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No more fun in Pvp since 2.0 on both sides(Win/lose - healers)


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Hey guys,


i know what answers will come but thats ok. Just my opinion.


Healers are too strong at the moment. I play both sides on my server and know how it is to be in the totally dominating battleground team as well to be in the biggest loser team. Both is ok. The matchmaking is ******** and has to be tuned because it makes no sense to have 4 healer teams against 0 healer teams. (ive thought long time that the pvp cant be a bigger farce than in WoW but it has become true.)


But the most important thing is: No matter in which team you are (winner or loser). As soon as 1 team has 1-2 healers which know what they are doing the fun is washed out of the bg because NO one is dying. My last bg has 2 or 3 healers in every team and every hybrid used healing in some situations as well. At the end there was 1 or 2 deaths in every team. Thats just ****. Just moaning in the bg chat.


I dont want that 1 healer is killed by 1 dd.


Many words in bad english for nothing.



PvP doesnt make fun if there are healers in it which can heal other people in 1 or 2 global cds to 100%.

PvP doenst make fun if you are in the loser team just because of 1 or 2 healers which know what they do.

PvP doenst make fun if you are in the dominating team because YOUR team has 1 or 2 healers who know what they are doing.


The most funny bgs are if there are no healers in it and everyone is managing his cds and attacks and when some 1on1 or 2on2 appears.


PvP is a complete farce at the moment. On the winning team as well in the loser team


Thanks for listening.


Good bye.

Edited by DragonClaVV
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Hey guys,


i know what answers will come but thats ok. Just my opinion.


Healers are too strong at the moment. I play both sides on my server and know how it is to be in the totally dominating battleground team as well to be in the biggest loser team. Both is ok. The matchmaking is ******** and has to be tuned because it makes no sense to have 4 healer teams against 0 healer teams. (ive thought long time that the pvp cant be a bigger farce than in WoW but it has become true.)


But the most important thing is: No matter in which team you are (winner or loser). As soon as 1 team has 1-2 healers which know what they are doing the fun is washed out of the bg because NO one is dying. My last bg has 2 or 3 healers in every team and every hybrid used healing in some situations as well. At the end there was 1 or 2 deaths in every team. Thats just ****. Just moaning in the bg chat.


I dont want that 1 healer is killed by 1 dd.


Many words in bad english for nothing.



PvP doesnt make fun if there are healers in it which can heal other people in 1 or 2 global cds to 100%.

PvP doenst make fun if you are in the loser team just because of 1 or 2 healers which know what they do.

PvP doenst make fun if you are in the dominating team because YOUR team has 1 or 2 healers who know what they are doing.


The most funny bgs are if there are no healers in it and everyone is managing his cds and attacks and when some 1on1 or 2on2 appears.


PvP is a complete farce at the moment. On the winning team as well in the loser team


Thanks for listening.


Good bye.


TL;DR: Healers are OP QQ.


Advice: Kill healers.

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The matchmaking is ******** and has to be tuned


As far as team balancing goes, there is no matchmaking. At all. None. Never has been. You join the queue, you get dumped in a warzone with others on pretty much a first come first served basis.


If anything good can come with 2.4, it'll be cross server queuing and some kind of matchmaking system based on personal ratings and roles for regs.

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Hey guys,


i know what answers will come but thats ok. Just my opinion.


Healers are too strong at the moment. I play both sides on my server and know how it is to be in the totally dominating battleground team as well to be in the biggest loser team. Both is ok. The matchmaking is ******** and has to be tuned because it makes no sense to have 4 healer teams against 0 healer teams. (ive thought long time that the pvp cant be a bigger farce than in WoW but it has become true.)


But the most important thing is: No matter in which team you are (winner or loser). As soon as 1 team has 1-2 healers which know what they are doing the fun is washed out of the bg because NO one is dying. My last bg has 2 or 3 healers in every team and every hybrid used healing in some situations as well. At the end there was 1 or 2 deaths in every team. Thats just ****. Just moaning in the bg chat.


I dont want that 1 healer is killed by 1 dd.


Many words in bad english for nothing.



PvP doesnt make fun if there are healers in it which can heal other people in 1 or 2 global cds to 100%.

PvP doenst make fun if you are in the loser team just because of 1 or 2 healers which know what they do.

PvP doenst make fun if you are in the dominating team because YOUR team has 1 or 2 healers who know what they are doing.


The most funny bgs are if there are no healers in it and everyone is managing his cds and attacks and when some 1on1 or 2on2 appears.


PvP is a complete farce at the moment. On the winning team as well in the loser team


Thanks for listening.


Good bye.



So you don't want healers to be able to be killed 1v1, but you also don't want healers to be able to heal people, either.


How about instead of posting mindless complaining, you propose a solution? What do YOU think should be done? You obviously don't want healers to be able to die, and you don't want healers to be able to live, either. So what DO you want?


Try to be productive and post something constructive instead of just complaining like a 7-year old.

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loser team just because of 1 or 2 healers which know what they do.




PvP is a complete farce at the moment. On the winning team as well in the loser team



if you are the loser team is also because someone in your team doesn't know what to do.

you cannot change a mechanic because people are bad at it.


and it's a farce when this happens, i had also close funny matches(with the general fall of terribad noobness)

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Would not be such a huge issue if people would use free respec more to adapt based on team composition. Need to be sub for that ofc. I think if enemy has 3+ healers and you see that they don't have enough dps to shutdown your healer tanks should switch to dps too but in overall there is no need to have more than 1 good tank that switches guard in battle. Edited by Arunas
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As far as team balancing goes, there is no matchmaking. At all. None. Never has been. You join the queue, you get dumped in a warzone with others on pretty much a first come first served basis.


If anything good can come with 2.4, it'll be cross server queuing and some kind of matchmaking system based on personal ratings and roles for regs.


Your going to need cross serv matches. Because by the time they fix pvp tons will have quit. Peps come to the game to try the new expansion and find wz that no one dies . it makes pvp a blast lol

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Focus down healers. Even with guard up, if you use a bit of teamwork they will go down like Katie Price.


I love when people get cute like this to avoid the real problem.


No team just lets a healer get focused. Tanks and DPS immediately pull people off.


Healing is VERY over the top right now. PvP doesn't work when two team butt heads at the middle because no one dies. PvP works when people have to respawn.


No one wants healers to die in 3 hits but healers able to tank 2 and 3 DPS is unacceptable.

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I love when people get cute like this to avoid the real problem.


No team just lets a healer get focused. Tanks and DPS immediately pull people off.


Healing is VERY over the top right now. PvP doesn't work when two team butt heads at the middle because no one dies. PvP works when people have to respawn.


No one wants healers to die in 3 hits but healers able to tank 2 and 3 DPS is unacceptable.


I can't tell if the people who say focus fire are healers, or just DPS bad enough to think this actually works.

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I love when people get cute like this to avoid the real problem.


No team just lets a healer get focused. Tanks and DPS immediately pull people off.


Healing is VERY over the top right now. PvP doesn't work when two team butt heads at the middle because no one dies. PvP works when people have to respawn.


No one wants healers to die in 3 hits but healers able to tank 2 and 3 DPS is unacceptable.


Melee trains were over the top from 1.2 until 2.0. Healing is actually fun again and so are the ranged DPS classes.


Who has been nerfed? Melee DPS. Sorry, but they were stupid OP prior to 2.0. Now they are good, with the exception of smash specs which are still great.

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Melee trains were over the top from 1.2 until 2.0. Healing is actually fun again and so are the ranged DPS classes.


Who has been nerfed? Melee DPS. Sorry, but they were stupid OP prior to 2.0. Now they are good, with the exception of smash specs which are still great.


Actually Operatives are overpowered because they no longer run out of energy. They were always extremely hard to kill but if you limit their healing to just HoT a few guys that's manageable. Now they can HoT the whole team without running out of energy so ignoring them no longer works as a strategy. Sorc may be overpowered or not. It's hard to tell because most of the time there's also an Operative around that's pumping heals into the said Sorc. They're probably slightly on the overpowered side, but nowhere as blatant as Operatives as Sorcs can still usually be killed somehow.

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When are you rookies going to learn, you know the guys always saying l2p, that its not that simple. Lets say they nerf the healers, so you guys dont have to burn the healers, are you really foolish enough to think it stops there? Nerfing the healers unbalances everything else, so then they have to pass the buck around on the dps classes, by nerfing them. End result no ones happy and everyone is pissed off because their class got nerfed. Ive been doing warzones, the only slightest, maybe possibly, op healer I am seeing is operative. Even then I cant claim I am in full partisan gear. Yet I am able to burn other healers down at a good click.
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Hey guys,


i know what answers will come but thats ok. Just my opinion.


Healers are too strong at the moment. I play both sides on my server and know how it is to be in the totally dominating battleground team as well to be in the biggest loser team. Both is ok. The matchmaking is ******** and has to be tuned because it makes no sense to have 4 healer teams against 0 healer teams. (ive thought long time that the pvp cant be a bigger farce than in WoW but it has become true.)


But the most important thing is: No matter in which team you are (winner or loser). As soon as 1 team has 1-2 healers which know what they are doing the fun is washed out of the bg because NO one is dying. My last bg has 2 or 3 healers in every team and every hybrid used healing in some situations as well. At the end there was 1 or 2 deaths in every team. Thats just ****. Just moaning in the bg chat.


I dont want that 1 healer is killed by 1 dd.


Many words in bad english for nothing.



PvP doesnt make fun if there are healers in it which can heal other people in 1 or 2 global cds to 100%.

PvP doenst make fun if you are in the loser team just because of 1 or 2 healers which know what they do.

PvP doenst make fun if you are in the dominating team because YOUR team has 1 or 2 healers who know what they are doing.


The most funny bgs are if there are no healers in it and everyone is managing his cds and attacks and when some 1on1 or 2on2 appears.


PvP is a complete farce at the moment. On the winning team as well in the loser team


Thanks for listening.


Good bye.


OP i do not agree with your statment, do you know why?


The one complaint that most players have is the extremely oppresive CC that came with 1.4, if your team mates are incapable of stun locking, and interupting a healer then i dont think pvp is their game. this game pound for pound has the most oppresive CC in pvp that i have ever seen. Healers are not the OP monsters that you are boasting. If you ask me i think that you are mad because you prolly tried to solo fight one and cant dps past their heals. A healer should not be taken down by one player, if they could then they couldnt keep someone else up past your dps.


The moral of the story, use the OPPRESSIVE CC this game has.

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You people just don't get it, do you.


When you see an enemy healer in the midst of the enemy team, guarded, peeled, and cross-healed, and you send in a few people to target him, you are not just "focusing" anyone. You are effectively fighting the whole damned team.


Not only do you need people to focus the target, but you also need at least as much coordination as the other team, and have all of the rest of the people take on different roles to disrupt and distract enemy peelers, crosshealers, tanks, and etc etc..


It essentially becomes not just 3 DPS vs 1 healer, it becomes the whole team vs. the whole team. When each side tries to single out and get rid of the the healers, it immediately escalates into a tremendous fight that pits all of the skills and wits of the team against the other.


In essence, the long and weary fight to wear down the enemy healer is in everyway, the very purpose of PvP combat itself. It has ALL of what's important in a PvP combat in it. Situational awareness, coordination, large view of the entire battlefield - rather than tunnelvision against one target, teamwork, mutual support, etc etc etc..


Is that not the kind of fight which matters in PvP? Are you people not playing PvP for those kinds of fights?


Then what the heck are you playing PvP for?

So you can be instantly gratified in your need to "kill healers" without even half-trying?



Let's make this clear.

When you can't bring an enemy healer down, it simply means your team's not skilled enough to do so.


We say that killing healers is "no problem."

We never said it was easy.


You have to work hard to get what you want in PvP -- sending a few people to target a healer and mash on the attack buttons, does not qualify as "working hard."


L2P, folks. Really.

Edited by kweassa
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well 3 things i would like to see


1) tone down smash a bit

2) Sorcs/sages dont need insta AOE heal

3) Energy management back to scoundrels/operatives


I think the 3 above changes will make game even better

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Healing on sage/sorc is still quite hard work imo. People go on about healing as if its some sort of god mode but i'm still humping pillars desperately trying to stay alive against meelee and ranged trains all wz. The main difference now is god bubble but apart from that if you face tank you wil die. I also have no trouble killing most of the healing classes on my dps classes because most aren't very good at los/kiting. loads of healers is not an instant win button by any means...


Regarding instant aoe: while a nice buff you will be really low on force the entire wz if you use it off cd. It makes energy management tougher i've found.. usually its a choice between instant aoe or energy management. For this reason i don't think its particulary op. Usually in heavier fights i have to consume/sacrifice quite often so won't be using instant salvation often anyway usually just taking advantage of faster cast.

Edited by AngusFTW
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well 3 things i would like to see


1) tone down smash a bit

2) Sorcs/sages dont need insta AOE heal

3) Energy management back to scoundrels/operatives


I think the 3 above changes will make game even better


1-Sorcs/sage don't have a insta AOE Heals. they do have a insta AOE Attack

2-Smash is alittle op. but its easy to counter

3-Scoundrels/Operatives have enough energy management as is

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1-Sorcs/sage don't have a insta AOE Heals. they do have a insta AOE Attack


actually they do, with the resplendence proc. it's incredibly powerful, too. It's also a pretty cool mechanic, i'd be sad to see it go.


Someone suggested to make taunts work on healers, i really liked that idea and think it would help a lot

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I may be wrong but I think there's no problem with the healers being so OP if instead of a first come first serve, the warzones would just be a little more balanced, ie. equal no.of healers, dps, newcomers(low-level PVP). I mean, it's not going to be a problem about alliances, roughly half the battles are against your own faction anyway.
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actually they do, with the resplendence proc. it's incredibly powerful, too. It's also a pretty cool mechanic, i'd be sad to see it go.


Someone suggested to make taunts work on healers, i really liked that idea and think it would help a lot


I dont think anyone would complain about that idea, if the taunts did not excessively harm the healer. Meaning they should be aimed at the player getting the heals, and reducing the amount of healing that player can receive. As for the statement of fighting the whole damn team, thats kinda funny. How many full time tanks do you see running around in wzs lol? Hell how many full time tanks do you come across altogether lol. Ive seen the cross healing and its valid, you have to play a mind game sometimes with healers. Keep in mind most players play for themselves and do not give a damn about there teammates. Something to consider when your up against two healers healing each other.


Is most players in a wz are dps. I still have not seen anything as of yet that screams insane. When I see 5 plus dps, dpsing a healer, and the healer still staying alive. Then ill scream op.

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My sorc healer has been killed by a single dps, usually a sin. But it certainly drops like a rock against 2 dps. My op healer is a little harder to kill because of the roll and can vanish sometimes, but still dies. But people tend to forget the situation. It's all one sided. The dps is unloading on the healer, and the healer can't significantly harm the dps. To the healer, the dps is invincible. They can't kill them. It's very frustrating.

All these QQ threads about healing are really about how hard it is to kill dps. We had a team of 6 healers recently, and the other team had 1, and the team with 6 healers couldn't kill anyone on the other team. This is proof that dps are OP and need to be nerfed.

It is totally unfair for a dps to be able to kill or almost kill a healer and the healer can't return the favor. Nerf DPS. Especially Sins. If DPS were easier to kill, no one would be complaining that no one dies in a warzone. You could cut the health points of dps in half, and double the trauma so that even if there was 2 or 3 healers the dps would die and everyone would be happy because players were dying in a warzone. This would break the gridlock and dps would no longer complain that no one is dying because of healers and the problem would be solved.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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well 3 things i would like to see


1) tone down smash a bit

2) Sorcs/sages dont need insta AOE heal

3) Energy management back to scoundrels/operatives


I think the 3 above changes will make game even better



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