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youre still alive? man i haven't seen you in a minute :D


LMAO you know... Rhodium said "Back from the Dead?" when he saw me lol I resubbed Lastnight for Double XP weekends this month to level alts on the weekends on PoT5... then I'm gone again. Those imps were still trying to kill me :p

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Here's the ending you wanted to see http://youtu.be/Wj_hveXmIoc


Cool. Good game. Your duel under mid with WhiteFang reminds me of something I had last week. My sniper ran into a Vanguard under mid, both of us at full health. We had a long fight that ended with me dying and him with 150 health left. I was sitting there fuming at myself for some mistake I'd made, when Corrosive Dart ticked for 450 damage and he dropped dead. When I looked at the scoreboard later, each of us had one Solo Kill.

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Cool. Good game. Your duel under mid with WhiteFang reminds me of something I had last week. My sniper ran into a Vanguard under mid, both of us at full health. We had a long fight that ended with me dying and him with 150 health left. I was sitting there fuming at myself for some mistake I'd made, when Corrosive Dart ticked for 450 damage and he dropped dead. When I looked at the scoreboard later, each of us had one Solo Kill.


XD you know, most people say this to be douchey but that is legitimately a cool story bro.

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I hope you don't mean my behavior was douchey? I don't know what I could have done to stop Corrosive Dart from ticking after I died...


Most people say, "cool story bro" and are being sarcastic douches about it. But I was being sincere. =)

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Hope others got better footage than I did but here's a video of some of the Tatooine battle from last night! :jawa_biggrin:


Better than 480 is taking a bit to process but should be good to go by the time anyone sees this. XP


And thanks to everyone who joined in the fray! I know this game doesn't handle open world PVP very well at all, but it's still nice to just lag around like chickens with our heads cut off now and then.

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