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Patch Notes 2.4 : Galactic Conflicts


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Anyone who even for a moment thought these were real future patch notes needs to seriously slap themselves for being too dumb to understand how games work and never be allowed to comment on an MMO forum again concerning Patches, bugs and fixes.


For me, the moment it was clear it was fake was right.. about.. here..


Patch Notes 2.4 : Galactic Conflicts



We are happy to announce the implementation of game update 2.4 "Galactic Conflicts". This update will bring significant improvements to your PvP experience. With this update, we hope to respond to the more competitive players. Here are the major changes to come.




  • Global improvement of warzone performance. During warzones, a bug where overall performances were reduced has been corrected.


There is no one bug that causes performance issues, if there was it would have been fixed ages ago. The problem with performances issues for all video games has always been that it is a multi-layered issue, fixing one problem here causes another bottleneck in performance to show up somewhere else.


Anyone who believed the patch notes after that has lost their gamer cred entirely.. so thanks for letting us know who not to put any real faith into anymore guys!


All other things.. well.. if performance wise the large scale Warzone would be feasible.. then I'd like to see one of those as well! And all other ideas seemed cool enough as well. Only real thing I'd dislike is the Arenas.. I hate Arena style PVP as it is impossible to balance and ruins all other forms of PVP because of how much effort will have to be put into balancing Arena PVP. So please, never add Arena style PVP.

Edited by Devlonir
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Although i knew this post was fake by the name which posted it, I got extremely sad after reading everything and seeing bioware will most likely do none of this...Sigh if only they cared about what more then half the player base takes part in at least once a week. Good read although it totally killed my nut when i snapped out of fantasy island and realized it was fake lol.
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Bioware is making the same mistakes that SOE did during SWG. The Dev's were so stubborn that they refused to give the players what they wanted, and continued to funnel their resources into things the players didn't want or ask for (Jump to Lightspeed Expansion) as an example. By the time almost everyone had left, they decide to finally start implenting the games changes players were clamoring for years ago. Going on 2 years, and Bio is doing everything but giving the players what they want. I guess it's going to take everyone leaving before they learn, by that time it will be to late. Edited by Odyseus
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for some entertainment you noob.

just put a duel arena where this senseless vip lounge is on the fleet.

and if you have FPS problems due to 3 or 4 duels on the fleet, then buy a better comp. i dont think there are tons of duels at the same time, you noob


lol There is a constant 200 people on the fleet on POT5 if you think only 6 of them will be dueling at a time you are sorely mistaken.

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Patch Notes 2.4 : Galactic Conflicts



We are happy to announce the implementation of game update 2.4 "Galactic Conflicts". This update will bring significant improvements to your PvP experience. With this update, we hope to respond to the more competitive players. Here are the major changes to come.




  • Global improvement of warzone performance. During warzones, a bug where overall performances were reduced has been corrected.

  • The Probability of entering two identical warzones have been considerably reduced.

  • Bolster in level 55 warzones has been reworked, so that endgame operation gear would have less impact.




  • Minor balancing changes to adapt all classes to arena combat.




  • Warzone queues are now common to all region servers (US, UE). This means you will be able to fight against teams from other servers. We chose to implement this to reduce the average queue time for all players.


  • Official opening of Ranked Warzones season 1. In consequence, a new tier of PvP gear will be available. PvP index will be necessary to buy such gear.


  • For each server, a real time ranking of the best guilds will be available on the official SWTOR. site, in a brand new section.


  • Duels are now authorized on each faction's fleet in a dedicated training room.




  • A new type of massive battle : the Frontlines. It consists in a large warzone with 5 distinct strategical zones that will have to be captured and controlled till the end of the allotted time. This battle will take place every 3 hours, and will finish after a maximum delay of 20 minutes. Each team will be composed of the 40 players on the queue with the higher valor rank.At the end of the warzone, each player will receive a reward proportionnal to the zones controlled and defended successfully by their faction.


Cartel Arenas


  • We will implement a new system of small-group PvP. Reserved to hardened PvP players, the Cartel arenas are only available to players having attained Valor Rank 60.

  • Players will fight in groups of 4 against 4 in three random arenas : the Geonosis Coliseum, the New Mandalore arena, and the Hutt's lair.

  • Fighting in the Cartel Arenas will considerably infulence your PvP index ! The higher your PvP index is, the harder to defeat your enemies will be.

  • The Cartel Arenas will be the only way to increase your Valor Rank to 110.


Space Warzones


  • A whole new warzone, entirely dedicated to space fighting, will be implemented ! For the first time in SWTOR, players will be able to engage in space combat, using their very own ships ! More info regarding this will come soon.




  • New Daily and Weekly PvP missions are to be implemented, so that PvP players can extend their PvP experience and the variety of their PvP activities.


Obviously, I invented this 2.4 patch notes myself, it is solely an invention. But you gotta admit, it would be so great to have such an update, don't you think ? Thus you are more than welcome to comment or leave your opinion on the PvP changes I suggested for SWTOR.Thanks for reading this post and for your comments.


Translated by Mana (Haze / Hyperion)


If they actually cared about PVP this much, the pvper's would be coming back in droves. The mere fact of having competitive Arena pvp play and gear alone would do it. Sadly, this won't happen....:mad:. I love the game and I do appreciate what the Devs have done to the PVE aspect of the game but my heart is always PVP and they sadly lack in this game.


You can see that shown as well by eh population of the pvp servers have been staying at "Standard" population and the PVE servers still get full and are most of the time at "Heavy". If they would implement competitive PVP play that would change a lot. It is sad to see the Dev's so quiet on what they are even working on to give people who love the PVP side a glimmer of hope and I don't mean throw in another Map into the rotation.


Fact is gamers love competitive pvp, well it is a "love-hate" relationship. I have not played World of Warcraft in a few months and have been playing this game since Beta, but to be honest I am thinking of re-subscribing back because I miss the competitive Arena game play. Don't get me wrong I will still subscribe to this game for a while to see what happens as I am not one of these kids ( I am 37 years old actually) who feel the need to post they will be leaving as I will just do it.


I also remember when World of Warcraft stated they were going to take away 2v2 Arena cause the Devs stated they are not able to balance it and there was such a huge backlash from the community they decided to keep it and the players know it is un-balanced but love it anyway (They love to complain and love to play as well). The Adrenaline rush of victory with your friends and the agony of defeat keeps us playing and coming back. I relate to it to my golf game, I love to play golf but I am not that great but I have fun with my friends and I always hit a couple really good shots that keep me playing.


As a gamer who has a lot of faith in the Devs and their team and know they do work hard for us I beg them to give us competitive pvp play Arena style and outdoor maps for World pvp with dailies. Please communicate your ideas you are working on even if they do not come to fruition. It lets us know you are thinking about us pvpers.

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Interesting ideas, not that I expect to see even 1/4th of this implemented.


Side note: why does everyone want to do something with Valor? It's a measure of how much you've played and nothing more. UNLESS... like 95% of people you valor exploited Ilum OR you buy a valor boost... so pretty much it means nothing. As long as you get to 40 to get your ranked comms, it honestly doesn't matter. Even if they raised the cap, there are a TON of PvPers who have been at 100 for a very long time, so it better be going up to like 300 if they raise the cap and give them backpay for what they've been stocking up.

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Hello, everyone !


@Maelael :

I wanted to give one reality utility to the value of bravery while giving a competitive aspect to the pvp onto swtor, because the competition is the sinews of war of the pvp.


Well I can say the rest of your stuff is full of cool ideas, except that.


It's all nice in theory, but in practice the people without the rank/gear end up in longer queues, and have a harder time catching up to the people who already have the gear and ranking. You end up just widening the divide and lowering player participation.


I say this from raw prior experience. Really the best way to reward people who put in the effort like that is better rewards, ie coin or coms.

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When really;


Patch Notes 2.4 : Galactic Conflicts



We are happy to announce the implementation of game update 2.4 "Galactic Conflicts". This update will bring significant improvements to your PvP experience. With this update, we hope to respond to the more competitive players. Here are the major changes to come !



  • Made some minor tweaks to the bolster system.





Nah just kidding (at least I hope).

I really hope they do something great for 2.4, the invcentives to PvP at the moment are almost nothing. Also feels more like a chore than enjoyment.


lol, this is what I expect too tbh.

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Interesting ideas, not that I expect to see even 1/4th of this implemented.


Side note: why does everyone want to do something with Valor? It's a measure of how much you've played and nothing more. UNLESS... like 95% of people you valor exploited Ilum OR you buy a valor boost... so pretty much it means nothing. As long as you get to 40 to get your ranked comms, it honestly doesn't matter. Even if they raised the cap, there are a TON of PvPers who have been at 100 for a very long time, so it better be going up to like 300 if they raise the cap and give them backpay for what they've been stocking up.


Isn't grinding for a higher level (XP), the same as valor? I dont think you understand that.

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Isn't grinding for a higher level (XP), the same as valor? I dont think you understand that.


ummm... no?


Valor does literally nothing other than offer you the option trade regular comms for ranked comms at 40. You don't do anything to get to valor 100 other than show up and there is no advantage to being valor 100 as opposed to valor 50. So, why would I care or want to develop any system around something that has no purpose?


Levels specifically contribute to you power and the abilities that are available to you. Which explains why you can do things like separate queues based on level, whereas doing it by valor would be stupid.

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ummm... no?


Valor does literally nothing other than offer you the option trade regular comms for ranked comms at 40. You don't do anything to get to valor 100 other than show up and there is no advantage to being valor 100 as opposed to valor 50. So, why would I care or want to develop any system around something that has no purpose?


Levels specifically contribute to you power and the abilities that are available to you. Which explains why you can do things like separate queues based on level, whereas doing it by valor would be stupid.


Really, at Valor level 100, I received an in-game email with a my little pony holo attached! Well worth the grind!

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ummm... no?


Valor does literally nothing other than offer you the option trade regular comms for ranked comms at 40. You don't do anything to get to valor 100 other than show up and there is no advantage to being valor 100 as opposed to valor 50. So, why would I care or want to develop any system around something that has no purpose?


Levels specifically contribute to you power and the abilities that are available to you. Which explains why you can do things like separate queues based on level, whereas doing it by valor would be stupid.

To give it a purpose.
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To give it a purpose.


Then rework it entirely. Right now it means nothing, so it can't be used for anything meaningful. Not to mention it's character specific, so basically you not only have to level a new toon, but grind up enough valor to do whatever it is you allow valor to do.


It isn't like rating or anything, it's basically a reward for being there. So how can you base anything on a system where points can be obtained by AFKing on a node?

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Interesting ideas, not that I expect to see even 1/4th of this implemented.


Side note: why does everyone want to do something with Valor? It's a measure of how much you've played and nothing more. UNLESS... like 95% of people you valor exploited Ilum OR you buy a valor boost... so pretty much it means nothing. As long as you get to 40 to get your ranked comms, it honestly doesn't matter. Even if they raised the cap, there are a TON of PvPers who have been at 100 for a very long time, so it better be going up to like 300 if they raise the cap and give them backpay for what they've been stocking up.


Just FYI - The Ilum valor exploit was so 2 years ago - Im sure all of those players left the game long ago ..


I got to valor 100 the old fashioned way - getting smashed, stunned, rooted, and stuck!

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Fun post, but I don't think BW has the manpower or expertise to implement these ideas in one massive patch though I can see them introducing many of these over time.


I do think it's time for cross-server queues. WoW released this feature around their 21 month mark (Aug 2006). TOR is coming up on their 21 month mark as well with 2.4 slated for an August release.

Edited by Projawa
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I hope this patch will become a reality for all the swtor community, of all countries.

It is true that we (French people) like challenges, and pvp is a piece of the game that we love. (as you i think ^^;)

this fake patch would make the game (for many of you) one of the best MMO ever created for us!


(sorry for my approximative english)

Edited by oredayo
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