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3 Fairly easy changes for Merc Healing FOR PVP PLEASE READ BIOWARE


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Hi guys


We all know the merc is probably the weakest healer atm however its far from crap just not as a good as the other 2.


Change 1 : Kolto Shell needs a reduced heat cost 8-10 heat in this range to be on par with ops hot.


Change 2 : Kolto Missile has a % chance to make Healing Scan instant. ( Last 8-12 seconds)


Change 3 : Proactive Medicine talent i feel is a very weak hot 1192 over 9 seconds lol ?


Again this talent buffed to 3-4k over 9 seconds.


Change 2 and 3 will work very well together i feel as you could Kolto Missile get a proc to a instant heal with a good HOT rolling .


Tell me what you think :)

Edited by Zizzz
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