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So what did BW get RIGHT? Hard to tell.


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Most of us are. We are playing and having fun while fully expecting BW to fix the issues that need fixing and improve the systems already there.


Is that evil?




The game is fun despite the issues. That's what is important when playing a game...


WoW has everything the OP is pointing out, and everytime I go back to it and start playing it, I am bored in about 15 minutes.


There are issues, yes, but the game is fun, what more can I say.

Edited by DroidDestroyer
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This game is targeted at different people that doesn't play WoW or EQ.


You don't need UI or addon because it confused the hell out of causal people. My mom is not going to go download them. Why would farmville need addons? Why would SWTOR need addons? SWTOR is for causal players who likes to play the single player part and maybe do some other things with other people like selling in the AH.

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This game is targeted at different people that doesn't play WoW or EQ.


You don't need UI or addon because it confused the hell out of causal people. My mom is not going to go download them. Why would farmville need addons? Why would SWTOR need addons? SWTOR is for causal players who likes to play the single player part and maybe do some other things with other people like selling in the AH.


Yeah those flashpoints are dead easy on your own, as well as the heroic 4 quests.


Game is alot of fun shame these forums are full of negativity.


Create server forums please so wecan avoid the cesspit of general discussion

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First of all this game isn't a MMO, it's a SP game with some MP aspects and heavy instancing, on par with Guild Wars if not worse.


- Terrible controls: Clunky, unresponsive and heavy.


- Everything is instanced to an extreme.


- Terrible graphics: Lack of options too.


- No mod support: Recount etc is a must for end game content. However seeing PvE in this game is faceroll I guess it's not needed.


- Companions are silly, why not make the character more powerful instead.


- NO DR in PvP: ROFL!


- No PvP brackets: 50's just dominate all.


- No combat tab: Big ***?


- Broken loot system: Anyone can need on anything, even if they can't use it.


- Can't pick another advanced tree without leveling.


- No LFG system - Spamming chat while also being in an instanced area.


- Terrible UI: Can't hide not used icon slots.


- No target of target


- Targeting is **** and placement of targets icon is even worse.


- Terrible in game map: Cant zoom or do anything


- No UI scaling, actually pretty much no UI options at all.


- Terrible AH UI: Need I say more?


- 50's already with faceroll endgame raids.



Most if not all of these things are TOTALLY unacceptable, especially for a 2012 release.


Makes me wonder *** the beta was for? So many elementary things are broken, it's mind blowing.



Post is full of innacurate, misguided, uninformed, exagerated and more than anything wrong information about everything. How many of these posts can you possibly make? No really, I want to see, keep going.



I'd tell you to go back to _________________ but I don't think any game really deserves to have a player like you wasting valuable digital space.

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a lot of the bugs an flaws should have been caught in beta not let the game release an hope people do not notice.



This game was released why too early. I bet it was pushed a year early to get some investment money back.


When I invest into a game company I want my returns soon not in 5+ years. StarCraft 2 was a poor investment and an utter failure. SWTOR was pushed early to get the monthly fee so the investors will be happy.


I'm sure bugs and suggestions like these were caught in beta but it would take time to fix and implement so I'm sure they'll patch it in later. It's the norm in the business. Even console games have patches now on release day or two. Look at GT5.

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This game was released why too early. I bet it was pushed a year early to get some investment money back.


When I invest into a game company I want my returns soon not in 5+ years. StarCraft 2 was a poor investment and an utter failure. SWTOR was pushed early to get the monthly fee so the investors will be happy.


I'm sure bugs and suggestions like these were caught in beta but it would take time to fix and implement so I'm sure they'll patch it in later. It's the norm in the business. Even console games have patches now on release day or two. Look at GT5.




Released early? Where have you been? If I didn't know better, I'd say you were the OP on a different account.

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So many people (as the OP) want this to have exactly what WoW has, i dont !


Even if it is some of the WoW aspects in a different skin , im ok with that.


What we have UI and other stuff is good as it is, but some changes in upcoming months would be beneficial.

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Chin up folks this is the last day of the grace period so they haters and their many alt accounts will flood the forums with negativity.


And tomorrow we will get a glimpse of the real community.


we so excited!


I love these threads. I love to level up my post count while I'm at work and unable to play.

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Yeah those flashpoints are dead easy on your own, as well as the heroic 4 quests.


Game is alot of fun shame these forums are full of negativity.


Create server forums please so wecan avoid the cesspit of general discussion


"cesspit of general discussion" has got like that, some issues are worth complaining about but far too many threads on the same issue, and it does make real negative reading a lot of it.


I may well just play the game and avoid the this forum, at least until the last dregs of major trolls just trolling though the free 30 days are gone.

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what does wow have to do with class balancing along with pvp game mechanics which were way way over looked?


You think a heal which returns 1% an has a 8 second cast in any game be it a mmo or xbox is considered acceptable?

Edited by Bertith
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sorry not a troll if you do not see it being the truth an fact roll a sage your self an pvp with it then tell me i am a troll.


then ask a trooper to heal you an you will see why this should have never gotten past beta.

Edited by Bertith
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First of all this game isn't a MMO, it's a SP game with some MP aspects and heavy instancing, on par with Guild Wars if not worse.


- Terrible controls: Clunky, unresponsive and heavy.


- Everything is instanced to an extreme.


- Terrible graphics: Lack of options too.


- No mod support: Recount etc is a must for end game content. However seeing PvE in this game is faceroll I guess it's not needed.


- Companions are silly, why not make the character more powerful instead.


- NO DR in PvP: ROFL!


- No PvP brackets: 50's just dominate all.


- No combat tab: Big ***?


- Broken loot system: Anyone can need on anything, even if they can't use it.


- Can't pick another advanced tree without leveling.


- No LFG system - Spamming chat while also being in an instanced area.


- Terrible UI: Can't hide not used icon slots.


- No target of target


- Targeting is **** and placement of targets icon is even worse.


- Terrible in game map: Cant zoom or do anything


- No UI scaling, actually pretty much no UI options at all.


- Terrible AH UI: Need I say more?


- 50's already with faceroll endgame raids.



Most if not all of these things are TOTALLY unacceptable, especially for a 2012 release.


Makes me wonder *** the beta was for? So many elementary things are broken, it's mind blowing.


Obviously this is not the game for you, sir.

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However I'm post valid feedback and hopefully stop future buyers from buying the game, as at this point of time it would be literally throwing your money down the drain.


Remember the things I posted are mostly facts on how broken things are, not being a fanboi or bashing. Just being realistic.


I don't think that word means what you think it means.

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First of all this game isn't a MMO, it's a SP game with some MP aspects and heavy instancing, on par with Guild Wars if not worse.


- Terrible controls: Clunky, unresponsive and heavy.


- Everything is instanced to an extreme.


- Terrible graphics: Lack of options too.


- No mod support: Recount etc is a must for end game content. However seeing PvE in this game is faceroll I guess it's not needed.


- Companions are silly, why not make the character more powerful instead.


- NO DR in PvP: ROFL!


- No PvP brackets: 50's just dominate all.


- No combat tab: Big ***?


- Broken loot system: Anyone can need on anything, even if they can't use it.


- Can't pick another advanced tree without leveling.


- No LFG system - Spamming chat while also being in an instanced area.


- Terrible UI: Can't hide not used icon slots.


- No target of target


- Targeting is **** and placement of targets icon is even worse.


- Terrible in game map: Cant zoom or do anything


- No UI scaling, actually pretty much no UI options at all.


- Terrible AH UI: Need I say more?


- 50's already with faceroll endgame raids.



Most if not all of these things are TOTALLY unacceptable, especially for a 2012 release.


Makes me wonder *** the beta was for? So many elementary things are broken, it's mind blowing.


Apparently you never heard of a game called Earthrise, or it's release.

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First of all this game isn't a MMO, it's a SP game with some MP aspects and heavy instancing, on par with Guild Wars if not worse.


- Terrible controls: Clunky, unresponsive and heavy.


- Everything is instanced to an extreme.


- Terrible graphics: Lack of options too.


- No mod support: Recount etc is a must for end game content. However seeing PvE in this game is faceroll I guess it's not needed.


- Companions are silly, why not make the character more powerful instead.


- NO DR in PvP: ROFL!


- No PvP brackets: 50's just dominate all.


- No combat tab: Big ***?


- Broken loot system: Anyone can need on anything, even if they can't use it.


- Can't pick another advanced tree without leveling.


- No LFG system - Spamming chat while also being in an instanced area.


- Terrible UI: Can't hide not used icon slots.


- No target of target


- Targeting is **** and placement of targets icon is even worse.


- Terrible in game map: Cant zoom or do anything


- No UI scaling, actually pretty much no UI options at all.


- Terrible AH UI: Need I say more?


- 50's already with faceroll endgame raids.



Most if not all of these things are TOTALLY unacceptable, especially for a 2012 release.


Makes me wonder *** the beta was for? So many elementary things are broken, it's mind blowing.



I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you come from WoW.


How many of these things do you remember WoW having at it's launch?


I can tell you, the only thing you listed that I'd remove from your list is: The AH UI, at least with WoW's you could do a search without having to make 5 dropdown menu choices.


Other than that, these things either didn't exist or there was no addon with the feature implemented yet.

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So far, I love everything about the game except for a few things:


1) some things are way overpriced.

2) the AH seems pretty useless at this time.


Otherwise, I love the graphics, game play, my new lightsabre, etc.


I played SWG, and let me tell you, this FEELS like star wars. Grant it, it is still new and I am sure they will be improving on many different aspects along the way. Pains of a new MMO for sure.


My 2 credits...

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This is my second thread, which listed a number of issues. Other one was purely based on movement.


I'm trying to help save people money here bro and help BW fix their game.


You're not trying to help them fix anything. You are trying to bi**h, and you are doing a wonderful job. If you were trying to help, you would offer ideas as solutions, but you don't. You just say; "this sux, need I say more?" "Oh, and this sucks too!", and "I can't believe this is happening in 2012!!" Go back to WoW. Please. Complaining about a lack of mods on day two of a game just shows your mental maturity. Oh, and on a side note, please don't vote in the upcoming election. You scare me.

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