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So what did BW get RIGHT? Hard to tell.


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Trolls gotta go Trolling. My guess is that he can't raid in WoW anymore cause all his friends are playing SWTOR so all he can do is hate.


Bro I went back to WoW as soon as I got to level 11 in this abysmal utter trash game.


WoW is YEARS ahead of this game in every possible way, if you can't see that I feel bad for you, seriously.

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First of all this game isn't a MMO, it's a SP game with some MP aspects and heavy instancing, on par with Guild Wars if not worse.


- Terrible controls: Clunky, unresponsive and heavy.


- Everything is instanced to an extreme.


- Terrible graphics: Lack of options too.


- No mod support: Recount etc is a must for end game content. However seeing PvE in this game is faceroll I guess it's not needed.


- Companions are silly, why not make the character more powerful instead.


- NO DR in PvP: ROFL!


- No PvP brackets: 50's just dominate all.


- No combat tab: Big ***?


- Broken loot system: Anyone can need on anything, even if they can't use it.


- Can't pick another advanced tree without leveling.


- No LFG system - Spamming chat while also being in an instanced area.


- Terrible UI: Can't hide not used icon slots.


- No target of target


- Targeting is **** and placement of targets icon is even worse.


- Terrible in game map: Cant zoom or do anything


- No UI scaling, actually pretty much no UI options at all.


- Terrible AH UI: Need I say more?


- 50's already with faceroll endgame raids.



Most if not all of these things are TOTALLY unacceptable, especially for a 2012 release.


Makes me wonder *** the beta was for? So many elementary things are broken, it's mind blowing.


Excellent post. Agree.


And for those that ask again, the only reason we play is it's star wars. Thats it. If it wasn't I would have left in beta.

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Bro I went back to WoW as soon as I got to level 11 in this abysmal utter trash game.


WoW is YEARS ahead of this game in every possible way, if you can't see that I feel bad for you, seriously.


Well... ToR has the better storytelling at least.

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Op, I realize I am a little late to the game here.

Terrible controls: Clunky, unresponsive and heavy?

Not for me.


- Everything is instanced to an extreme.

- Terrible graphics: Lack of options too.

I think the game looks great for a MMO and great over all, what is the problem here people?

Instanced areas do not bother me.


None of the other points are anything I care about. I am having fun with the game.

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Op, I realize I am a little late to the game here.


Not for me.



I think the game looks great for a MMO and great over all, what is the problem here people?

Instanced areas do not bother me.


None of the other points are anything I care about. I am having fun with the game.


If you don't find it clunkly you obviously never played WoW. WoW's movement is extremely smooth and excellent for kiting, jumping etc.



Also how can instancing not bother you? It's a MMO not SP.

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If you don't find it clunkly you obviously never played WoW. WoW's movement is extremely smooth and excellent for kiting, jumping etc.




Ah, you seem to have confused "MMORPG" with "Mario Brothers". There's your problem.


The less people I see hopping everywhere like frogs with cattle prods up their ***, the better.

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Can someone please explain to me why these morons keep using the term "it's a single player game with multiplayer aspects, not an MMO".


Let me describe what those three letters mean.


M - Massively

M - Multiplayer

O - Online.


Now, correct me if I am wrong. But is this game not:


1. Massive?

2. Multiplayer?

3. Online?



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Can someone please explain to me why these morons keep using the term "it's a single player game with multiplayer aspects, not an MMO".


Let me describe what those three letters mean.


M - Massively

M - Multiplayer

O - Online.


Now, correct me if I am wrong. But is this game not:


1. Massive?

2. Multiplayer?

3. Online?




Considering how you can play for hours without even bumping into another player the multiplayer aspect of the game is debatable. Instancing makes every server feel like a ghost town and totally kill immersion.

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And yes, I have indeed played WoW (for 6 years) and while I haven't got the hang of kiting (I'm honestly not sure if there's a point to it in this game, we aren't hunters), I do not find the controls 'clunky' one bit. Perhaps you need to upgrade the log you are using for a PC?


P.S. Yes I am going to reply one post at a time, one after the other, because honestly? I feel like it.

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Considering how you can play for hours without even bumping into another player the multiplayer aspect of the game is debatable. Instancing makes every server feel like a ghost town and totally kill immersion.


what time of the day are you playing? cause i play at 7am and i still see people all the time.

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Considering how you can play for hours without even bumping into another player the multiplayer aspect of the game is debatable. Instancing makes every server feel like a ghost town and totally kill immersion.


Hopefully they'll remove the phases soon so we can all be in the one phase. Also, have you seen the size of some planets? It's rather easy to feel alone out there in Tattooine's desert.

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- Terrible controls: Clunky, unresponsive and heavy.

Lag on your end, even with my dated pc the controls are responsive.

- Terrible graphics: Lack of options too.

Relative, but more options I've heard are coming.

- No mod support: Recount etc is a must for end game content. However seeing PvE in this game is faceroll I guess it's not needed.


- NO DR in PvP: ROFL!

If by DR you mean diminishing returns, there is actually. Watch that white bar under someones name. I believe its also displayed right near the portrait.

- No PvP brackets: 50's just dominate all.

I'd be willing to bet they didn't do a seperate bracket at launch just so power levelers wouldn't whine about no one to play with. I expect to see it first patch.

- No combat tab: Big ***?

Flat out lie.

- Can't pick another advanced tree without leveling.[/Quote] They are seperate classes anyways. Even those that share the same base class play remarkably different.

- No LFG system - Spamming chat while also being in an instanced area.[/Quote] Apparently being worked on.

- No target of target[/Quote] Fair enough, I agree.

- No UI scaling, actually pretty much no UI options at all.[/Quote] I'd Wager we will see this in the Addon/Macro patch.

- Terrible AH UI: Need I say more?[/Quote] I agree, the filter windows on vendors and the galactic kiosk leave much to be desired.

- 50's already with faceroll endgame raids.[/Quote] What?

Edited by Aisriyth
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Hopefully they'll remove the phases soon so we can all be in the one phase. Also, have you seen the size of some planets? It's rather easy to feel alone out there in Tattooine's desert.


if there was 92394782402384293042384230848340 people out there it wouldnt feel much like a desert now would it? I for one hope they keep the phases.

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