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Patch Notes 2.4 : Galactic Conflicts


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Oh you bastard... I was *********** super hyped and thought now they are singing the right tune... and paw.. made up..


PS. Post this thread in the General forums. I'm curious of reactions.


Will probably post it indeed, after consulting the original author.

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Patch Notes 2.4 : Galactic Conflicts





  • Global improvement of warzone performance. During warzones, a bug where overall performances were reduced has been corrected.

  • The Probability of entering two identical warzones have been considerably reduced.

  • Bolster in level 55 warzones has been reworked, so that endgame operation gear would have less impact.




I dont get it, how does ANYONE think ANY of this is a good idea? Ive read 4 pages of the thread and there were no complains over how ... i cant even find a word to describe such stupid and numb blindness this post is spreading.


This is the actual part whitch makes sense and from whitch the players would benifit. I could just advise you to take your head out of your asses and start looking at the bigger picture... However, let me go from point to point, just for you.


Cross-server ques:

The community rejected those, dont you remeber? We take pride in being a top XYZ on the server, i still remember names of the few PvPers who just took it to a new level, who won against all odds, who were, simply, better than the rest. We built reputation on the server we were PvPing. But not only top PvPers have a reputation - you afk every other game? You will get recognized, etc. Names will become familiar and, at least in my case, i met few buddies allready. But if you join the servers in one battlegroup, you get exacly what happened in WoW - "a cluster**** where noone gives a dick" (quoting one of my old arena buddies from the WoW days).


Massive PvP encounters:

Just in case you havent been to Illum like... ever, let me point out that the game can barely manage 8vs8 matches. Who in the name of the god almighty likes to be forced (want progress? go do that!) to spent 20 minutes every three hours in 2 fps nightmare. All players who were around to see Illum can relate, i hope, and no developer, or manager or CEO or president of Nikaragua is going to let the disaster that Illum was happen again.



What the hell is with arena, everyone? What drives you so mad about it? Whitch game even has a low bodycount team deatchmatch? Thats right, the famous World of Warcraft. Why do you refuse to see that arena is a mistake? A big mistake in fact? Even Blizzards VP of game design admitted so (http://wow.joystiq.com/2009/11/13/blizzard-arenas-were-a-mistake/). The concept of arena is terrible, if you like mind games - go play chess. Thats everything whats about it, you just go through a set rotation different from combo to combo and wait for the enemy to make a mistake you can exploit. There is no skill involved, just a lot of statistics and combinations you need to memorise and execute. And before anyone arguments by anything, ive done my fair share of endgame PvP, say what you will but it wont never change the fact the arena is a failed concept.


Now do me a favor and immagine a team of two healing operatives, and two tanks. Its unkillable, and you know it. It wont kill anything but the game can go on for days till the players drop dead. Two OPs are enough to hold 8 people up, not 4. The game in its current state is simply a not deathmatch friendly (thank god for that, someone could actualy hear you scream here).


On the other hand, the warzones are a perfect show of team objective based PvP, thats the frikkin' best kind of pvp out there, why do you refuse to take the comparison in some perspective? I never thought id see such well executed concept since DAoC. You wont see it if you keep your eyes shut, really. Why do you hate the PvP in its current form so much?


Space pvp:

You realise there is actualy no space combat in the game, just a railshooter where you can do a barrelroll. You cant base a pvp match on non existing feature - although it is a great idea, a greater one is an actual space combat. BW had been critised for the space combat missions before and they still have to do anything about it, but untill there is a space combat, the space pvp is off the table, i guess.



What about focusing on winning a warzone rather than "Force choke 7/9 players to death." or whatever stupid idea you had in mind. There is no excuse for taking a teammember off the goal to win the warzone. Why would you do that? Or you rather thought "Protect 1 000 000 damage during the week" kind of quests? Thats what tanks do anyway, they do it well, they help their team win. Any quest taking your attention from winning to anything else is bad, and quests whitch focus on the winning the warzone are allready there, so what do you complain about again?


These are just my two cents here, but hell, people, start thinking.


EDIT: I saw the rest of the responses in the thread. They made me sick. Sucks to know that you are our "PvP community".

Edited by tholdrin
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What the hell is with arena, everyone? What drives you so mad about it? Whitch game even has a low bodycount team deatchmatch? Thats right, the famous World of Warcraft. Why do you refuse to see that arena is a mistake? A big mistake in fact? Even Blizzards VP of game design admitted so (http://wow.joystiq.com/2009/11/13/blizzard-arenas-were-a-mistake/). The concept of arena is terrible, if you like mind games - go play chess. Thats everything whats about it, you just go through a set rotation different from combo to combo and wait for the enemy to make a mistake you can exploit. There is no skill involved, just a lot of statistics and combinations you need to memorise and execute. And before anyone arguments by anything, ive done my fair share of endgame PvP, say what you will but it wont never change the fact the arena is a failed concept.


Now do me a favor and immagine a team of two healing operatives, and two tanks. Its unkillable, and you know it. It wont kill anything but the game can go on for days till the players drop dead. Two OPs are enough to hold 8 people up, not 4. The game in its current state is simply a not deathmatch friendly (thank god for that, someone could actualy hear you scream here).


On the other hand, the warzones are a perfect show of team objective based PvP, thats the frikkin' best kind of pvp out there, why do you refuse to take the comparison in some perspective? I never thought id see such well executed concept since DAoC. You wont see it if you keep your eyes shut, really. Why do you hate the PvP in its current form so much?


Well first off; The actual players of WoW don't think Arena was a mistake - and that is all what counts. It gives the Dev's some head aches but who cares.


2. OP classes doesn't make Arena as a concept a bad idea, it only makes the classes unbalanced. If you hadn't noticed healer + tank is almost unkillable as it is, that's just called poor game balance.


3. A proper ranking system would let you know who really is the best instead assuming that a guy you saw do a fancy knock back once upon time is the best player.


The best thing about arena is that creates content. A few maps, rankings and team + queue system creates an almost indefinite amount of content which only leads to good things.


At the end of a PvE patch there will still be a lot of server activity due to the PvP'ers. There is no such draw at the moment - hence the relative poor activity at max level. It developes a whole new culture that I wager would be extremely healthy for this game.


The drawbacks are that it will create a lot of whine, but that is part of it.


Demands for class balance will be a constant issue - but that is supposed to be a good thing.

Edited by Vandrain
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I dont get it, how does ANYONE think ANY of this is a good idea? Ive read 4 pages of the thread and there were no complains over how ... i cant even find a word to describe such stupid and numb blindness this post is spreading.


This is the actual part whitch makes sense and from whitch the players would benifit. I could just advise you to take your head out of your asses and start looking at the bigger picture... However, let me go from point to point, just for you.


Cross-server ques:

The community rejected those, dont you remeber? We take pride in being a top XYZ on the server, i still remember names of the few PvPers who just took it to a new level, who won against all odds, who were, simply, better than the rest. We built reputation on the server we were PvPing. But not only top PvPers have a reputation - you afk every other game? You will get recognized, etc. Names will become familiar and, at least in my case, i met few buddies allready. But if you join the servers in one battlegroup, you get exacly what happened in WoW - "a cluster**** where noone gives a dick" (quoting one of my old arena buddies from the WoW days).


Massive PvP encounters:

Just in case you havent been to Illum like... ever, let me point out that the game can barely manage 8vs8 matches. Who in the name of the god almighty likes to be forced (want progress? go do that!) to spent 20 minutes every three hours in 2 fps nightmare. All players who were around to see Illum can relate, i hope, and no developer, or manager or CEO or president of Nikaragua is going to let the disaster that Illum was happen again.



What the hell is with arena, everyone? What drives you so mad about it? Whitch game even has a low bodycount team deatchmatch? Thats right, the famous World of Warcraft. Why do you refuse to see that arena is a mistake? A big mistake in fact? Even Blizzards VP of game design admitted so (http://wow.joystiq.com/2009/11/13/blizzard-arenas-were-a-mistake/). The concept of arena is terrible, if you like mind games - go play chess. Thats everything whats about it, you just go through a set rotation different from combo to combo and wait for the enemy to make a mistake you can exploit. There is no skill involved, just a lot of statistics and combinations you need to memorise and execute. And before anyone arguments by anything, ive done my fair share of endgame PvP, say what you will but it wont never change the fact the arena is a failed concept.


Now do me a favor and immagine a team of two healing operatives, and two tanks. Its unkillable, and you know it. It wont kill anything but the game can go on for days till the players drop dead. Two OPs are enough to hold 8 people up, not 4. The game in its current state is simply a not deathmatch friendly (thank god for that, someone could actualy hear you scream here).


On the other hand, the warzones are a perfect show of team objective based PvP, thats the frikkin' best kind of pvp out there, why do you refuse to take the comparison in some perspective? I never thought id see such well executed concept since DAoC. You wont see it if you keep your eyes shut, really. Why do you hate the PvP in its current form so much?


Space pvp:

You realise there is actualy no space combat in the game, just a railshooter where you can do a barrelroll. You cant base a pvp match on non existing feature - although it is a great idea, a greater one is an actual space combat. BW had been critised for the space combat missions before and they still have to do anything about it, but untill there is a space combat, the space pvp is off the table, i guess.



What about focusing on winning a warzone rather than "Force choke 7/9 players to death." or whatever stupid idea you had in mind. There is no excuse for taking a teammember off the goal to win the warzone. Why would you do that? Or you rather thought "Protect 1 000 000 damage during the week" kind of quests? Thats what tanks do anyway, they do it well, they help their team win. Any quest taking your attention from winning to anything else is bad, and quests whitch focus on the winning the warzone are allready there, so what do you complain about again?


These are just my two cents here, but hell, people, start thinking.


EDIT: I saw the rest of the responses in the thread. They made me sick. Sucks to know that you are our "PvP community".


If you like the stun, heal, interrupt based PvP and if you like to stand at a door, turret, node, pylon, than SWTOR PvP is for you. Now I like to fight, move, kill the enemy, actually do something in PvP,so for me SWTOR PvP is the worst I've ever seen. These are my two cents here.

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Cross-server ques:

The community rejected those, dont you remeber? We take pride in being a top XYZ on the server, i still remember names of the few PvPers who just took it to a new level, who won against all odds, who were, simply, better than the rest. We built reputation on the server we were PvPing. But not only top PvPers have a reputation - you afk every other game? You will get recognized, etc. Names will become familiar and, at least in my case, i met few buddies allready. But if you join the servers in one battlegroup, you get exacly what happened in WoW - "a cluster**** where noone gives a dick" (quoting one of my old arena buddies from the WoW days).


Your big fish in a small pond is the source of all the premade bullying that is taking place in faction polarized servers where one faction is now unbeatable. What you describe as 'recognized' is actually more aptly described as despised when it comes to the same pugstomping guilds 'practice' in non-ranked. Your not good, your healers are good.


I agree with most of the others that Patch Notes 2.4 : Galactic Conflicts would be a watershed event that would make this game worth a continued subscription.

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I dont get it, how does ANYONE think ANY of this is a good idea? Ive read 4 pages of the thread and there were no complains over how ... i cant even find a word to describe such stupid and numb blindness this post is spreading.


This is the actual part whitch makes sense and from whitch the players would benifit. I could just advise you to take your head out of your asses and start looking at the bigger picture... However, let me go from point to point, just for you.


Cross-server ques:

The community rejected those, dont you remeber? We take pride in being a top XYZ on the server, i still remember names of the few PvPers who just took it to a new level, who won against all odds, who were, simply, better than the rest. We built reputation on the server we were PvPing. But not only top PvPers have a reputation - you afk every other game? You will get recognized, etc. Names will become familiar and, at least in my case, i met few buddies allready. But if you join the servers in one battlegroup, you get exacly what happened in WoW - "a cluster**** where noone gives a dick" (quoting one of my old arena buddies from the WoW days).


Massive PvP encounters:

Just in case you havent been to Illum like... ever, let me point out that the game can barely manage 8vs8 matches. Who in the name of the god almighty likes to be forced (want progress? go do that!) to spent 20 minutes every three hours in 2 fps nightmare. All players who were around to see Illum can relate, i hope, and no developer, or manager or CEO or president of Nikaragua is going to let the disaster that Illum was happen again.



What the hell is with arena, everyone? What drives you so mad about it? Whitch game even has a low bodycount team deatchmatch? Thats right, the famous World of Warcraft. Why do you refuse to see that arena is a mistake? A big mistake in fact? Even Blizzards VP of game design admitted so (http://wow.joystiq.com/2009/11/13/blizzard-arenas-were-a-mistake/). The concept of arena is terrible, if you like mind games - go play chess. Thats everything whats about it, you just go through a set rotation different from combo to combo and wait for the enemy to make a mistake you can exploit. There is no skill involved, just a lot of statistics and combinations you need to memorise and execute. And before anyone arguments by anything, ive done my fair share of endgame PvP, say what you will but it wont never change the fact the arena is a failed concept.


Now do me a favor and immagine a team of two healing operatives, and two tanks. Its unkillable, and you know it. It wont kill anything but the game can go on for days till the players drop dead. Two OPs are enough to hold 8 people up, not 4. The game in its current state is simply a not deathmatch friendly (thank god for that, someone could actualy hear you scream here).


On the other hand, the warzones are a perfect show of team objective based PvP, thats the frikkin' best kind of pvp out there, why do you refuse to take the comparison in some perspective? I never thought id see such well executed concept since DAoC. You wont see it if you keep your eyes shut, really. Why do you hate the PvP in its current form so much?


Space pvp:

You realise there is actualy no space combat in the game, just a railshooter where you can do a barrelroll. You cant base a pvp match on non existing feature - although it is a great idea, a greater one is an actual space combat. BW had been critised for the space combat missions before and they still have to do anything about it, but untill there is a space combat, the space pvp is off the table, i guess.



What about focusing on winning a warzone rather than "Force choke 7/9 players to death." or whatever stupid idea you had in mind. There is no excuse for taking a teammember off the goal to win the warzone. Why would you do that? Or you rather thought "Protect 1 000 000 damage during the week" kind of quests? Thats what tanks do anyway, they do it well, they help their team win. Any quest taking your attention from winning to anything else is bad, and quests whitch focus on the winning the warzone are allready there, so what do you complain about again?


These are just my two cents here, but hell, people, start thinking.


EDIT: I saw the rest of the responses in the thread. They made me sick. Sucks to know that you are our "PvP community".


I think some of the criticism in this post would have been better received had you couched it in slightly less inflammatory rhetoric. I agree with much of what you are saying and it is good to see some strong counterpoints to the OP's proposal. But lambasting your the OP and posters with insults ("Stupid," "numb," "blindness," "take your head out of your asses," etc.) does nothing to help your cause. If you want to make an argument, do it with a cool head or don't post at all.

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Cross-server ques:

The community rejected those, dont you remeber? We take pride in being a top XYZ on the server, i still remember names of the few PvPers who just took it to a new level, who won against all odds, who were, simply, better than the rest. We built reputation on the server we were PvPing. But not only top PvPers have a reputation - you afk every other game? You will get recognized, etc. Names will become familiar and, at least in my case, i met few buddies allready. But if you join the servers in one battlegroup, you get exacly what happened in WoW - "a cluster**** where noone gives a dick" (quoting one of my old arena buddies from the WoW days).


The community that rejected this was here 17 months ago, when the game was fresh and each of our servers were full and PvP popped within 60 seconds. The class balance wasn't completely out of whack (just needed to tone down the adrenal infused concealment/scrapper operative/scoundrel opening). By the time rateds hit the populace shrank and rated warzone participation was low in comparison to regulars.


People began calling for cross server queues when interest in PvP shrank. Interest in PvP is still shrinking. Nothing new has come out, and bolster has made the system a whole lot more wonkier. The community now will likely welcome cross-server queues because PvP has gotten incredibly stale in the competitive scene, and in the regular scene it has gotten stale from lack of team composition balance.


With a larger pool of players you can implement a Match Making system (with hidden MMRs) to match players of equal skill without impacting queue times. The result is a drastic improvement to the PvP experience for regulars.


Massive PvP encounters:

Just in case you havent been to Illum like... ever, let me point out that the game can barely manage 8vs8 matches. Who in the name of the god almighty likes to be forced (want progress? go do that!) to spent 20 minutes every three hours in 2 fps nightmare. All players who were around to see Illum can relate, i hope, and no developer, or manager or CEO or president of Nikaragua is going to let the disaster that Illum was happen again.


Yes the massive encounters are laggy. But the reason why Illum holds soo much nostalgia is because its one of the few events where you actually got to see alot of people on your server. It was one of the only things that reminded everyone that there are actually more than 16 people playing this game.



What the hell is with arena, everyone? What drives you so mad about it? Whitch game even has a low bodycount team deatchmatch? Thats right, the famous World of Warcraft. Why do you refuse to see that arena is a mistake? A big mistake in fact? Even Blizzards VP of game design admitted so (http://wow.joystiq.com/2009/11/13/blizzard-arenas-were-a-mistake/). The concept of arena is terrible, if you like mind games - go play chess. Thats everything whats about it, you just go through a set rotation different from combo to combo and wait for the enemy to make a mistake you can exploit. There is no skill involved, just a lot of statistics and combinations you need to memorise and execute. And before anyone arguments by anything, ive done my fair share of endgame PvP, say what you will but it wont never change the fact the arena is a failed concept.


I agree the arena is a mistake. However I wouldn't mind it if it would keep the baddies who only care about DPS-derping out of the OBJECTIVE-BASED warzones.


Space pvp:

You realise there is actualy no space combat in the game, just a railshooter where you can do a barrelroll. You cant base a pvp match on non existing feature - although it is a great idea, a greater one is an actual space combat. BW had been critised for the space combat missions before and they still have to do anything about it, but untill there is a space combat, the space pvp is off the table, i guess.



Imagine if they actually had guild capital ships and every week there is a set time when guilds duke it out between their capital ships? Fighters (that are free to use all axises like a Battlefield 3 fighter jet) have to dodge incoming fire from player controlled blaster turrets on the capital ships, and dodge other player fighters. The goal is to invade assassinate the guild leader and capture a flag.


To make it sweeter, imagine if one player could pilot the capital ship and even ram the opponents capital ship? Or park it side by side so you can literally leap from one to another?


Thus featuring space, and ground combat. Properly implemented you could have 160+ people in the instance, but no more than 20 people in the same area (some doing space, some manning turrets, some defending, some on offense)


This is the kind of large scale PvP we want and need.


Winners get more resources to build their capital ship, like double damage on turrets, automated AA-guns, automated repair nanites, increasing the rate at which blaster turrets fire, better shields, purchasing more champion imperial officers to assist during ground combat. Multiple guilds can gank one guild, so a super powerful capital ship can be outgunned by having 2-3 medeocre ones attack it.

Edited by Yeochins
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These are just my two cents here, but hell, people, start thinking.


EDIT: I saw the rest of the responses in the thread. They made me sick. Sucks to know that you are our "PvP community".


indeed, most logical post i read here

Edited by astrobearx
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Few thread contains so much needed content as this one. I'm sure bioware have read this one and understood its content. Either there is a monetary shortage or a technical reason for not adding these features to swtor. I'm sure they understand that subs as well as free 2 play players would increase significantly if things like this would be added. The majority of the players I have encountered (I play on a pvp server) in my guild (350 players over the first year after launch) that have stopped playing did so over lack of meaningfull/creative/ and continually new PvP content and/or lack of dev-focus on the PvP aspect of swtor. Edited by Svarteryttaren
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Patch Notes 2.4 : Galactic Conflicts


Obviously, I invented this 2.4 patch notes myself, it is solely an invention. But you gotta admit, it would be so great to have such an update, don't you think ? Thus you are more than welcome to comment or leave your opinion on the PvP changes I suggested for SWTOR.Thanks for reading this post and for your comments.


Translated by Mana (Haze / Hyperion)


I was about to start tearing my hair out after I read this :D

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