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Addons in Swtor


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Again, this wouldn't be an issue at all if Bioware was capable of providing us with these QoL updates, but they're obviously not.

You do realize however, that adding an API would not be as easy as switching the light on, do you?


The devs will in any case have a lot of work to do.

Either they implement a fullscale API so that players can create add-ons.

Or they implement the few functionalities which are widely missed.


Damage Meter is a waste of time, as MOX does that perfectly well.


The rest would then mostly be dual spec/gear switch and "show only my debuffs". Addind only these two seems a lot easier to me than creating a whole interface and make it secure against abuse and make it proof against unwanted 'must have'-effects.

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You do realize however, that adding an API would not be as easy as switching the light on, do you?


The devs will in any case have a lot of work to do.

Either they implement a fullscale API so that players can create add-ons.

Or they implement the few functionalities which are widely missed.


Damage Meter is a waste of time, as MOX does that perfectly well.


The rest would then mostly be dual spec/gear switch and "show only my debuffs". Addind only these two seems a lot easier to me than creating a whole interface and make it secure against abuse and make it proof against unwanted 'must have'-effects.


Right, it would be easier for them to just add in these features, but I don't see them doing that given SW:TOR's track record.


I don't see them allowing addons, either. If they were going to implement API, they'd have done it from the start. And since I have no idea how difficult it is to implement, I'll take your word for it that it would take more effort than it's worth.


Why am I arguing these points? Just defending add-ons and something to do (that isn't one of various essays).


Also, I disagree on the MOX front; having an on-screen dps meter is much more desirable than having to alt-tab out every time I want to check dps.

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Mox parser has pop outs which stay always on top of the screen. That way you can see your dps/hps without switching.


Ah, ok, ty for the info.


edit: read up on it on their site, still doesn't seem to have the ease of use/functionality of dps meters.

Edited by Thaed
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It IS a DPS meter.. what kind of functionality would that be, that is missing??


Essentially, linking up to the raid without requiring a generated key.


edit: also, have to run in windowed mode in order to have pop-outs.

Edited by Thaed
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Just play the game. If you don't put out enough damage, you'll know it.


Thanks for your input! How exactly? Please don't say they will wipe, as they could be being carried!


A DPS meter is used to improve your own performance, to check your rotations.


And yes, sometimes competitively. There is nothing wrong with competition, competition is not a dirty word, striving to be good at something is not a bad thing.


Most people would benefit from a DPS meter, I would definitely like to see how others in my guild are doing with their DPS so I can compare and improve and help them to improve. Yes, there are always uber competitive Guilds that will require you being able to produce a certain amount of DPS, but they are few. Most guilds are set up to help each other, any tool which aids this is welcome.

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Essentially, linking up to the raid without requiring a generated key.


edit: also, have to run in windowed mode in order to have pop-outs.


Check out TorParse -- we just swapped over to that instead.


You create an "account" -- and can friend raid members. Then, you send them an invite and they appear. No key input required, and I feel it is much better than MOX.


Lots of popouts, and you can upload the parses to their website for further "study".


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Ok to everyone saying "No addons" thats fine, now if that is the case and Bioware is tackling QoL improvements for UI features they need to follow suit and actually implement improvements. Since the UI editors release there has been essentially zero meaningful additions to the UI editor.


Yes theres the recent "omg you can see your quest rewards" feature, but lets be honest of all the things people have been repeatedly asking for in regards to UI features I'm fairly certain that feature was pretty low in demmand. Once you get to max level and the only missions you do on a regular basis are dailies do you really need to be reminded what the rewards are? Bottom line if Bioware has decided to tackle the UI, they need to start releasing useful features.


Here are some of the features I've been requesting on the forums since release:


Dot/Hot/Debuff/Buff filtering.

Dot/Hot/Debuff/Buff Timer bars seperated from the unitframe.

Click to cast healing functionality into party/raid frame.

Wardrobe/Spec switching functionality.

Hopefully some more simplistic skins for the UI itself.

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Ok to everyone saying "No addons" thats fine, now if that is the case and Bioware is tackling QoL improvements for UI features they need to follow suit and actually implement improvements. Since the UI editors release there has been essentially zero meaningful additions to the UI editor.


Yes theres the recent "omg you can see your quest rewards" feature, but lets be honest of all the things people have been repeatedly asking for in regards to UI features I'm fairly certain that feature was pretty low in demmand. Once you get to max level and the only missions you do on a regular basis are dailies do you really need to be reminded what the rewards are? Bottom line if Bioware has decided to tackle the UI, they need to start releasing useful features.


Here are some of the features I've been requesting on the forums since release:


Dot/Hot/Debuff/Buff filtering.

Dot/Hot/Debuff/Buff Timer bars seperated from the unitframe.

Click to cast healing functionality into party/raid frame.

Wardrobe/Spec switching functionality.

Hopefully some more simplistic skins for the UI itself.


Briliant. +1

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I will say at first, I thought the no addons was a dumb idea. But then I went back to WoW. Took me one dungeon run to realize people are morons. Now I'm glad there are no addons. It brings a negative crowd who only cares about your gear, and how much damage you put out. It's just rather annoying to be honest.


I think the negative affects outweigh the positives of knowing your damage output and other miscellaneous information.

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I will say at first, I thought the no addons was a dumb idea. But then I went back to WoW. Took me one dungeon run to realize people are morons. Now I'm glad there are no addons. It brings a negative crowd who only cares about your gear, and how much damage you put out. It's just rather annoying to be honest.


I think the negative affects outweigh the positives of knowing your damage output and other miscellaneous information.


Realy? Better whipe >2 times in a row on each boss in hm without any info. Who cares.

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Those of you saying that not having addons is somehow preventing people from being stupid, they'll be stupid regardless of whether or not they can use addons. There is dumb all over SWTOR and all you're doing is giving them zero accountability. If you enjoy carrying people and putting up with other people making your playing experience more difficult, then you're in the right place.


UI customization addons (things like custom unit frame designs, buff/debuff filtering and priority tracking) were always great because 9 times out of 10 the gamers know what they prefer in their UI more than the developers. There was always variety in ways you could approach the customization of your UI and it was never required. It was just nice.


An addon like Deadly Boss Mods isn't really necessary though.

Edited by Zellfel
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Macros would put people without programmable keyboards on the same footing as those with programmable keyboards.


For the keyboard turners mentioning Gear Check Add ons. You can do that without an Add on , it's called inspect. If you're pugging, I would advise that you use it...

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Dot/Hot/Debuff/Buff filtering.

Dot/Hot/Debuff/Buff Timer bars seperated from the unitframe.

Click to cast healing functionality into party/raid frame.

Wardrobe/Spec switching functionality.

Hopefully some more simplistic skins for the UI itself.


I like all those idea but I got one more I'd love to see.


Something similar to power auras. If you are not familiar with that addon, it had the ability to be linked to buffs your charager would do and instead of having a small Icon to look at or find.


It would display a larger sign or symbol above or around your character for easier recognition when something proc'ed.


Example - Need to know when shadow strike pops as an infiltration spec shadow without having eyestrain looking though all the buffs.


Setup power aura to show the word "STRIKE" above your head (or have a red aura overlay on the toon - there were many options). Now, not only can you now watch the fight you in but you can still see your porc based skills go off easily.


It was an amazing addon.


Sadly though, I'm more against addons (like what WOW produced) than for them.


I fit was open the gates to all user created Addons I would have to say please don't go that route but if there were a few to be added to the game by BW and kept in check. I could be ok with that.

Edited by Quraswren
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I like all those idea but I got one more I'd love to see.


Something similar to power auras. If you are not familiar with that addon, it had the ability to be linked to buffs your charager would do and instead of having a small Icon to look at or find.


It would display a larger sign or symbol above or around your character for easier recognition when something proc'ed.


Example - Need to know when shadow strike pops as an infiltration spec shadow without having eyestrain looking though all the buffs.


Setup power aura to show the word "STRIKE" above your head (or have a red aura overlay on the toon - there were many options). Now, not only can you now watch the fight you in but you can still see your porc based skills go off easily.


It was an amazing addon.


Sadly though, I'm more against addons (like what WOW produced) than for them.


I fit was open the gates to all user created Addons I would have to say please don't go that route but if there were a few to be added to the game by BW and kept in check. I could be ok with that.


TorAssistant will play a sound of your choosing (it has some built in or you can pick a .WAV file for it to play) when you proc something. You can also set it to remind you to reset your HoT's/DoT's every X amount of seconds. It also has a built in pylon solver and very basic damage meter. It does work with MOX somehow but I don't really use MOX so I have never used them in conjunction.

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Realy? Better whipe >2 times in a row on each boss in hm without any info. Who cares.

This is the reason add-ons and mind dumbing. You do not learn the fp mechanic. You just follow what that add -on says.

If you know the boss fights then you should not wipe twice on a boss.

Unless youre under geared,but then you should not be in that fp anyway.

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While there is truth to this... what comes with it however is the darker side of the coin......a never ending series of player declared "must have" addons if you are going to raid, or pick your nose in group, or <insert any pet elitest adventure here>.


I prefer we keep the burden on the developers for QoL improvements, and leave addons for other MMOs to deal with....because in the end...it is the darker side of addons that ends up impacting game play more so then QoL shinies.

Gotta agree with ya there.
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