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Random Post: Alternate Arsenal PvP Rotation

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This post doesn't have any groundbreaking concepts, as you have probably already guessed. But I'm bored so I figured I throw this out there and see what people think. Its pretty basic.


I've been using this as my rotation when NO ONE is looking at me. Maybe some other people do it as well, but I never hear anyone mention it. If I'm left to free cast for even a few seconds, I don't use a standard rotation. I instead spam as many Tracer Missiles as they will allow. I don't fire a Heatseeker or anything until someone is looking at me....or putting any type of pressure on me to at least move.


If you just fire off your normal rotation, they will usually compensate soon after the Heatseeker lands. They will LOS, pop CDs, run away, attack you, etc. At that point, you are left chasing/kiting them with Explosive Dart and Rapid Shots.


But if you ONLY use Tracers as long as possible, once they notice you and change your tactics away from Tracer, THEN you hit them with the big (mobile) burst. (Heatseeker, Railshot, Explosive Dart, Power Surges, etc).


Like I said, its pretty basic. But it can definitely help in the right situations. Of course, if they are about half dead then I use normal rotation aka Heatseeker asap.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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