bugs are being addressed.


go through the dev tracker and count the number of posts that actually have any relevant information in them, and how many of them are either fluff posts or repeating things that we already know. quality > quantity


if there was only 1 single dev post a week, but it featured some things the devs worked on during that past week, some responses to particular hot-button threads, etc, the perception of poor communication would go away immediately.


instead we have anywhere from 7 to ~20 dev posts a week on average, and communication is still considered poor.

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if there was only 1 single dev post a week, but it featured some things the devs worked on during that past week, some responses to particular hot-button threads, etc, the perception of poor communication would go away immediately.


This is complete nonsense right here.


NOTHING, no matter how detailed nor how timely or relevant will ever change the "perception" of some people (the ones Trolling Eric 7/24 on communications) on the topic of communications to players.


Heck, they could offer you an NDA and open access to every developer meeting, discussion, and project planning session AND YOU WOULD STILL be here complaining about poor communications by the game developers because you had to take notes in order to remember what was discussed and agreed upon. Oh.. and ranting because Bioware did not give you a personal administrative assistant to TL;DR all the notes down for you so that you don't soil your pants over all the information overload.


Special interest based complaint fests like this thread are simply occupational hazards for people like Eric. Eric knows it. Most of us in the forum know it. There is probably even a vaccine to protect MMO staffers against the ill effects of said hazard.

Edited by Andryah
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NOTHING, no matter how detailed nor how timely or relevant will ever change the "perception" of some people (the ones Trolling Eric 7/24 on communications) on the topic of communications to players.

That's quite the claim. Since you often call others out for hyperbole, I would ask you to please provide some support for your statement..
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That's quite the claim. Since you often call others out for hyperbole, I would ask you to please provide some support for your statement..


The forum history itself is proof that the special interests will NEVER be satisfied with communications. Prove me wrong. Oh wait.. you can't

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The forum history itself is proof that the special interests will NEVER be satisfied with communications. Prove me wrong. Oh wait.. you can't
"The special interests?" What, is Big Oil posting in the swtor forums? lmao. But that is a very faulty line of reasoning. It sounds like you're suggesting that because they haven't been satisfied with the level of service in the past, they would still not be satisfied if that level of service were to rise. That is a completely illogical assumption. The logical thing to do is assume that improved service will produce the expected and desired result--increased customer satisfaction--until you discover it to be otherwise. there are infinitely many analogies that could be made here, but your argument is akin to saying that "since they complained when they got a $50 annual raise and a $250 annual raise, they're gonna complain if we give them an $8,000 annual raise." I don't think it would be unusual for someone to be unhappy with a $50 raise and happy with a $8000 raise, nor would it be the least bit inconsistent on that person's part.
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This is complete nonsense right here.


NOTHING, no matter how detailed nor how timely or relevant will ever change the "perception" of some people (the ones Trolling Eric 7/24 on communications) on the topic of communications to players.


Heck, they could offer you an NDA and open access to every developer meeting, discussion, and project planning session AND YOU WOULD STILL be here complaining about poor communications by the game developers because you had to take notes in order to remember what was discussed and agreed upon. Oh.. and ranting because Bioware did not give you a personal administrative assistant to TL;DR all the notes down for you so that you don't soil your pants over all the information overload.


Special interest based complaint fests like this thread are simply occupational hazards for people like Eric. Eric knows it. Most of us in the forum know it. There is probably even a vaccine to protect MMO staffers against the ill effects of said hazard.


It's almost hard not to laugh lol.

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"The special interests?" What, is Big Oil posting in the swtor forums? lmao. But that is a very faulty line of reasoning. It sounds like you're suggesting that because they haven't been satisfied with the level of service in the past, they would still not be satisfied if that level of service were to rise. That is a completely illogical assumption. The logical thing to do is assume that improved service will produce the expected and desired result--increased customer satisfaction--until you discover it to be otherwise. there are infinitely many analogies that could be made here, but your argument is akin to saying that "since they complained when they got a $50 annual raise and a $250 annual raise, they're gonna complain if we give them an $8,000 annual raise." I don't think it would be unusual for someone to be unhappy with a $50 raise and happy with a $8000 raise, nor would it be the least bit inconsistent on that person's part.


Just ignore it, no matter what sense you type out, it goes over their head. Take it like most do, with a huge laugh.



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how dare i think that the customer base should know if game breaking bugs are being addressed.


go through the dev tracker and count the number of posts that actually have any relevant information in them, and how many of them are either fluff posts or repeating things that we already know. quality > quantity


if there was only 1 single dev post a week, but it featured some things the devs worked on during that past week, some responses to particular hot-button threads, etc, the perception of poor communication would go away immediately.


instead we have anywhere from 7 to ~20 dev posts a week on average, and communication is still considered poor.


Spot on btw.

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This might be a dangerous thread to poke my head into, but I figure it warrants a response if I can give it! One of the things that I certainly see on occasion and have to deal with is a perceived lack of communication. Something that is always very hard to manage as a Community Team is making sure that everyone feels like they are being spoken to on the things they care about most. You would be surprised just how difficult this can be. Not because communication itself is difficult to do, but because every single player has something different they care about. To add to that issue, sometimes we just simply don’t have anything to say! I think we can all agree a forum full of “I have no information but will get you more soon” would not be a place you want to be a part of. Whenever possible, I try to make sure we have real information every time we post.


To talk about PvP specifically, I know this is a very contentious topic and one that players will always be hungry for information about. Certainly just like every other part of the game, there will be bugs that need to be addressed, and we can deal with those as they pop up. What makes it extra tricky, is that there are also issues that pop up tied to PvP that aren’t actually problems, but perceived problems. An example being claims of speedhacking due to a player not understanding all class abilities, etc. The same can be true in some situations for class balance. Often times at Cantina Tours we ask what the most overpowered class in our game is, you would be amused to know that people guess almost every single Advanced Class.


We are always going to work to communicate as often and transparent as we can, PvP included. I remember well what it is like to not work inside of these walls, the truth is that players want to know everything they can, and I don’t blame them one bit. Hell, I work here and I do my best to learn as much about our future plans as possible! The problem is, we will never be able to say absolutely everything, so it is all about telling you guys as much as we can, as often as we can. I have tried to make sure PvP issues are being addressed as much as possible in yellow posts and I wanted to point some of them out just in case they haven’t been seen, especially since I saw some of them mentioned in this very thread:


  • When are we getting more PvP content? Although it isn’t specific on what , you can expect good things in Game Update 2.4.
  • Why don’t you acknowledge /stuck? Alex did that very thing, we are definitely aware and are looking at solutions!
  • Bolster bugs. We know there are still issues, I commented on one this morning and we are working with combat to make them aware of any and all issues we see on the forums (even if we don’t post that in every thread)
  • Listening to PvP feedback. Based entirely on player feedback we pulled the CC break reset on death from 2.2.


I realize that our communication around PvP may not always be as much or as frequent as you want but I assure you that we are always trying to find places to get developer responses or to pass things back on to the team. As always, I will make it a point to try to push up our yellow responses to questions and concerns around PvP. You are certainly not being ignored. As a general rule always remember, just because we don’t respond in every single thread we are definitely reading!



It's good that you are reading. But the community wishes feedback to see that something is being worked on. These issues certainly need to be addressed. Unfortunately, developers of many other MMO(RP)Gs do a much better job with that than the TOR developers do.


But what about communication about much requested RP/Social features like chat bubbles? Which patch can we expect those in? Speech bubbles (or at the very least, overhead chat test for /say, /yell and /emote) are as important to many roleplayers and socializers (and many others want them, too, as they can be handy in PVP or PVE just as well when you actually see who says what on the screen while you focus on the action) as the warzone queue mechanic is to PVP and the group finder is to PVE. Yet we still didn't receive this essential feature, which was originally promised to be in for launch, shortly thereafter and "soon". You should communicate more on those, too, you know. And they better be planned for one of the next patches as I'm really using patience here and can't stand most of my friends, roleplayers and socializers quitting left and right because this feature is missing! And those are the usually the most loyal types players any MMORPG can have. Yet you rarely do something nice for them, except if you can rip them off for the features they crave by charging cartel coins (the appearance designer kiosk where not even subscribers have the option to pay for cosmetic changes via credits instead of cartel coins comes to mind - ridiculous!) and have ignored the number one complaints they have for years.

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One of the things that I certainly see on occasion and have to deal with is a perceived lack of communication.



There is nothing perceived about BW's lack of communication. You consistently fail to supply adequate information. Your customer base keeps letting you know this you you still live under a rock.

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But what about communication about much requested RP/Social features like chat bubbles? Which patch can we expect those in? Speech bubbles (or at the very least, overhead chat test for /say, /yell and /emote) are as important to many roleplayers and socializers (and many others want them, too, as they can be handy in PVP or PVE just as well when you actually see who says what on the screen while you focus on the action) as the warzone queue mechanic is to PVP and the group finder is to PVE. Yet we still didn't receive this essential feature, which was originally promised to be in for launch, shortly thereafter and "soon". You should communicate more on those, too, you know. And they better be planned for one of the next patches as I'm really using patience here and can't stand most of my friends, roleplayers and socializers quitting left and right because this feature is missing! And those are the usually the most loyal types players any MMORPG can have.


Have you followed the Dev tracker at all? They've communicated NUMEROUS times as to why chat bubbles were pulled. And, they also explained why we may never see them implemented.


There are plenty of complaints for actual issues and features that should exist and have been ignored -- by NO means is Chat Bubbles one of them. Don't claim something hasn't been addressed when it HAS, on NUMEROUS occasions.

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there will be bugs that need to be addressed, and we can deal with those as they pop up


Yes, why don't you do that?


There are (to my mind) two main things that pop up:


1) Acute bugs that negatively impact the game for a large number of people immediately and may be considered by some to be 'game breaking'. This includes newly found exploits that get out of hand VERY quickly. An example of this might be a newly found bolster exploit. You should really post an acknowledgement within a day of the community becoming vocal about an acute bug (4-5 days later after the community starts actively sabotaging your fluff threads is PATHETIC). You suck at this.


2) Chronic problems that may not be as severe, but have been ongoing for some time. An example of this might be a class balance issue, or the GCD problem. You should be giving us regular (read: weekly) status updates as to how things are progressing, with real information. You suck at this too.


Your communication failures are not a 'perception', they are real. Suck less.

Edited by Jherad
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White Knights, White Knights everywhere! :rolleyes:


Communication is a joke here on almost anything. Only time you'll see it is when it gets borderline riot on these forums. Hell I remember when EAware would just go on ban campaigns when people didn't like what was implemented in a patch, etc. But even now, it's just a joke......not sure how else to describe it. Clean the slate and hire new people.

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If you look again, you might discover that the only place where this phrase (or anything close to it) appears is in your own post.


Perhaps that'll tell you something. But I suspect not.




lol no, if you look up and read past the yellow post pages, there ARE alot of posts since the yellow post, IT IS LIKE THAT.



the angry mob want bioware to communicate more



bioware say that "there isnt any new info yet"


the angry mob go on say that that isnt good enough, they want more info


hell look at the post RIGHT AFTER the yellow post, it full of those posts


so no, im quite spot on



/tryreading thewholethreadnexttimeyouquoteme




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sane people,sane people everywhere! :rolleyes:


Communication is a joke here on almost anything. Only time you'll see it is when it gets borderline riot on these forums. Hell I remember when EAware would just go on ban campaigns when people didn't like what was implemented in a patch, etc. But even now, it's just a joke......not sure how else to describe it. Clean the slate and hire new people.


i fix that for you as im not whiteknight, nor am i raging player huffing sugar and cant seem to come down.



while i wasnt here last year, wasnt the launch team and the community team we have now, two separate team?

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This might be a dangerous thread to poke my head into, but I figure it warrants a response if I can give it! One of the things that I certainly see on occasion and have to deal with is a perceived lack of communication. Something that is always very hard to manage as a Community Team is making sure that everyone feels like they are being spoken to on the things they care about most. You would be surprised just how difficult this can be. Not because communication itself is difficult to do, but because every single player has something different they care about. To add to that issue, sometimes we just simply don’t have anything to say! I think we can all agree a forum full of “I have no information but will get you more soon” would not be a place you want to be a part of. Whenever possible, I try to make sure we have real information every time we post.


To talk about PvP specifically, I know this is a very contentious topic and one that players will always be hungry for information about. Certainly just like every other part of the game, there will be bugs that need to be addressed, and we can deal with those as they pop up. What makes it extra tricky, is that there are also issues that pop up tied to PvP that aren’t actually problems, but perceived problems. An example being claims of speedhacking due to a player not understanding all class abilities, etc. The same can be true in some situations for class balance. Often times at Cantina Tours we ask what the most overpowered class in our game is, you would be amused to know that people guess almost every single Advanced Class.


We are always going to work to communicate as often and transparent as we can, PvP included. I remember well what it is like to not work inside of these walls, the truth is that players want to know everything they can, and I don’t blame them one bit. Hell, I work here and I do my best to learn as much about our future plans as possible! The problem is, we will never be able to say absolutely everything, so it is all about telling you guys as much as we can, as often as we can. I have tried to make sure PvP issues are being addressed as much as possible in yellow posts and I wanted to point some of them out just in case they haven’t been seen, especially since I saw some of them mentioned in this very thread:


  • When are we getting more PvP content? Although it isn’t specific on what , you can expect good things in Game Update 2.4.
  • Why don’t you acknowledge /stuck? Alex did that very thing, we are definitely aware and are looking at solutions!
  • Bolster bugs. We know there are still issues, I commented on one this morning and we are working with combat to make them aware of any and all issues we see on the forums (even if we don’t post that in every thread)
  • Listening to PvP feedback. Based entirely on player feedback we pulled the CC break reset on death from 2.2.


I realize that our communication around PvP may not always be as much or as frequent as you want but I assure you that we are always trying to find places to get developer responses or to pass things back on to the team. As always, I will make it a point to try to push up our yellow responses to questions and concerns around PvP. You are certainly not being ignored. As a general rule always remember, just because we don’t respond in every single thread we are definitely reading!




Thanks for the reply eric, let me address a few things you mentioned.


1. Bolster bugs, this system has been ridden with ways to exploit it since release, the community warned that this would be the case and yes as far as I can tell based on communication from your team it was IGNORED. It may have played a factor in the decision that was made to move forward with it but again our only way of knowing if you heard our feedback on it was communication and the result (bolster went live).


Now we are in a state of perpetual BiSing, either we all adapt to the latest bolster bugs/sploits or we potentially are setting ourselves up for failure.


2. /Stuck has been addressed and the result was we need further investigation to see if a change is required. How much longer can /stuck exist for this to be monitored? It has been a huge issue for a very very long time. You make it sound like it was addressed in a way that said "Hey we are aware of the problem and here is the solution". It wasn't address that way, instead it was addressed "We are aware of it being abused, continuing to investigate." Which is a huge slap in the face when the issue has been around for so long, you finally acknowledge it but are ambiguous about what will be done to resolve it (so far nothing).


3. You say you have tried to address PvP issues as often as you can. If that is the case, why are we receiving so little information on anything pvp related? You mention you listened to customer feedback about CC resetting, who asked for this in the first place? I think many people would rather see resolve revert back to pre 1.4 especially if you look at how many threads exist stating exactly that. You might say the community doesn't always know what is best but to me this whole idea seemed like it was never thought out, especially the ramifications of it coupled with /stuck and brez.


The communication on this topic was relatively good but it appears only as a result of a GIANT thread that could not be ignored, whereas a cartel market item thread with 2 posts might get a yellow post we need to summon the powers of Zeus to get the same.


You think telling us nothing is coming for pvp until 2.4 is good communication on pvp? That seems a bit far fetched to me, we expected it sooner based on previous communication and no information at all on what we are waiting an additional 5 months for is less than ideal.


4. Many of us play this game SOLELY for the PvP and we have NO CLUE where this game is heading. This isn't necessarily a bad thing if everyone is enjoying themselves and the content is fresh. When the content is this stale and we haven't seen any communication letting us know what to look forward to, people leave. This is a snowball effect and has already trounced many rated pvp teams.


If we had a glimpse of the vision of where pvp was headed maybe less people would have left, depending on the vision.


Since we are getting bolster /nothing being done about /stuck or exploits like corner capping and 0 communication about these issues it just appears you are not listening where maybe you are just not communicating.


Communication is far better than it was but far from where it needs to be as well.


I am not an entitled gamer, I deserve no response to this. I do not expect anything to change. I will continue to sub as long as the benefit outweighs the cost, but right now the scales are tipping with no information on what is coming or what is being done to address bugs that have been around for far too long the only conclusion that can be drawn by myself is that we are not being listened to, despite being told otherwise.

Edited by Yodawizard
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I would like to add one more thing that I think is very telling.


Eric or community managers, please go to this thread.




This is your known issues list.


There is no pvp section, you are telling us there are no known issues with pvp bugs / issues that need to be addressed.


Now look at Cartel market / collections / raiding etc. You can see how this is confusing.


I would love to see the known issues list actually be updated when you guys have acknowledged a thread on the pvp forums and determined something is a bug, it would also be cool to see when fixes were slated for even if there is a section designated TBD that may contain some of the tougher bugs.


No communication on the bug/sploit being used , no communication you are aware of the known issue, no communication on what is being done to address it is not acceptable.

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This is your known issues list.


There is no pvp section, you are telling us there are no known issues with pvp bugs / issues that need to be addressed.


Now look at Cartel market / collections / raiding etc. You can see how this is confusing.


Very valid comment.

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