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So what did BW get RIGHT? Hard to tell.


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Much point to these threads, really.

There's the people who simply don't like the game and might bring up valid points on a good day, and then there's the zealous defenders who will do their last to defend every single design decision made by Bioware. It's cool guys, you're all winners.


And then there are people who complain ceaselessly without being constructive; and there are people who defend the game, not because they're fanbois, but because it's actually a pretty decent game.


SWTOR is by no means a perfect game. I think the OP's points are largely mistaken and hyperbolic but I do agree with a few of them. E.g. the UI really does need more customization options. Most of the OP's complaints though are nothing more than "this isn't WoW", and, hey, it isn't. But then I don't care for WoW, and don't want to play it. If I wanted WoW, I'd be playing WoW. If you love WoW so much (and there's nothing at all wrong with that!) then great! But don't come to other games and insist that they really need to be just like WoW; that's foolish to the extreme.


Incidentally, companions are awesome.




Oh, and since WoW population has been mentioned several times in this thread, let's get the facts out. In 2010, WoW claimed 12 million subs. In August of 2011, they claimed 11.1 million. In September 2011, they claimed 10.3 million. Anyone who doesn't see a trend there is being deliberately blind; they lost 800,000 subs in one month.


Of the 10.3 million "subs" that remain, roughly 6 million are in China, and aren't actually subs at all, but are rather prepaid time cards, with no ongoing obligation to subscribe. It's hard to compare those to normal subs, but clearly they still represent both people in game and profit for Blizzard. Regardless though, we're looking at roughly 4 million WoW subs in Europe and North America.


By way of comparison, the latest estimates I've seen say that between 1 million and 1.5 million people in Europe and North America are playing SWTOR. So that's not 1/11th of WoW's size, nor even 1/10th, but more like 1/4 to 1/3, when comparing the same markets.


Oh, and SWTOR only launched yesterday.

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You're not trying to help them fix anything. You are trying to bi**h, and you are doing a wonderful job. If you were trying to help, you would offer ideas as solutions, but you don't. You just say; "this sux, need I say more?" "Oh, and this sucks too!", and "I can't believe this is happening in 2012!!" Go back to WoW. Please. Complaining about a lack of mods on day two of a game just shows your mental maturity. Oh, and on a side note, please don't vote in the upcoming election. You scare me.



was that not the job of the beta testers?

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First of all this game isn't a MMO, it's a SP game with some MP aspects and heavy instancing, on par with Guild Wars if not worse.


- Terrible controls: Clunky, unresponsive and heavy.

Not for me, and not for anyone I play with.


- Everything is instanced to an extreme.

I guess you mean the diferent instances of the world. Ok there are, but instances with more than 100 players seems quite Ok for me in an MMO. It could be more, of course.


- Terrible graphics: Lack of options too.

Very nice graphics for an MMO.


- No mod support: Recount etc is a must for end game content. However seeing PvE in this game is faceroll I guess it's not needed.

I also think that Addons would make the game better. Just let a few weeks, I didn't saw any claim that addons would or wouldn't be posible in the future.


- Companions are silly, why not make the character more powerful instead.

Personally I like companions. It's a new way of improve leveling experience and crafting.


- NO DR in PvP: ROFL!

THERE is DR in PVP.....


- No PvP brackets: 50's just dominate all.

Having only one bracket eases the waiting time. Everyone can help and you help that the server feels more alive without having to implement cross server PVP.


- No combat tab: Big ***?

It could be nice for min/maxing and improve in competitive scenarios. But, right now how many people are in that situation? How many 50s across all servers?


- Broken loot system: Anyone can need on anything, even if they can't use it.

That's a social aspect of the game. If you think someone "ninja looted" you something, don't play with him/her again. It's a social fault not a game fault.


- Can't pick another advanced tree without leveling.

So you want to play 2 diferents ACs without the cost of leveling both??? Lazy gaming


- No LFG system - Spamming chat while also being in an instanced area.

Chat is across all instances in the zone. And again MMO is a social game. Build a comunity of Friends or Guildies to do the things.


- Terrible UI: Can't hide not used icon slots.

Ok, GUI could be improved.


- No target of target

I didn't used it yet, so if it's not included as you claim it would be a nice adition indeed.


- Targeting is **** and placement of targets icon is even worse.

I had no problems targeting.....


- Terrible in game map: Cant zoom or do anything

You CAN zoom and change the portion of map you are seeing. So... learn to use it, it's very intuitive.


- No UI scaling, actually pretty much no UI options at all.

Again, GUI can be improved.


- Terrible AH UI: Need I say more?

That can also be improved. It's kinda odd to use.


- 50's already with faceroll endgame raids.

Didn't know about that, didn't saw any news about it. And really I don't thing a World First XXXXXX won't be noticed in Internet.



Most if not all of these things are TOTALLY unacceptable, especially for a 2012 release.


Makes me wonder *** the beta was for? So many elementary things are broken, it's mind blowing.


So... if the game is that bad..... I'm sorry to miss you, well not really. Moving on.

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First of all this game isn't a MMO, it's a SP game with some MP aspects and heavy instancing, on par with Guild Wars if not worse.


It's an MMO. No matter how you spin it, it's still an MMO.


- Terrible controls: Clunky, unresponsive and heavy.


Set your ability queue to 0.0 and you will not have this issue. If you still feel the same way afterwards, it's all in your head.


- Everything is instanced to an extreme.


At lower levels it feels this way ... later on, the worlds are so big, you can get lost.


- Terrible graphics: Lack of options too.


You go on back to your graphics that look like this:



I'll continue with this:



Yep, terrible graphics and lack of options ...




- No mod support: Recount etc is a must for end game content. However seeing PvE in this game is faceroll I guess it's not needed.


Have you seen end game? Have you participated in it? I can assure you, it's no where near as "faceroll" as you think it is. I don't need Recount to down bosses. Although I would love a damage parser in game to be honest.


- Companions are silly, why not make the character more powerful instead.


You're right, Han Solo was just amazing without Chewy. Sorry, but Companions are a great part of this game with lore to back it.


- NO DR in PvP: ROFL!


Umm, there is DR in PvP. You'd know this if you got past level 10 and did any kind of PvP in game.


- No PvP brackets: 50's just dominate all.


Then get your happy *** to level 50!

I didn't buy this game to PvP as a level 25 player.


- No combat tab: Big ***?


They said they will be possibly implementing a Damage Parser in the future.


- Broken loot system: Anyone can need on anything, even if they can't use it.


Join a guild.


- Can't pick another advanced tree without leveling.


Take responsibility for your choices and understand what you're getting when you make your choice. This isn't WoW. Things are different here and I like it. I like it a lot.


- No LFG system - Spamming chat while also being in an instanced area.


Join a guild. LFG system is a joke and will always be a joke.


- Terrible UI: Can't hide not used icon slots.


There are a lot worse UI's out there. SWTOR's is fine. You're just nitpicking now.


- No target of target


I can usually tell when the mob is targeting me because usually he's looking at me and I'm taking damage. Or, I can check my groups health bars and get a good idea of who the mob is targeting. I don't need target of target. Common sense tends to get my answers for me.


- Targeting is **** and placement of targets icon is even worse.


I have no issues targeting.


- Terrible in game map: Cant zoom or do anything


This isn't Google Earth. It's Star Wars: The Old Republic video game.


- No UI scaling, actually pretty much no UI options at all.


I agree to some extent. However, when I bought a 32" LED 2ms Samsung, my UI became extremely small ... just the way I like it.


- Terrible AH UI: Need I say more?


Much like the first AH UI WoW had. I'm used to it and it's not a deal breaker for me.


- 50's already with faceroll endgame raids.


What? I don't even know what the hell you're talking about here ...



Most if not all of these things are TOTALLY unacceptable, especially for a 2012 release.


Makes me wonder *** the beta was for? So many elementary things are broken, it's mind blowing.


Game launched in 2011. Not 2012.

This is your first launch isn't it?


Please, go back and anxiously await your Pandas in Panda Land (that somehow the Ancient Dragon Aspects didn't even know existed) doing Karate while engaging in Pokemon battles.

Edited by Alkiii
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However I'm post valid feedback and hopefully stop future buyers from buying the game, as at this point of time it would be literally throwing your money down the drain.


Remember the things I posted are mostly facts on how broken things are, not being a fanboi or bashing. Just being realistic.


Guess what Not a single thing you posted is valid feedback so go back to WoW as that's clearly where you should be.

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was that not the job of the beta testers?


Sure, it was. What does that have to do with anything? Maybe you can explain how his post is "trying to help". Is there anything in there that points outside of 'I'm just trying to be a narcissistic crybaby'? He wants to cry about it, now he probably feels better. But, that does not improve anything. 1/3 of the stuff he wrote, I agree with. Another 1/3 no one understands what he is talking about, and the last 1/3 is complete horses**t.

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I agree with the OP my hype has worn off this game is very disappointing


all you fan boys are delusional....


Consider the possibility that everyone in the world might not share the same tastes.


Do you listen to the same music as your parents? Your children (if you have any - which I kinda doubt)? Do every one of your friends like the same movies?


Is there more than one restaurant chain in the world, and are there multiple dishes to choose from off a sort of "menu" of selections, or do we all just like to eat the same things every time?


Is it, by extension, possible that some people might like a game that you might not like, without them being delusional fanbois, and without you being simultaneously clueless, shallow, and bitter?


I like to think so. :)

Edited by Aloro
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I agree with the OP my hype has worn off this game is very disappointing


all you fan boys are delusional....


Then go away. If I hate a restaurant, I stop eating there. I don't care if you think I'm a fanboy for having fun. I don't consider it an insult. Why are we delusional? Because the game is fun for some people and not others? Sense. You don't make it.

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Then go away. If I hate a restaurant, I stop eating there. I don't care if you think I'm a fanboy for having fun. I don't consider it an insult. Why are we delusional? Because the game is fun for some people and not others? Sense. You don't make it.


"All you fanbois who eat pizza are delusional. Cuban sandwiches are the only good food in the world."


[Note: I like both pizza and cuban sandwiches]

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I agree with the OP my hype has worn off this game is very disappointing


all you fan boys are delusional....


I enjoy eating at Red Lobster. You don't. I guess that makes me a Red Lobster fan boy.


I enjoy taking walks on the beach. You don't. I guess that makes me a taking a walk on the beach fanboy.

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Then go away. If I hate a restaurant, I stop eating there. I don't care if you think I'm a fanboy for having fun. I don't consider it an insult. Why are we delusional? Because the game is fun for some people and not others? Sense. You don't make it.


Stupid comparison is stupid.


People like the game. They see the potential. They want it to be better. Dismissing any and all criticism as whining only hurts the game.

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Seeing you could not understand the meaning of a game tester / beta tester here is a Definition.


Video game tester, literally tests all games developed and programmed by companies. They are the quality assurance team that ensure, of course, the quality of each and every game. Their main task is to test run games being delegate to them. They should spot and see bugs, glitches and errors then report it to the developer or programmer so that they can fix it. By this kind of game testing, companies can be sure that all games coming from them that holds their name are at its finest level: error and bug free (or at least lesser error and bugs).


An things i have mentioned should have been fixed considering there a no brainier but sadly instead of spending there income on design an testing cost they chose to spend all there income on voice over.

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Stupid comparison is stupid.


People like the game. They see the potential. They want it to be better. Dismissing any and all criticism as whining only hurts the game.


"Your pizzeria sucks! I only want to eat cuban sandwiches. You're never going to make any money selling pizza since nobody likes that food."


Not all complaints are constructive. Sharing your preferences is fine, but that won't always lead to change, nor should it.

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Stupid comparison is stupid.


People like the game. They see the potential. They want it to be better. Dismissing any and all criticism as whining only hurts the game.


You mean like dismissing all praise as fanboyism? Patches will come out, things that aren't here now will arrive. A restaurant might hire new chefs and expand the menu. That doesn't mean you have to keep eating there and whining until they do.


Nope, my analogy is solid. Thanks for playing.

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However I'm post valid feedback and hopefully stop future buyers from buying the game, as at this point of time it would be literally throwing your money down the drain.


Remember the things I posted are mostly facts on how broken things are, not being a fanboi or bashing. Just being realistic.


If they wanna try the game who are YOU to tell them they shouldnt? No you are just some WoW fanboi hating on this game because in the long run you know its gonna hurt(No not kill) WoW.


Go back to your WoW please.

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First of all this game isn't a MMO, it's a SP game with some MP aspects and heavy instancing, on par with Guild Wars if not worse.


- Terrible controls: Clunky, unresponsive and heavy.


- Everything is instanced to an extreme.


- Terrible graphics: Lack of options too.


- No mod support: Recount etc is a must for end game content. However seeing PvE in this game is faceroll I guess it's not needed.


- Companions are silly, why not make the character more powerful instead.


- NO DR in PvP: ROFL!


- No PvP brackets: 50's just dominate all.


- No combat tab: Big ***?


- Broken loot system: Anyone can need on anything, even if they can't use it.


- Can't pick another advanced tree without leveling.


- No LFG system - Spamming chat while also being in an instanced area.


- Terrible UI: Can't hide not used icon slots.


- No target of target


- Targeting is **** and placement of targets icon is even worse.


- Terrible in game map: Cant zoom or do anything


- No UI scaling, actually pretty much no UI options at all.


- Terrible AH UI: Need I say more?


- 50's already with faceroll endgame raids.



Most if not all of these things are TOTALLY unacceptable, especially for a 2012 release.


Makes me wonder *** the beta was for? So many elementary things are broken, it's mind blowing.


This isn't the first post you've made bashing the game, if it's that bad, just stop playing it, and stop using the forums as your personal sounding board, nobody is interested.

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And this is bad, because... :confused:


LOL, exactly. It's a casual/semi-casual friendly game. Average gamer these days actually has a full time job and a family. I thought the design in this sense was brilliant.


I group when I want to, not because I ever HAVE to.

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You mean like dismissing all praise as fanboyism? Patches will come out, things that aren't here now will arrive. A restaurant might hire new chefs and expand the menu. That doesn't mean you have to keep eating there and whining until they do.


Nope, my analogy is solid. Thanks for playing.


If you really want to stay with it, fine.


Most people eat at a restaurant once. If it's bad they certainly won't come back. If it happens to be really good they just might. First impressions are all-important in the gaming industry as well. Right now the first impression of TOR anyone with a bit of experience in the field might get isn't very good. Solid, but not good enough to pay for on a regular basis.

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Stupid comparison is stupid.


People like the game. They see the potential. They want it to be better. Dismissing any and all criticism as whining only hurts the game.


So making a hypocritical reply somehow validates your point of view? Seriously?


We always want better. It's human nature. Nothing is perfect and not everyone will be happy. Someone will always complain, just to complain. All I read in the OP's post was whining and I can assure you, it's not hurting the game one single bit.

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