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So what did BW get RIGHT? Hard to tell.


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First of all this game isn't a MMO, it's a SP game with some MP aspects and heavy instancing, on par with Guild Wars if not worse.


- Terrible controls: Clunky, unresponsive and heavy.


- Everything is instanced to an extreme.


- Terrible graphics: Lack of options too.


- No mod support: Recount etc is a must for end game content. However seeing PvE in this game is faceroll I guess it's not needed.


- Companions are silly, why not make the character more powerful instead.


- NO DR in PvP: ROFL!


- No PvP brackets: 50's just dominate all.


- No combat tab: Big ***?


- Broken loot system: Anyone can need on anything, even if they can't use it.


- Can't pick another advanced tree without leveling.


- No LFG system - Spamming chat while also being in an instanced area.


- Terrible UI: Can't hide not used icon slots.


- No target of target


- Targeting is **** and placement of targets icon is even worse.


- Terrible in game map: Cant zoom or do anything


- No UI scaling, actually pretty much no UI options at all.


- Terrible AH UI: Need I say more?


- 50's already with faceroll endgame raids.



Most if not all of these things are TOTALLY unacceptable, especially for a 2012 release.


Makes me wonder *** the beta was for? So many elementary things are broken, it's mind blowing.


you got a lot right sad to say.

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The two main complaint threads I keep seeing can be summed up like the following.


This game is too much like Wow. Game is fail.

This game is not enough like Wow. Game is fail.


Guess which type this one is.


Bascily bioware can not win

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I haven't tried to force my views on anyone here so far. I'm not in a position to do so. Nobody around here is. What makes me bitter is seeing how the game turned out -Undeserving of an MMORPG circa 2011 - and how some people try their best to keep it that way. It's the same issue that always arises in DF or Recount threads: People don't want certain features because WoW has them. Which, apparently, means they are bad because WoW is bad. Or something.


But you're in the position to make blanket statements about what other players think about this game?


I'm bitter because some aspects of the game are so hopelessly archaic and, more importantly, a direct contradiction to the supposed design philosophy that they suck my personal enjoyment out of the game. Point in case: I can't do FPs with my friend because there is no useable, server-wide LFG channel let alone a LFG tool. Yet there are without a doubt people in this very thread who would hail the current system as "bold" and "not like WoW" and "like it's supposed to be".


My question here is this; If he's your friend, why in the world do you need a server-wide LFG channel? Are you two not on the same server? I don't think I understand what you're trying to say here.


Please elaborate for clarity.

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The game is not dead on arrival, based on estimates of the size of the playerbase. Are you hoping it'll be dead on arrival? Or are you warning us just to be helpful - because you really REALLY think it's likely, and you're just being kind? Perhaps you see a horrible disaster looming and are trying to steer people away from it, for their own good?


Because that's not how it comes across at all, just fyi. You just come across as a rather bitter individual who doesn't understand that other people might like something that he doesn't, and wants to ruin their enjoyment so everyone can suffer together. Misery loves company, they say.


It's ok if you don't like this game. It's ok if I do like this game.


Your dislike of the game doesn't make you wise, or kind, or a good community member, any more than my enjoyment of the game makes me a fanboy or apologist; I'm neither.


Stop trying to force everyone to share your views. It's never going to work. If you'd like to try sharing specific constructive criticism about objective facts, then I for one welcome it. If you just want to keep telling us that this game sucks, nobody can possibly enjoy it, and anyone who says otherwise is just lying... save yourself the trouble.


You pretty much nailed it.

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I take it you are speaking to all critics in general by addressing me directly. Otherwise I applaud your deductive abilities since you seem to know a lot about me from the 3 or so posts I made thus far.


Thanks! I tried. ;)


I haven't tried to force my views on anyone here so far. I'm not in a position to do so. Nobody around here is. What makes me bitter is seeing how the game turned out -Undeserving of an MMORPG circa 2011 - and how some people try their best to keep it that way. It's the same issue that always arises in DF or Recount threads: People don't want certain features because WoW has them. Which, apparently, means they are bad because WoW is bad. Or something.


Well, I haven't seen anyone post that. Rather, I've seen the opposite: "WoW has this therefore all other games must". That's however a purely subjective argument, since it's assuming - and not proving - that the feature is good in and of itself, and not good because it came from WoW.


So for the mods issue, for instance, the OP stated an opinion ("recount is necessary") as if it were a fact. It's not a fact though, and there are people who have good arguments for and against mods like recount. I won't accept that something's good because it's in WoW, but then I won't assume that something's bad because it's in WoW either. Game features should be judged in the context of the game they're found in.


But there you go again with the random attacks against people who disagree with your views about the game: you think it's "Undeserving of an MMORPG circa 2011" and "some people try their best to keep it that way", you claim. But I don't see this at all.


When someone points out something objective - like the FACT that the UI isn't very customizable right now - then there's room for people who enjoy the game, as well as people who don't enjoy the game, to discuss this. I agree that this is a problem, and I'm not very happy with the UI so far.


But, simply put, the vast majority of what the OP wrote isn't objective fact, but mere opinion. And so there isn't a lot people can say in response, except a) that's only your opinion, and b) here's my opinion.


That doesn't mean we're actively campaigning to ruin this game, nor does it mean that we're just lazy slackers who accept anything and don't worry about quality, and so by extension we're empowering the industry to put out lousy products. I feel that in most regards this is the best-produced MMO I've yet played, and it's much better at launch than I expected. I want a lot of changes, to be sure, and I'll ask for them and complain about bugs and imbalances, but overall I have a positive opinion of the game.


I'm bitter because some aspects of the game are so hopelessly archaic and, more importantly, a direct contradiction to the supposed design philosophy that they suck my personal enjoyment out of the game. Point in case: I can't do FPs with my friend because there is no useable, server-wide LFG channel let alone a LFG tool. Yet there are without a doubt people in this very thread who would hail the current system as "bold" and "not like WoW" and "like it's supposed to be".


It's possible that there are some people who will defend this game regardless of its faults, but truthfully those don't seem common at all. I think in your eagerness to see everyone who disagrees with you as slavering fanboys, you're doing yourself and the community a disservice.


Good LGF tools would be very welcome. I'll add that there are a lot of social engineering issues to overcome with such tools, as well, so I hope when they're implemented they're done well. There are a LOT of ways to do that wrong.

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The two main complaint threads I keep seeing can be summed up like the following.


This game is too much like Wow. Game is fail.

This game is not enough like Wow. Game is fail.


Guess which type this one is.




I keep seeing the same thing... Since everyone was given beta access before launch they have no excuse to be here if they didn't like the game, the fact there willing to spend $15 a month plus cost of the game so they can complain non stop about this game being to much like WOW or not enough like WOW or worse yet not enough like SWG is funny to me... I guess some people just like to pay money to stand on their soap box..


Before I get called a fanboy, the game does have bugs and does need some tweaks here and there and a upgrade to the UI, but overall it's a solid game for a MMO and the stuff will be fixed...


I just wish people who can't stand bugs would wait 6 months to play the game instead of buying the day it comes out and then complain non stop about it...

Edited by Monoth
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I agree with the quoted portions above. The toon customization options are seriously underdeveloped. I am guessing it will be no time at all until I see copies of myself everywhere.


You do realize that with upgradable gear, you can be unique in your own way, right?

Having someone be a direct copy of yourself isn't going to be easy in this game, regardless of what you might think.


As for the game being single player, I agree with this wholeheartedly. The way the story arcs work we are all the one special dude who is going to change the galaxy. That makes no sense. How can every non NPC in the Galaxy be the one special guy that makes a difference. That sounds like a single player plot. The whole story is basically a single player game that millions of people play all at once.


When you get to 50, you'll see.


And am I the only person that thinks this game is almost exactly like WoW but with star wars art work? It totally feels the same to me, with some minor improvements in questing and combat.


Wait, are you implying that SWTOR's graphics are almost exactly like WoW's? Seriously?

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As for the game being single player, I agree with this wholeheartedly. The way the story arcs work we are all the one special dude who is going to change the galaxy. That makes no sense. How can every non NPC in the Galaxy be the one special guy that makes a difference. That sounds like a single player plot. The whole story is basically a single player game that millions of people play all at once.


So in other MMO's you aren't the only special snowflake that can save the world? I suppose there was only one team that slayed the Lich King? I suppose you were the only one to get the Dragon soul?

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Thanks! I tried. ;)




Well, I haven't seen anyone post that. Rather, I've seen the opposite: "WoW has this therefore all other games must". That's however a purely subjective argument, since it's assuming - and not proving - that the feature is good in and of itself, and not good because it came from WoW.


So for the mods issue, for instance, the OP stated an opinion ("recount is necessary") as if it were a fact. It's not a fact though, and there are people who have good arguments for and against mods like recount. I won't accept that something's good because it's in WoW, but then I won't assume that something's bad because it's in WoW either. Game features should be judged in the context of the game they're found in.


But there you go again with the random attacks against people who disagree with your views about the game: you think it's "Undeserving of an MMORPG circa 2011" and "some people try their best to keep it that way", you claim. But I don't see this at all.


When someone points out something objective - like the FACT that the UI isn't very customizable right now - then there's room for people who enjoy the game, as well as people who don't enjoy the game, to discuss this. I agree that this is a problem, and I'm not very happy with the UI so far.


But, simply put, the vast majority of what the OP wrote isn't objective fact, but mere opinion. And so there isn't a lot people can say in response, except a) that's only your opinion, and b) here's my opinion.


That doesn't mean we're actively campaigning to ruin this game, nor does it mean that we're just lazy slackers who accept anything and don't worry about quality, and so by extension we're empowering the industry to put out lousy products. I feel that in most regards this is the best-produced MMO I've yet played, and it's much better at launch than I expected. I want a lot of changes, to be sure, and I'll ask for them and complain about bugs and imbalances, but overall I have a positive opinion of the game.




It's possible that there are some people who will defend this game regardless of its faults, but truthfully those don't seem common at all. I think in your eagerness to see everyone who disagrees with you as slavering fanboys, you're doing yourself and the community a disservice.


Good LGF tools would be very welcome. I'll add that there are a lot of social engineering issues to overcome with such tools, as well, so I hope when they're implemented they're done well. There are a LOT of ways to do that wrong.


Once again well said, however this kind of objective well thought out posting will just not be accepted on this forum. If this were to continue we might end up with an actual community.


Please take your logic and valid objective opinions elsewhere. ;)

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Thing is people talk about 2 different thing. There are 2 parts to this game there is MMO part and is single player part.

SP part is great, bioware is king of RPGs they proved it again, i am having a blast leveling.


But when it comes down to MMO, it is lacking and lacking hardcore. And unless they make changes asap they will lose a chunk of MMO customers, single player part can only carry game so far.

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For the record.. Since so many people are to lazy look at their key bindings in game..


Target of target is by default Alt-T and may be bound to something else.. Target of target is in the game and has been for a number of builds.. You might find a lot in this game you didn't know about if you just took the time to look..


As for the OP.. Not much to say.. Other than while this game isn't perfect, and no game is.. Most of the things you are complaining about are simply caused by your lack of understanding the game.. Your AC is your class.. There is no changing your class without a re-roll.. Which would you rather have?? Choose your class before level 1 and then wait till lvl 20 to decide yiou don't like it?? Or get a 10 lvl preview of both classes and then get to choose.. In either case you are re-rolling.. I would much rather have the preview.. It takes about 2 or 3 hours to get to lvl 10.. It isn't going to kill you.. Just don't be lazy.. :cool:

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Your opinions on what's wrong with this game are all well and good. In fact, from what I've seen, most of those opinions are shared with many people. However, you and every other person who agrees do nothing to help facilitate change. You add one small line after each problem you have with the game. What exactly is wrong with the current feature? Instead of just saying something sucks, go into detail. How can the devs fix it? Give in depth options instead of just "fix the UI."


I'm fine with the critiques of the game on this forum. However, these aren't doing anything to make this game better.

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Your opinions on what's wrong with this game are all well and good. In fact, from what I've seen, most of those opinions are shared with many people. However, you and every other person who agrees do nothing to help facilitate change. You add one small line after each problem you have with the game. What exactly is wrong with the current feature? Instead of just saying something sucks, go into detail. How can the devs fix it? Give in depth options instead of just "fix the UI."


I'm fine with the critiques of the game on this forum. However, these aren't doing anything to make this game better.


All truth.

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Flagged because you have no life and post every negative thing you can possibly think of and claim it is fact.


FACT: Just because YOU don't like something doesn't make it broken or FAIL. Others have stated they don't have issues with the faults you find.


Go back to your Pokemon and Panda game already...

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I like how the people on this game's forums read something they disagree with attack the poster (fox news anyone) or straw man their argument.

Almost everything that was mentioned by the OP is opinion.....now go put your head back in the disney sand.



Edited by Inhalcator
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