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Communication? Wasn't this supposed to be a priority?


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There are some MAJOR issues atm in the game PvP wise, some would even call them game-breaking, and yet with numerous threads on these issues not a single (NOT ONE) comment from said community team or other. You can only sweep this under the rug for so long, but turning a blind-eye the issues until 2.2 is released is NOT the way to go.


First off, Bolster is still not working as intended via the 55 bracket. 3 Massive threads on said issues.


Thread # 1


Thread # 2


Thread # 3


Secondly, the prices on the Ranked Mods/Enhans has been a huge eye-sore since 2.0, many threads have been created asking (if not begging) some form of a reply on the costs. Yet, not a single response. The one I created here was moved to two different areas in a span of 5 minutes, eventually ending up in the Customer Service area of all freakin places. Why?


The communication has been extremely poor since the last few patches, and I mean p!ss poor at best. While the second issue isn't so much game-breaking or in massive need of "omg right now fix", understand that issue has been present now for over 2 months, was reported on the PTS, and was NEVER addressed nor commented on. The first issue is blatantly being ignored, and I fear it is due to the Development team not knowing what's going on. But c'mon already, say SOMETHING...the lack of communication in the PvP aspect is awful. I understand this gameplay is not important to most of EA/BW, as evident by your own actions, but at least pretend to acknowledge it at times.

Edited by Pistols
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Funny, I have felt communication has been better than it used to be lately. Granted it is still not to the level that I would like, but better at least.


Sure, in some areas, but I usually grade "communication" when it applies to all aspects of gameplay.


Big difference.

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It seems to go in spurts and the PvP forum rarely gets any attention. Lack of communication is KILLING this game, people are sitting around today wondering how the APAC server transfers work cause guess what, 0 freaking communication, leaving people just wondering like they have 0 plan or forgot they even mention things.


I know this isn't true but it makes the company look extremely lazy and out of touch completely.



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If you have time to do your BS "QUESTION THAT NOBODY CARES ABOUT OF THE DAY" I think you can find time to actually inform your customers.


Really? You think it's just as easy to research an issue in game, gather the information, get it ready to present to the forums and post it, as it is to ask what your BH would do hunting a mark? Are you really that uneducated? Also, you do realize that the person who asked that question isn't on the development team? But is a community manager?

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Really? You think it's just as easy to research an issue in game, gather the information, get it ready to present to the forums and post it, as it is to ask what your BH would do hunting a mark? Are you really that uneducated? Also, you do realize that the person who asked that question isn't on the development team? But is a community manager?


So you're implying that the day they have scheduled to begin transfers...they still don't have their ***** together?

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So you're implying that the day they have scheduled to begin transfers...they still don't have their ***** together?


And how would what I wrote imply that? And how would I know, I don't work for Bioware or EA.

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And how would what I wrote imply that? And how would I know, I don't work for Bioware or EA.


"Really? You think it's just as easy to research an issue in game, gather the information, get it ready to present to the forums and post it, as it is to ask what your BH would do hunting a mark? Are you really that uneducated? Also, you do realize that the person who asked that question isn't on the development team? But is a community manager? "


Seems like that entire post is basically excusing EAware for not having their APAC transfer information up ON THE DAY TRANSFERS START because they still have to research an issue in game, gather the information, get it ready to present to the forums and post it. Since, you know, Yodawizard was referring to the APAC transfers. You know, which are supposed to start today. Which they have given zero information about, other than the start date, and THAT tidbit was only available if you went to the website, not if you just logged in and blithely played the game for months.

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"Really? You think it's just as easy to research an issue in game, gather the information, get it ready to present to the forums and post it, as it is to ask what your BH would do hunting a mark? Are you really that uneducated? Also, you do realize that the person who asked that question isn't on the development team? But is a community manager? "


Seems like that entire post is basically excusing EAware for not having their APAC transfer information up ON THE DAY TRANSFERS START because they still have to research an issue in game, gather the information, get it ready to present to the forums and post it. Since, you know, Yodawizard was referring to the APAC transfers. You know, which are supposed to start today. Which they have given zero information about, other than the start date, and THAT tidbit was only available if you went to the website, not if you just logged in and blithely played the game for months.


The post that I quoted had no mention at all about APAC, you wanted it too, but it didn't have anything to do with that. Try again.

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The post that I quoted had no mention at all about APAC, you wanted it too, but it didn't have anything to do with that. Try again.


I don't need to try again, I'm capable of actual reading comprehension and connecting dots. Look at the post right above the one you quoted, written by the same person, where he clearly addresses APAC transfers as his concern.

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I don't need to try again, I'm capable of actual reading comprehension and connecting dots. Look at the post right above the one you quoted, written by the same person, where he clearly addresses APAC transfers as his concern.


That was that post, and was not what I was referring to, perhaps your reading comprehension isn't as good as you think it is.

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That was that post, and was not what I was referring to, perhaps your reading comprehension isn't as good as you think it is.


This whole post is about an ongoing issue where the Communication from the Devs to their players has been abysmal about certain things in this game outside of the Cartel Market, which they have kept fantastically doing great work with.

So I ask you friend what is your opinion of the Communication from Bioware/EA employees?

You seem to be defending them, does that mean you support their work? Or are you in fact left wanting to know more about issues such as what were posted above?

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Yes, please give some response. As a player that prefers to PvP, some rimes when I que I get so disappointed in what PvP has become I just log out for the day. Its a serious problem.


Bolster mostly. I took an alt I don't play much, but is 55, into PvP with level 50 pve gear and his stats were comperable and in some cases better than my level 55 full PvP gear with augments. I get bolster is trying to make thing a bit more fair, but those kind of stats are nonsense. He had 1900 expertise even though not one piece was pvp gear.

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It seems to go in spurts and the PvP forum rarely gets any attention. Lack of communication is KILLING this game, people are sitting around today wondering how the APAC server transfers work cause guess what, 0 freaking communication, leaving people just wondering like they have 0 plan or forgot they even mention things.


I know this isn't true but it makes the company look extremely lazy and out of touch completely.




I just don't understand why they can't even acknowledge the concerns brought up by the player base. It really doesn't take that long to type up a response acknowledging the OPs concern and let them know BW's stance or that this will have to be followed up on. I don't know how they feel you can run a business without communicating to the customer base effectively and consistently.

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An update from Eric on the PvP forums.


Hey everyone,


I just wanted to let you know that I have passed this on the PvP/Combat folks. They are aware of the issue and are actively working on a solution. I will pass on more information as I have it!




Which to that I say, I don't understand how they can release a system like Bolster to Live, without having testing this fully. I seem to recall a certain post from Bruce Maclean:


Sometimes we have been averse to discussing specific dates well in advance, because we aren’t going to release anything unless we feel it is ready to go live and we don’t want to upset folks if we move a date back.


This clearly did not happen with Bolster, and with the continuing issues Bolster gives the 55 bracket, is it possible to just scrub it completely from this bracket and leave it from 10-54?

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This whole post is about an ongoing issue where the Communication from the Devs to their players has been abysmal about certain things in this game outside of the Cartel Market, which they have kept fantastically doing great work with.

So I ask you friend what is your opinion of the Communication from Bioware/EA employees?

You seem to be defending them, does that mean you support their work? Or are you in fact left wanting to know more about issues such as what were posted above?


Exactly where am I defending them? All I said was posting a silly question of the day isn't the same as posting technical information and that calling that out is an uneducated thing to do.

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I'll stop bumping this, as Eric did give some communication on the issue, which is really all I wanted (even though I feel it should be coming from the team working on it). But beggars can't be choosers, right? :cool:


Eric, I understand I walk a thin line around here, but understand I believe these gripes are legitimate and worth fighting (or ranting) for. I do believe the PvP aspect of reported issues, see very little in the way of explanation, communication and/or resolution. I'm saddened when I see a Cartel thread go up, and within a few minutes, a reply is given. While I understand the Cartel is important, even I see this as fact, I still believe the communication should flow equally to ALL aspects of the game on the forums.


PvP is a mess with broken issues, and we see little in the way of chat. I'm tired of this being the "norm", and will continue to walk that line in order to see this aspect get its due.



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Let me regale you with a tale how communication is working as of late:


An acquaintance of mine who I met whilst pvping with and chatted a bit on comms with recently told me of a person who filed a ticket regarding a bug with retrieving an attatched item from mail sent to him.. he waited and waited and was completely ignored. He then jokingly files a bug report saying he could not purchase cartel coins to see if this would garner a response... He gets an answer like a day later and the SWTOR employee helps him all the way through buying the coins.


I will probably get this deleted or removed or whatever, but THIS is the state of things as we see it. I get that things might be difficult at your workplace or what have you but what is the consumer left to think when this is the type of thing that happens to them? Can you see why we want more than we are working on it? I am tired of watching everyone quit because of some of these major issues that are popping up. I wanted so bad for SWTOR to succeed as did a majority of the community I am sure, so to be disheartened like the guy in above story is very crushing indeed.


I for one wouldnt mind waiting a tiny bit longer for you guys to fix the known problems before giving us new warzones. I mean we cant really enjoy warzones that much if we crash to desktop at an instant que, can't que at all cause the game thinks your level 55 is a level 1, or when all the maps are laggier than normal for whatever reason. Ive also Crashed to desktop with group finder and also get random invites from strangers for groups so its not just pvp related stuff that is going on here.

Edited by SenaZane
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