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Make Thermal Detonator cost 0 Heat


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The idea is simple, make TD cost 0 heat.

I am playing a Merc myself, so am using Merc comparisons. That said I believe this change would also work for Powertech.


Why this change?


> First, there is no real benefit in choosing this skill as it barely, if even at all, increases your damage output (as shown here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=644369). By reducing the cost to 0 heat, this skill basically replaces Rapid Shots every 15 secs.


> Secondly, if you do spec into the ability, it is very easy to overheat. Overheating is punishing, without a real risk involved. If the class was hard to play because of a tight heat system, but could at least out-damage the full-of-utility, easy-heat-management counterpart Arsenal, there would be a risk worth noting. Since Bioware doesn't like (assumption) to buff raw damage output, this is an easy, efficient band-aid.


Why not this change?


> When I push this button, I want to feel something is happening. Either I want gain a buff or the target gains a debuff that opens options for more utility/damage or I simply want to deal a huge chunk of damage. None of this is happening at the moment and this change will not change that.


> This skill tree feels real clunky. Pyrotech should be about blowing things up and setting stuff ablaze, yet the fire abilities we DO use, are very insignificant to the playstyle of the skill tree. This change still leaves this skill tree with less utility, less sustained damage, less burst damage, less healing and less explosions than Arsenal--which is a shame.



It would go a long way to make the spec better in general and more fun to play. The option to respec to another skill tree from time to time is what makes playing a certain class that much more fun and interesting.

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When 2.0 hit we all did our best to bring this to the devs attention they never so much as commented on one of the many forum posts that were started... lol they wont here and even IF they read this post there not going to do anyhting.


Sorry man lol

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if you do spec into the ability, it is very easy to overheat. Overheating is punishing


This was the hidden nerf of 2.0 to Merc Pyro. Back in 1.7, Merc Pyro was easy to overheat, but at least it had the most powerful basic attack in the game (Rapid Shots + CGC) to counterbalance that downside. In 2.0, every other subclass except PT Pyro became super easy to avoid resource limitations. But the resource limitations remained for Merc Pyro AND they nerfed Rapid Shots via the CGC nerf. So now Merc Pyro (together with PT Pyro) has the worst resource constraints in the game AND has a cruddier basic attack.


Making TD cost 0 heat would help, but it isn't by itself a solution. Merc Pyro is by far and away the worst subclass in the game. Giving that subclass what amounts to -1 heat per second (via free TD) isn't going to change that.

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Frankly I'd rather continue ignoring the abomination that is 3 points for TD and just have a solid casting base.


At the moment it's a mediocre casting base which is guaranteed to be worse than arsenal at DPS in any scenario given an equally skilled player.


There's no AOE benefit, no burst benefit, no survivability benefit, no mobility benefit and there sure as hell is no single target benefit which requires at least one other player to provide an armour debuff to make it competitive.

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I would very much like both specs to be viable in a way that both specs have their niches:



- higher stationary single target damage

- better sustained survivability

- higher burst



- lower single target damage while stationary

- higher mobility

- better AoE



I feel Arsenal is in a GREAT place. I really do. The only think that I like to see changed is to allow Tracer Lock and Power Barrier stack to 6, instead of 5.


Some other changes I think would make Pyrotech worthwhile


- Making Thermal Detonator AoE in some way

- Missile Blast making the next Power Shot instant cast

- Improved Fusion Missile. Reduced heat, reduced casting time, hitting more targets, longer DoT etc

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