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Communication? Wasn't this supposed to be a priority?


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Are you actually saying they AREN'T ignoring game breaking bugs as well right now? I don't see anyone with literal pitchforks but I know plenty of people who have used virtual pitchforks in the form of unsubbing.


Unsubbing =\= virtual pitchfork.

Unsubbing = being a mature adult, and making the decision the game isn't worth playing.


Are you going to tell me they ARE ignoring game breaking bugs? Unless you work for BW/EA -- you'd be talking out of your *** more than I am by saying they AREN'T ignoring them.


Are they devoting massive resources to fix some of the major bugs? Nope -- they don't even HAVE massive resources working on the game. You must think awfully poor things about everyone you meet if you assume that the Devs are completely ignoring something, solely because they haven't fixed the issues, or given you a detailed explanation as to what is wrong.

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The fact that there has been no communication about the warzone queue UI bug is damning enough. That's a simple fix that if it was affecting pve would have been patched asap. I still enjoy PVP in this game despite many of the issues but I am playing less and less. Won't be long till I get distracted by something else. The best thing we can all do is not buy cartel coins, and eventually unsub. The communication is horrible from the devs.


It's time they implemented the suggestions from my bolster thread on pvp forums, which would be quick, easy, and eliminate exploits.


Off topic, but that "recommendation" on bolster? Shows you most likely don't work in development, and probably have never coded anything in your life.


You certainly couldn't implement that quickly, easily, and without bugs. In fact, that is probably the approach they originally took for Bolster, considering the issues we've seen pop up.

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Lashing out... you mean like calling someone you don't know on the forums an uneducated blathering idiot? Please inform me more.


If you act like that I will not hesitate to call you out on how you are acting. By continuing to react as you are it only reaffirms my initial assessment. Everyone else seems to be able to communicate civilly, for the most part. Again, how do you expect to get better communication when you can't stay on topic?

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Unsubbing =\= virtual pitchfork.

Unsubbing = being a mature adult, and making the decision the game isn't worth playing.


Are you going to tell me they ARE ignoring game breaking bugs? Unless you work for BW/EA -- you'd be talking out of your *** more than I am by saying they AREN'T ignoring them.


Are they devoting massive resources to fix some of the major bugs? Nope -- they don't even HAVE massive resources working on the game. You must think awfully poor things about everyone you meet if you assume that the Devs are completely ignoring something, solely because they haven't fixed the issues, or given you a detailed explanation as to what is wrong.


I will give you one example of a bug that has been around since beta and still not fixed and can be a huge problem. Tell me they aren't ignoring this issue.


When you receive a whisper from someone and start to reply to them, someone else whispers you before you send the reply and the reply will then go to the wrong person. Now I wouldn't consider this specific "Game Breaking" but there have been plenty of bugs and are still plenty of bugs that are game breaking that haven't been fixed


/stuck exploit

scamper bug still around

force shroud not working intermittently with plenty of videos/evidence

corner cappers in novare being clipped as body type 1/4


Just to name a few, no I am not talking out my *** but keep the insults coming, shows a lack of ability to communicate.

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If you act like that I will not hesitate to call you out on how you are acting. By continuing to react as you are it only reaffirms my initial assessment. Everyone else seems to be able to communicate civilly, for the most part. Again, how do you expect to get better communication when you can't stay on topic?


Go ahead. Doesn't change the facts.

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If you act like that I will not hesitate to call you out on how you are acting. By continuing to react as you are it only reaffirms my initial assessment. Everyone else seems to be able to communicate civilly, for the most part. Again, how do you expect to get better communication when you can't stay on topic?


This is off-topic a bit, but the movie in ur sig is a classic, lol.


Professor Turgeson FTW!


Ok now stop being mean to Yoda, he is my Jedi Master and means well. :D

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If you act like that I will not hesitate to call you out on how you are acting. By continuing to react as you are it only reaffirms my initial assessment. Everyone else seems to be able to communicate civilly, for the most part. Again, how do you expect to get better communication when you can't stay on topic?


Here's the thing hun. No matter how many blathering idiots or civilized ladies and gents we have here on the lovely forums, there are issues that aren't being addressed by the people who actually need to be addressing them. We can waggle our e-peens and say I am right you are wrong alllllllll we want, but we don't work for these folks and can't do anything about them no matter how much we bicker. The issues are there. They aren't being addressed and when they are its vague answers or "we are working it." and THATS NOT COOL MAN.

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Here's the thing hun. No matter how many blathering idiots or civilized ladies and gents we have here on the lovely forums, there are issues that aren't being addressed by the people who actually need to be addressing them. We can waggle our e-peens and say I am right you are wrong alllllllll we want, but we don't work for these folks and can't do anything about them no matter how much we bicker. The issues are there. They aren't being addressed and when they are its vague answers or "we are working it." and THATS NOT COOL MAN.



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I will give you one example of a bug that has been around since beta and still not fixed and can be a huge problem. Tell me they aren't ignoring this issue.


When you receive a whisper from someone and start to reply to them, someone else whispers you before you send the reply and the reply will then go to the wrong person. Now I wouldn't consider this specific "Game Breaking" but there have been plenty of bugs and are still plenty of bugs that are game breaking that haven't been fixed


/stuck exploit

scamper bug still around

force shroud not working intermittently with plenty of videos/evidence

corner cappers in novare being clipped as body type 1/4


Just to name a few, no I am not talking out my *** but keep the insults coming, shows a lack of ability to communicate.




Clearly you lack any level of intelligence. You're welcome for that insult -- but how do you get off claiming to know the internal workings of BW? There's been plenty of stuff they've never communicated to us, absolutely. You aren't "entitled" to squat when it comes down to it.


I've literally never seen any of these issues, so they aren't wide-spread and gamebreaking. I've also never seen posts on the forums about them -- so clearly people aren't still discussing them frequently. Doesn't mean they don't exist, and doesn't mean BW doesn't know they are there.


Clearly, they AREN'T gamebreaking -- considering there hasn't been a thread on P1 in the last 3+ months discussing these. That says the community isn't still seeing it -- or, isn't complaining about it, meaning it isn't actually gamebreaking or that important.


Bugs have a priority. Just because something like a /t bug (one that I've never heard of, mind you) isn't fixed, doesn't mean they ignore it. But, continue to think that way -- it is rather ignorant.

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I tried to be nice, he wouldn't accept it :(


I don't think he likes me.


Which part was nice, the "uneducated" or "blathering idiot"? If you want to apologize I am not going anywhere. You are right, everyone has been civil, cept for you.

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Clearly you lack any level of intelligence. You're welcome for that insult -- but how do you get off claiming to know the internal workings of BW? There's been plenty of stuff they've never communicated to us, absolutely. You aren't "entitled" to squat when it comes down to it.


I've literally never seen any of these issues, so they aren't wide-spread and gamebreaking. I've also never seen posts on the forums about them -- so clearly people aren't still discussing them frequently. Doesn't mean they don't exist, and doesn't mean BW doesn't know they are there.


Clearly, they AREN'T gamebreaking -- considering there hasn't been a thread on P1 in the last 3+ months discussing these. That says the community isn't still seeing it -- or, isn't complaining about it, meaning it isn't actually gamebreaking or that important.


Bugs have a priority. Just because something like a /t bug (one that I've never heard of, mind you) isn't fixed, doesn't mean they ignore it. But, continue to think that way -- it is rather ignorant.


Haha, yeah I lack any level of intelligence because I listed bugs that DO EXIST. You are out of touch, these bugs are dealt with every day and we have all gotten so bored with the lack of responses most of us have given up bumping threads.

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Here's the thing hun. No matter how many blathering idiots or civilized ladies and gents we have here on the lovely forums, there are issues that aren't being addressed by the people who actually need to be addressing them. We can waggle our e-peens and say I am right you are wrong alllllllll we want, but we don't work for these folks and can't do anything about them no matter how much we bicker. The issues are there. They aren't being addressed and when they are its vague answers or "we are working it." and THATS NOT COOL MAN.


And I don't disagree, that's why someone like Pistols here with his thread are warranted. It is a nice poke in the side to them, that is a welcomed way to try to get communications that isn't about epeen or I'm right and you're wrong, it's just. Hey look guys this stuff needs answers or this stuff is broke. That's all that needs saying.

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Here's the thing hun. No matter how many blathering idiots or civilized ladies and gents we have here on the lovely forums, there are issues that aren't being addressed by the people who actually need to be addressing them. We can waggle our e-peens and say I am right you are wrong alllllllll we want, but we don't work for these folks and can't do anything about them no matter how much we bicker. The issues are there. They aren't being addressed and when they are its vague answers or "we are working it." and THATS NOT COOL MAN.



And we also have the extreme of people who throw temper tantrums when they aren't given every piece of information they "want".


Once again -- I'd love for you to recommend they not say anything, instead of "we are working on it." See how fast the forum jumps down your throat.


They give us the info they can, when they can. End of story. If you are unhappy with that, you should re-evaluate your life and maybe stop playing the game.


Being unhappy with the answers themselves? Well -- that isn't anything Eric can change, or any of us can change. It's either deal with the sub-par development, or leave until it is better.

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Haha, yeah I lack any level of intelligence because I listed bugs that DO EXIST. You are out of touch, these bugs are dealt with every day and we have all gotten so bored with the lack of responses most of us have given up bumping threads.


Oh look!


You say, "They DO EXIST."

I say, "I've never seen them, or any threads on the matter."

Yeah, I must be out of touch. Playing the game 10+ hours per week means I have no idea what is going on in-game.


So, of course, I'm wrong? Thank you for demonstrating your lack of intelligence.

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And I don't disagree, that's why someone like Pistols here with his thread are warranted. It is a nice poke in the side to them, that is a welcomed way to try to get communications that isn't about epeen or I'm right and you're wrong, it's just. Hey look guys this stuff needs answers or this stuff is broke. That's all that needs saying.


Yep that is all that needs saying.


Over and over and over and over and over and then PMed every yellow name in the book to get stuff done.


Pistols is probably the only reason we got a response on this today and it was out of sheer annoyance most likely. And I thank him for that.

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Yep that is all that needs saying.


Over and over and over and over and over and then PMed every yellow name in the book to get stuff done.


Pistols is probably the only reason we got a response on this today and it was out of sheer annoyance most likely. And I thank him for that.


So then why muddy the waters by going off on the question of the day?

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Oh look!


You say, "They DO EXIST."

I say, "I've never seen them, or any threads on the matter."

Yeah, I must be out of touch. Playing the game 10+ hours per week means I have no idea what is going on in-game.


So, of course, I'm wrong? Thank you for demonstrating your lack of intelligence.


So you are saying lets see.


People cannot /stuck to respawn in warzones while in combat?

You are unable to be nearly invisible while corner capping as a body type 1 in novare coast due to clipping?

People do not get stuck while scampering in warzones?

And force shroud works perfectly every time?


Please browse the pvp forums once in a while.

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I've literally never seen any of these issues, so they aren't wide-spread and gamebreaking. I've also never seen posts on the forums about them -- so clearly people aren't still discussing them frequently. Doesn't mean they don't exist, and doesn't mean BW doesn't know they are there.


Clearly, they AREN'T gamebreaking -- considering there hasn't been a thread on P1 in the last 3+ months discussing these. That says the community isn't still seeing it -- or, isn't complaining about it, meaning it isn't actually gamebreaking or that important.


You realize of course, one of the main reasons they didn't move forward with the stun break on death reset was due to the /stuck abuse right? That has been an issue since release btw, and if wanted, I can find over 50 threads detailing such game-breaking rants.

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Kay so its agreed we should all hold hand and sing kumbayah while we wait for the devs to get to these issues amirite? Or at least not berate each other to where someone says something that gets this post shut down. I think we should use :jawa_smile: to bump this thread so no one opens a can of worms. We all like Jawas right?
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Oh look!


You say, "They DO EXIST."

I say, "I've never seen them, or any threads on the matter."

Yeah, I must be out of touch. Playing the game 10+ hours per week means I have no idea what is going on in-game.


So, of course, I'm wrong? Thank you for demonstrating your lack of intelligence.


Dude, most of the people posting in this thread are on 30+ hours a week. Yoda isn't an idiot, he knows how to play and he plays A LOT. Get over yourself as you clearly have no place in the I play a lot of SWTOR epeen contest.

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So you are saying lets see.


People cannot /stuck to respawn in warzones while in combat?

You are unable to be nearly invisible while corner capping as a body type 1 in novare coast due to clipping?

People do not get stuck while scampering in warzones?

And force shroud works perfectly every time?


Please browse the pvp forums once in a while.


1.) I've seen this, strangely enough, commented on by BW devs numerous times. Don't see how that is "gamebreaking"


2.) I was 100% unaware of this, and still haven't seen anything but you saying it.


3.) Funny -- this has been discussed, attempted to be fixed, almost-fully fixed, and discussed again. Probably more often than Server Transfers. So much for "ignoring" it. (Didn't know the name was "scamper")


4.) I've never seen any issues. You repeating yourself doesn't make it an issue. It makes you look like more of a moron.

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You realize of course, one of the main reasons they didn't move forward with the stun break on death reset was due to the /stuck abuse right? That has been an issue since release btw, and if wanted, I can find over 50 threads detailing such game-breaking rants.


Yep! I do actually realize that. I was impressed that they chose not to move forward with it.


As I said in another, I don't understand how this is "gamebreaking." Maybe I'm not playing rateds enough to see it. Had the put the stun-break-reset in, it would've been fairly bad I suppose.

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