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What's up with the HM 55 FP MK-2 tank armoring?


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So I hit 55 on my main (guardian tank) and got to work crafting. Made myself a full set of purple 66 mods/enhances, and blue 28 augments. Got my mitigation near all the target values (worked out to 9 elusive modBs, 7 immunity enhances, 8 redoubt/3 shield/3absorb augments.


Loving life.


I'm now farming Elite comms (I don't know that I'll ever get to do many ops, so Black Market Mk-2 is my wishlist at the moment) and I got two drops yesterday, Boots & Legs. I have my own custom armor I like the look of so I'm pulling out the modifications, and I see the tooltip "Advanced Might Armoring 30"...




So I start researching, and FOUR of the Mk-2 pieces (which have the good Mods/Enhancements) have MIGHT armorings in them.


I start checking all the Damage/Healer sets to see if they have tank armorings... nope. I accept that for any class to get an optimal set of 69 (162) gear, they will have to do a combination of buying Mk-1, getting Mk-2, and swapping out some Mods/Enhancements. But on my tank I now know I will HAVE to buy the Head, Chest, Legs & Shield from the Mk-1 pool, so I can get the Guardian armoring out of it.


When everyone says BioWare is dicking us around and evil people for putting Accuracy/Alacrity/Surge on our enhancements, I shrug it off. But the damned ARMORING? I don't really have a point, I'm just ranting and came to the Internet to find people who agree with me...


I mean it's only [EDIT: 40 Endurance, 400 Health], I suppose I could just use the Might armorings anyway, but it's really annoying.

Edited by Eugee
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I mean it's only 400 Endurance, I suppose I could just use the Might armorings anyway, but it's really annoying.


If you want to talk about raw effectiveness, the Might Armorings *are* more useful than the Guardian Armorings because Endurance does next to nothing for Guardians (you pretty much never need more than 32-33k hp stimmed, and you'll get that tangentially while improving your mitigation stats) whereas Strength increases the size of Blade Barrier.


Personally, I *prefer* Resolve, Might, and Reflex Armorings/Hilts for my tanks: better threat and no real loss in survivability (TTK might drop slightly, but TTK is a *terrible* measure of tankiness).

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Hmm. I guess you have a point. Still, while I don't prioritize endurance over mitigation ever, I've always taken Guardian hilt/armoring whenever I could. I guess it will be pretty rare that 400 health is the difference between downing a boss and wiping. (EverQuest purple club, anyone?)
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I guess it will be pretty rare that 400 health is the difference between downing a boss and wiping. (EverQuest purple club, anyone?)


I've run sims where the difference between a failed tanking of a boss and a succesful one is 70 hp, so it's not *never* going to happen, but the chances are so minute that it's almost never going to happen, and that number only happened because it was a Shadow tank I did the sim for (Shadow tanks are super spiky; VGs and Guards are super not-spiky).

Edited by Kitru
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Well, it does happen, I've seen our jug tanks be saved at 1 hp at least twice, but...it's really rare yeah ;)


Well... that's more likely a function that they had Endure Pain up and when it finished it removed all their extra health except that last hp. I've used that last bit to help get through burn phases, sometimes it's fun to be last man standing :)

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