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Addons in Swtor


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While I could see the benefit of having certain addons in the game, the sad truth is they should never EVER be allowed. Addons were the downfall for World of Warcraft. If you wanted to raid, there were a bunch of addons that you either ran, or got removed from group. A certain guild on my old realm wouldn't even talk to you unless you had them all installed and provided a screen cap. Hardcore elitists.


Bringing addons to SWTOR would be a mistake, unless they were cosmetic only. As it stands, I can already check all my mail at once, delete it all at once, view all my bag space in one window, sell my junk, and rearrange my UI any way I want. So, technically, the cosmetics aren't even a necessity. The WORST addon ever allowed was the DPS meter. It was intended to be a tool for you to gauge your performance and to allow a raid leader to see who needed improvement. All the DPS meter did was give DBags an excuse to post themselves at the top and then berate others for being so far beneath them.


If they ever introduced Addons, I would be out looking for another MMO.

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  • 3 weeks later...
It cracks me up how all the bad players are just like "why cant you just let me be bad and get carried in raids so I can afk/suck/mouth breathe." If you dont want addons create a no add on raiding guild, problem solved. GIVE US DAMAGE METERS
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It cracks me up how all the bad players are just like "why cant you just let me be bad and get carried in raids so I can afk/suck/mouth breathe." If you dont want addons create a no add on raiding guild, problem solved. GIVE US DAMAGE METERS

It cracks me up how self proclaimed expert players fail to realize, that damage meters already exist for a year or longer. The Add-ons that your so called "bad players" are against are not damage meters, but all the other junk.

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One of the things Carbine is doing with WildStar is allowing addons from the get go. They had five within two hours of beta commencing, and they've expressed how happy they are with this. I know damage meters are in, as well as (I think) dual specs. They're currently trying to work out a way to reward players who's addons they'll inevitably integrate into the game.


Though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised about people being against addons here.


Edit: Here's a quote from The Gaffer.


That's cool, the more I hear about that game the more I like what I'm hearing.

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It cracks me up how self proclaimed expert players fail to realize, that damage meters already exist for a year or longer. The Add-ons that your so called "bad players" are against are not damage meters, but all the other junk.

Damage meters do not exist here. A pale parody of them - maybe, but no fully functional tools.

Next, if your bad players are against other "junk", noone forces them to install and use it. Except maybe one or two helpful raid boss and/or PvP addons that make your life much easier.

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look what im needed:

1. clear bars without art.

2. clear unit frames whit easy readable info and buff/debuff

3. clear, customisable raid frames with READABLE BUFFS/DEBUFFS

4. ability to make bar with useful info, like money, free slots, quest log etc.

5. something like outfit manager for easy gear change + dual spec(don't tell me anything about field respec)

6. something less monstrous than current craft windows mess


and than, i can think about RP addons.


1. There are UI Options to add or remove the frame from the quickbars, if you mean something else then you have lost me.

2. & 3. I think he current frames are pretty good actually, especially with the Scalable Buff/Debuff icons.

4. No that's not really needed, what is really needed is a faster UI, which is Dev territory not modder territory.

5. HELL NO, not unless they remove the ability to change gear and spec in a Warzone, and considering that is the only time where that would be needed, my response to that is just flat out HELL NO!

6. The current crafting window is fine, it could use some tweaking, but by and large there are much bigger problems, and again this is something that would be best left to the Dev team.


Personally, I think that an addon which would allow users to share an open text field with the community, would be a much better option for any sort of UI Addon considering the Dev response when it has been asked for in game, has been a repeated, "Sorry but it would create too much lag."


Also a much better option for the only other Addon, that I think should get some kind of community support would be a Addon similar to Auctionateer/, which would allow us to more easily figure out what to sell our stuff for on the GTN.

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1. There are UI Options to add or remove the frame from the quickbars, if you mean something else then you have lost me.

2. & 3. I think he current frames are pretty good actually, especially with the Scalable Buff/Debuff icons.

4. No that's not really needed, what is really needed is a faster UI, which is Dev territory not modder territory.

5. HELL NO, not unless they remove the ability to change gear and spec in a Warzone, and considering that is the only time where that would be needed, my response to that is just flat out HELL NO!

6. The current crafting window is fine, it could use some tweaking, but by and large there are much bigger problems, and again this is something that would be best left to the Dev team.

So basically what you're saying to the person you quoted is: "That is not needed and that is fine as it is. Oh, and i know better than you what you need and don't need." Cute.

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Auctioneer is a good one, another I miss is Altaholic. Though if they ever give us legacy storage, I wouldn't miss it quite as much.


As a former AH mini-gamer in WoW... I am ecstatic that there is no Auctioneer (or any other auction bot) in this MMO. It's refreshing to have a player economy that is not run by every player in the game running the same price scanner and fixer bot. Free market means something in this game.


Addons in general... WoW created a generation of MMO players that are dependent on them. I'm glad to see the trend reversing finally. Just say NO to addons IMO.

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So basically what you're saying to the person you quoted is: "That is not needed and that is fine as it is. Oh, and i know better than you what you need and don't need." Cute.


No, what i was saying is that, healing in this game is actually really f'n easy, and most of those requests where for Healers.

And as to #5 it would further unbalance PVP which does not need to happen.

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No, what i was saying is that, healing in this game is actually really f'n easy, and most of those requests where for Healers.

And as to #5 it would further unbalance PVP which does not need to happen.

Vfrost says that he doesn't like current unit and raid frames and wants an addon to customize them to his liking. You reply that you think the current frames are pretty good. It's ok that you find them good for yourself, but it doesn't change the fact that they are lacking for him and that he needs an addon to fix that. Same goes for crafting window.


Next, outfit manager and dual spec. You say "HELL NO" only because you're afraid that this tools may be abused in Warzones. Well, nothing stops the devs from restricting their usage in WZ environment. Then you claim that WZ's are the only place where this will be needed, which is totally wrong. The said tools are needed everywhere as a feature of convenience by many people.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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I'll be the first guy to say that I think this game needs a lot of stuff, even though I'm an avid fan. I'd love to see swoop racing, Pazaak, underwater content, and so on.


But honestly, I haven't felt the need for addons in this game because the Interface Editor does almost everything I need it to do. The only exception is proc alerts. I would LOVE to be able to show my procs by themselves in a central location without having to move my unit frame right into my field of vision.


I would also like to see macros for emote and role-play purposes, but I can live without them.


Anyway, that's my 2 credits.



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Next, if your bad players are against other "junk", noone forces them to install and use it. Except maybe one or two helpful raid boss and/or PvP addons that make your life much easier.


You do realize that Blizzard tunes its raid encounters with the assumption that the raid is using addons, right? They set up the encounters and bosses assuming players are using DBM and heal frames, among others. Now it is to a point where not using the addons puts the raid at a significant disadvantage. they are almost manditory now.


Sorry, I left WoW for many reasons, but the elitist crowd and the culture/environment they created, may not be the main ones, but they are reasons.


If you want an MMO that pretty much requires addons to do most end game content, WoW is thata way -------->

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You do realize that Blizzard tunes its raid encounters with the assumption that the raid is using addons, right? They set up the encounters and bosses assuming players are using DBM and heal frames, among others. Now it is to a point where not using the addons puts the raid at a significant disadvantage. they are almost manditory now.

I disagree with this. Any encounter on any difficulty level can be defeated without the usage of any addons.

DBM feels "mandatory" simply because it makes your life a bit easier by helping you track boss ability timers, announcing important things during the encounter and yelling at you when you stand in the fire. If you're a good player you can do just fine without it, but for an average player DBM provides convenience. And it's easy to get used to convenience.

Speaking about heal frames - i have a healer alt in WoW and was effectively healing normals and a number of heroic modes in Cata and LFR in MoP using the original in-game frames. Same as DBM, healing frame addons provide just convenience, which is even not needed unless you're in a top 10 guild fighting for the world first. But of course many players are using them nevertheless, simply because of the customization options they provide. Not needed, you can do just fine without, but convenient to use.


Sorry, I left WoW for many reasons, but the elitist crowd and the culture/environment they created, may not be the main ones, but they are reasons.

Don't like the elitist crowd? Noone forces you to play with them. You can always join the semi-hardcore or even the casual crowd. There's room and things to do for everyone no matter what your playstyle is.

However, i do not question your other reasons, maybe that game is just not for you and that's ok.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone mentioned Guild Calendars? Some guild specific functions would be nice to see. I don't much care about DPS meters or NOX/MOX/blah blah. Don't really know what most people here are even talking about. I went on a search for SWTOR add-ons because my guild is trying to organize in-game events like organized Warzones, Datacron hunting, RP events, and Flash Points. Other then Guild Chat, there is practically NO guild interface.


The calendar I am looking for can be done via an external web site but Alt-Tabing out of the game to check for updates and double-check time schedules is a pain.


Anyway, my 2 creds on this subject of add-ons is a request for an in game interactive guild calendar.

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Has anyone mentioned Guild Calendars?


*raises hand*


Yes, we really need guild calendars. Like, Soon™.


I would also help with Bioware putting their own event start times and end times, as well as scheduled maintence, so people don't have to go search for that info outside the game. I'd rather they do this one officially rather than an addon, personally.


I'm not super crazy about using a ton of addons, but I know it helps facilitate community and it allows players to take the load off developers a bit and make customizations that are not necessarily important, but enhance your gaming experience.

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I think a UI addon would be nice. Kind of like WoW had (Spartan UI) i always like messing with visuals. Or voice addons, like the mortal kombat one (Get Over Here!) that was fun...I get that they want the game they want. But sometimes I think it would be cool to fully customize game play (visual-wise)

BUT this wont happen. BW basically said "No. Quit asking: so that is that...:confused:

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There are a lot of QOL improvements i would like to see, which I know the Dev's will never get round to improving. It's these things that Add ons can give us.


Improved UI, (yes I know that the UI is customize able, but there are things that Addon Devs can improve)

Improved GTN

Improved bank and bag search

Improved crafting window

Improved Guild window (calendar!)

Improved legacy search

improved collections


That is a selection of QOL improvements that could be done by Add on's I fail to see why anyone would be against this. Please do not come back saying about raid elitists and gear check, as none of the above contains this, the API can be limited to allow access to certain things.


Although saying that I see no issue with some combat add on's, ( I use MOX) but I'm sure they would like to see some improvements to how the get the data.

The Buff issue IMO is essential as it is ridiculous that we can not see which debuff is our own, there is no fun in watching the buff bars to see when something proc and when your DOT or Debuff finish.

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The problem I have is....I've been in a number of groups where I'm told I don't have enough dps, but without an addon, like recount, I have no idea what my dps is, and I often wonder how the people complaining know. I would like to have something like recount so that I can see what my dps is, and work to improve it. As it is, I have no idea if I'm doing well, or not. maybe a different rotation would net better results, but...how am I to know?

I know I do fine in questing, but it is really annoying to be told I need to do better in instances, and not know how to address it.

As for healing, I really miss the addon I'm used to in WoW, but, I have to admit, I'm able to heal just fine without it. It's just a lot less hectic with it.

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That isn't a problem, is you not being able to bothered to check, if you can measure your dps. And yes, you can, since the game has combat logging and third party software exist that gives you the information in real time (like mox parser). You also have sites like TorParse, which offer in depth analysis of your performance. Edited by GuruVII
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